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Page:Roze, Nicolas. Méthode de Serpent (1830).djvu/25

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Note the sixth and seventh notes of a minor scale may vary as in the following example.

\layout {
  indent= #10
  \relative {
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass \key g \minor
    \time 15/1
    g1 fis ees! d c bes a
    g ^ "This variation is little used when ascending."
    a bes c d ees! fis! g
    \bar "||"

\layout {
  indent= #10
  \relative {
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass \key d \major
    \time 8/1
      ^ "D major scale."
      _ "Here we recommend C♯ played all open while pinching the lip"
    d1 e fis g a b cis d
    d cis b a g fis e d
    \bar "||"

\layout {
  indent= #10
  \relative {
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass \key d \major
    \time 20/1
    ^ "In the following, the C♯ can be played closed"
    d1 cis b a g fis e d
    cis d e fis g a b cis
    d g, a d,
    \bar "||"

\layout {
  indent= #10
  \relative {
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass \key b \minor
    \time 8/1
    ^ "B minor is the relative."
    b,1 cis d e fis gis ais b
    b a! g! fis e d cis! b
    \bar "||"

\layout {
  indent= #10
  \relative {
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass \key a \major
    \time 8/1
    ^ "A major scale."
    a,1 b cis d e fis gis a
    \time 10/1
    a gis fis e d cis b a a' a,
    \bar "||"

\layout {
  indent= #10
  \relative {
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass \key a \major
    \time 8/1
    ^ "F♯ minor is the relative."
    fis,1 gis a b cis dis eis fis
    \time 10/1
    fis e! d! cis b a gis! fis
    \bar "||"

  \layout { 
    indent= #10
    system-count = #2 \context { \Score \omit BarNumber } }
  \relative {
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass \key ees \major
    \time 15/1
    ^ "E♭ major scale."
    ees,1 f g aes bes c d ees f g aes bes c d ees
    \time 4/1
    ees d c bes \bar ""
    \time 19/1
    aes g f ees d c bes aes g f ees
    ees' bes g ees g bes ees ees,
    \bar "||"

  \layout { 
     indent= #10
     system-count = #2 \context { \Score \omit BarNumber }
  \relative {
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass \key c \minor
    \time 15/1
    ^ "C minor is the relative."
    c,1 d ees f g a b c d ees f g a b c
    \time 2/1
    c bes! \bar ""
    \time 20/1
    aes! g f ees d c
    c b bes a aes g fis f e ees d c c' c,
    \bar "||"