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Firing-irons, 14!) ] Flemyng, Captain Thomas, 562, 563, 566, Fish, royal, 1.,. 591 Fisher, John, 5;5 n., 592 Fletcher. Drake's chaplain, 629 Fisheries, concessions to the, 139 Flicke, Robert, 526, 5 -- Scots, 315 Flight, 423 Fishermen distressed by the press, 465, [ Fl.dden Fiehl. 450, 457 466 Florence, trenty of mciproci(y with, 238 Drake harasses Spanish, 4S8 Florenciu, 56s, 571,598

seized 1,y the Sl,aniards, English, 566 Flores, Lord Thomas Howard at, 495; 

Fishing-boats, privileges to, 1 Cnmberlan,l's seventh exldition at, 5o3, Fishing in the Cllamel prevented, 198 ] 5'27: Burgh and Crosse at, 500 Fitz'onnt, Henry, 11q de Vahles 1)iego, 56S and n., 571,573, FitzErard, Stephen, 7 57s, 5Sl. 582, 584, 599 FitzGemhl, Maurice, 162 n. Floida, 3o7: J.hn tlawkyns relieves the Fitzmaurice, James, 482 ] French in, 61 FitzSampson, John, 122 Flotsam, 152 FitzStephen, Robert. t*;2, 163 Fh)tte, Pierre, 264

Thomas, 78, 81 FIo.wer de L,tee, 421 

FitzSuanild, William, 11. 119 Flushing, :189, 483: Leicester goes to, 486; Fitzwalter, Admiral Sir Walter, 295 Spanish prizes taken into, 579 n.

Walter, tburth Lord, 288; mutiny in Fluyes, 144 

his shil, , 2ss Fog a ritemr in naval warlhre, -- Walter, fifth Lord, : F-gs, signals in, 43: Fitz-William (later Earl -f goathampton), "Foists," 435 Admiral Sir William, 453 and n., 458, F-ljamhe, Hercules, 526 459, 460 ' P],lbestote, 1:11 Flag, hnnom' of the, 47o, 471, 472: the F,,lkt,ne, 247: Freneh attack on, 184; Dutch, 510 n.: the prince's, 510 n.; burnt, Spanish outrage on a, of truce, 4, 494 F.lsloke, William, 437 "Flag of Council," 430 Forbernard, William de, 136 Flags, 103, 125, 1:, 147, 341, 342, 414, F-rdr, William, 596 655: duty of ships to lbllow, 4:12 car-I F.ecastles, 145 ried by the Spanish Armada, 54t, 562, F-eigners, lrohihition of sales of shipping 566 to, 148 Flareand fleet off the English coast, 224 "Fore-lock," 340 piracies, 469, 470 Pbreslgld, 423, 425, 491 n., 495 and n., . . o_t, 5'q 581 n., 588, 589 vessels wrongrally captnred, 373 49g, 50o, 5o4, " Flareands, admit the English dominion of Fm'estage, 1411 the seas, 141: at the battle of Sitds, part Forestailing, 152 takeu by the, 252, 256, 257, 258; eom- F-rindon, William de, 1:11 plain of ldmcy, 358; cut off near Brest, F-rtescue, Cal',tain, o_. 47:: leorth, English fleet. in the, 234; Jean de Flareborough Head, 362 Vienne in the, 297; operations in the, Flamste improves the Back-staff, 403 458; hmding in th% 460; Sir William Flanders, Godwin in, 51; and Bnulognel Wynter's successes in the, 475; the thaten inxasion, 161; I]tlv ol 2: Arnmda to be chased Expedition to, 242 et seq.; thd trade with, the design al,andoned, 581 243; llenry ot 255; Edxard IlL goes ] Fro'tress, a I,ortahle, 29t to, 262 Mercenaries from, 274: ships ] Fortow, 41, ,I,tained d-ore, 277 I'eace with, 282: Fortz, William de, lo3, 167 Margaret of jou fls to, 38p; Warbeck Foster, master of the J'rimrose, 484 in, 446 Founes, .hunes, Flauders pirate, 216 Fowey, 1:1, 35s burnt, 290 Flawo'd ('?), 34i Foxxlers, 409, 412 l,'leet of fii. r, 12, 35 Foxcrat, Samuel. 592 -- of Edgar, 15, 41; raised h) English Fra [anro, Imtl t,l 4ol n,,hles, 17; huilt hy Efiieh'ed. 44; dis- Frauc% war with, 163: seeks aid fi'Oln t.ihution of the, 113, 114: of Richard I., Norway, 209: truce 'ith, 212, 213, 296, order of sailing of the, 169: rew,lt to :, 384, 391 assisted by Edward 1., Warwick of l,art of the, 387: collected 213: asks lbr assistance against Flanders, hy Edward V1.,467; mobilised in 15.. 219; war with, 225, 390, 469, 477; 52 peace with, 22;. 459, 466, 469, 475; Fleming, master t,f the .lffc,'tivn, 526 Edward 111. l'envtmces his claim to the