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Page:Roze, Nicolas. Méthode de Serpent (1830).djvu/26

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Exercises of different intervals

\layout {
  indent= #10
  \relative {
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass \key c \major
    \time 5/2 ^ "Ascending threes"
    \omit Stem
    c2 d e c e
    d e f d f
    e f g e g
    f g a f a
    g a b g b
    a b c a c
    \bar ".."

\layout {
  indent= #10
  \relative {
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass \key c \major
    \time 5/2 ^ "Descending threes"
    \omit Stem
    c'2 b a c a
    b a g b g
    a g f a f
    g f e g e
    f e d f d
    e d c e c
    \bar ".."

\layout {
  indent= #10
  \relative {
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass \key c \major
    \time 6/2 ^ "Ascending fours"
    \omit Stem
    c2 d e f c f
    d e f g d g
    e f g a e a
    f g a b f b
    g a b c g c
    \bar ".."

\layout {
  indent= #10
  \relative {
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass \key c \major
    \time 6/2 ^ "Descending fours"
    \omit Stem
    c'2 b a g c g
    b a g f b f
    a g f e a e
    g f e d g d
    f e d c f c
    \bar ".."

\layout {
  indent= #10
  \relative {
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass \key c \major
    \time 7/2 ^ "Ascending fives"
    \omit Stem
    c2 d e f g c, g'
    d  e f g a d, a'
    e  f g a b e, b'
    f  g a b c f, c'
    \bar ".."

\layout {
  indent= #10
  \relative {
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass \key c \major
    \time 7/2 ^ "Descending fives"
    \omit Stem
    c'2 b a g f c' f,
    b   a g f e b' e,
    a   g f e d a' d,
    g   f e d c g' c,
    \bar ".."

\layout {
  indent= #10
  \relative {
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass \key c \major
    \time 8/2 ^ "Ascending sixes"
    \omit Stem
    c2 d e f g a c, a'
    d, e f g a b d, b'
    e, f g a b c e, c'
    \bar ".."

\layout {
  indent= #10
  \relative {
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass \key c \major
    \time 8/2 ^ "Descending sixes"
    \omit Stem
    c'2 b a g f e c' e,
    b'  a g f e d b' d,
    a'  g f e d c a' c,
    \bar ".."

  \layout { 
   indent= #10 
   system-count = #1 }
  \relative {
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass \key c \major
    \time 9/2 ^ "Ascending sevens"
    \omit Stem
    c2 d e f g a b c, b'
    d, e f g a b c d, c'
    c ^ "Descending sevens"
       b a g f e d c' d,
    b' a g f e d c b' c,
    \bar ".."

  \layout { system-count = #2 \context { \Score \omit BarNumber } }
  \relative {
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass \key c \major
    \omit Stem
    ^ "Recapitulation"
    \time 5/2  c2 d e c e
    \time 6/2  c  d e f c f
    \time 7/2  c  d e f g c, g'
    \time 8/2  c, d e f g a c, a'
    \time 9/2  c, d e f g a b c, b'
    \time 10/2 c, d e f g a b c c, c'
    \bar ".." \break
    \time 5/2  c  b a c a
    \time 6/2  c  b a g c g
    \time 7/2  c  b a g f c' f,
    \time 8/2  c' b a g f e c' e,
    \time 9/2  c' b a g f e d c' d,
    \time 10/2 c' b a g f e d c c' c,
    \bar ".." 


Give in the same time the value of the notes and the different intervals

  \layout { 
    indent = #10
    system-count = #2 \context { \Score \omit BarNumber } }
  \relative {
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    \clef bass \key c \major
    \time 4/4
    c1 | d2 d, | d'1 | e2 e, | e'1 | f2 f, | f'1 | | g2 g, | g'1 | a2 a, | a'1 | b2 b, | b'1 | c2 c,
    \bar ".." \break
    c'1 | b2 b, | b'1 | a2 a, | a'1 | g2 g, | g'1 | f2 f, | f'1 | e2 e, | e'1 | d2 d, | d'1 | c2 c,
    \bar ".." 