Ella, 34, 35 l".uu [s.A.o, loss of the t;fan (irlbn on,
Ellen, I;27; of Greenwich. 0,3; of Calais,
44Gn. tleot% ID;, 2;[, 27:1, 404, 421; retaken,
Ellis, master of lhe D.i. tp, 1143 '" -
Ehnan, ir William. 285 or )twcon, :I 17. 33-I
flham, _. _, _.., takes a I:lamand ship, 47o
Ehnham, Adniiml 8it W' ' ',,l" o,.,
Ely, llane at, 88 Ill..to .l[.or,
]':mbargo on shil,ping , 183, o .o 3110 Ith.wo II, d&tto, 58 i. O }1
-- laid by pain upon English, ! }uteh, i the ) it, flock, 42 I
and German hiplfing, 48$ Falconeta, 4 D }, -t [
Eneio, M:trtin Fernandez: his ' Sillils de l"ah'm, 41tl- 11 [
l"alkhmd lsland discovered by John I avi,
( [grafia,' 4o2
England at the aecessitm of Elizatth, I;39
I,*ition of, 47:I, 474 Falmtntlh, 23:1, :15, 364, 6411. ;5: btu'nt
English squadr, m under Sir I lugh Spencer by the Coltill do la Marche, 31j2; Sl,anih
desn'oyed, 3oo desibm on, 524
"Enrt}neland," ;!;, 3: 14tn,?l , 593,
Enlistment of scrunch, 118 "Fare-coast," 3::8
Em'iquez, lh,n Diego Tellc, 571,578, 57D, Faro attacked, 517
I;ot} I"are Islands, '"q .3.,O, A.,I, """ 338
--- (of Peru), Don Diego, 507, 571, 57:1, Far6es, Norsemen at the,
574, 37s, 59} I Fastolt; 8it .h,hn,
Ei,hemerides of Regiomtmtanus, 400 , Fauc, mber, A,lmirai Williant Ncx ille, Lord,
Eratosthenes calcul:ttes the obliquity of lhe ' 3s7,
ecliptic, ;lu Thomas, bastard ol;
Erisey, James, S[O Fayal, taken by Cumbcrlan,l, 493: in-
Erith, 405 effectual attempt on, 4t; <izal by
Erris, loss of the D,t&t off; 583 lktlegh, 521
l.h'skine of I}ttn, 8eyreour lntl.l by, 488 I"earne, Richard,
,tpas, l}l l"dcantl) , English success ofl 179; Echyng-
Esealin, Antoine: see Polain. ham chases ships into, 454
Esnecca, 1ol Felton, 8it John, 227
"Espagnols sur 3let," "1.', 1 - Sir Th,,mas, 285
][sprr&r, 120 n. -- 8it Willkiln, 255
Espirit& .Santo. 5!D, 602 Femer, Captain. 520
Essex, Henry. Earl of, 388 - - C:tptain Edward, 58D
--Roteft I)cvcux, Earl o[ 42D, 491, George, 5D0; his voyage to Guinea,
o1.,-._.,, 530 477, 478
50, 51o, -" -o-,
-- William de Mandevillc, Earl oi; 104, Captain Thomas, 42t, 487, 4
IOl; 502 n., 557. 551, 570, ; mortally
"Estlanda," o .... , I 8;10, 8:111 woullded, 4q �
"Estotiland," :;, :127, ""s ""'" ........ - Captain Willi:un, 4DI n., 58D
Etal,les, l'eaceol; 446 Fent, m, Captain E,hvm'd, -t8$j. 57fl, 5fiD,
I.;thellahl, 12 ;25, G20; his voyage to Brazil,
Ethelherr, ::7 Ferdinand, Cmmt of Flanders, apl,eals
lqtheh'ed, : .Iohn, 180, 181
the Purpomless, D;, 42, 45, 4G l"t. rnan,lez, Simon, 5S9
!':lhehvahl, son of Etheh'cd, 40 Fernando, Simon, 047 Ethelwull; 3{; Ferrets, Admiral Sir 11alph, 2, 2si," "' I-:ust:tce the Monk, 178 n., 183, 184 and n., of Groby, llenry l,ord, 250, 235 185, 181;, 189 Sir Thomas de, "'" l';van of Wales, _8.,, _., " ' -- L,,rd, 25o Ev:ms, John, journey ol in search of Welsh XValter, Lord, 453 and n., 455, In,lians, :ill} I'�rrol, Sl,anish fleet at, "Exchtsa," 117 Filieenth granted lbr the defence of the Exeter, l:l; 8weyn at, ; galh.ys of, 114 rcahn, a, '2
Admiral John, Earl of lhmtingdon "Findais," right ol; 132
att, l Duke ot :, 387 Finistt. re, 358 Admiral Thomas, Earl of Dorset and Firehark, 1,rohibition of trade to, 8D5 Duke oi; 3Sl, a82, :183 "Fire-pence," 123 Exmouth, 1 };tnes at, 48 l"irc, prevention ol 430 Export of gmq,owder la'ohibited. 371 l"ireships, l::$; cmph,ycd against the --- of provisions lbrbidden, 2 Ill Armada, 575, 577