A. D. 1 2 S 5 . Anno decimo tertio E d w a r d i I. Stat. 3. 17 Ex Rot. inTurr. Lond. kv liverez ou fon affigne tele feifine qil puilie norter bref de Novele diffeifine fil fett engete e 6e redefeifine auxi fi cum de frank tenement a te- nir a lui e a fes affignez taunt qe la dette fait paiee e apres la dette levee e paee feit le cors al dettur delivere ove fa terre. E en le bref qe le chaunceler enverra feit mencion fet qe le vii- cunte certifie les juftices del un baunc ou del au- tre coment il avera furni le comaundement le rey a un certein jour a quel jour le marchaunt fi fun gre ne foit fet fue devaunt les Juftices e ft le Vifcunte ne returne nul bref ou returne qe le bref vint tro. tart ou qil ad maunde al baillifs de la fraunchife fi facent les juftices folom ceo qil eft contenu en le drein ftatut de Weftmr'. E fi par cas le Vifcunte maunde qe le dettur neft pas trove ou feit clerk fi e'tt le marchaunt bref a tuz les Vifcuntes ou il avera terre qil lui liverent tuz les chateus e les tenemenz al dettur par refnable eftent a tenir a luy e a fes affignez en la. furme qe eft avauntdite e ja le plus tart eit bref a quel Vifcunte qil vodra deprendre fon cors ill eft ley e tenir en la furme avauntdite. E bien fe garde le gardein de la prifun qil luy co- vendra refpundre del cors ou de la dette. E apres ceo qe les terres al detter ferrunt livereez al mar- chaunt bien lirra au dettur fa terre vendre iffint qe le marchaunt neit damage de fes approvemenz e fauvez feient touz jours al marchaunt damages e chefcunz cuftagez neceffaires e refunnables en tra- vails futes delaies e en defpenfes. E fi le dettur truiffe plegges qi fe conoiffent eftre principals det- turs apres le jour paffe feit fet des plegges en totes chofes cum eft dit del principal dettur quant a cors prendre e terres liverer e autres chofes. E quant les terres al detturs ferrunt liverez as marchauntz fi eit feifine de totes les terres qe furent en le main le dettur le jour qe la conoiffaunce fu fete en qi mein qe eles ferrunt apres devenuz ou par feffe- ment ou per autre manere. E apres la dette paie les terres iffuz del dettur par feffement returnent auxibien arere al feffe cum les autres terres as det- turs. Eft le dettur ou plegge moerge point neitle marchaunt recoverir a prendre le cors le eir mes a fes terres cum avaunt eft dit fil eft de age ou quant il ferra de age. E feit purveu un feel qi ferve as feires e ceo feel ferra envoie a chefcune feire defuz le feel le rey par un clerk jure e par le gardein de la feire. E par la communaute des marchaunz feient eflus deus leus marchaunz de la cite de Lun- dres qil facent le ferment e devaunt eus feit le feel overt e la une peece feit bailie as avauntdiz mar- chaunz e lautre demoerge vers le clerk e devaunt eux ou le un des marchaunz ft amdeus ni poent eftre feient les conoiffaunces fetes cum devaunt eft dit. E avaunt ceo qe nul reconoiflaunce feitenroul- lee feit la peine del ftatut apertiement leu devaunt le dettur iffint qil ne puiffe autrefoiz dire qe lorn li met autre peine qe icele au quele il fe obliga. E a fuftentr les cuftages del avauntdit clerk fi prendra le rey de chefcune livre un den' en chefcune vile ou him or his Affignee, that he may maintain a Writ of Novel diffeifm, if he be put out, and Rediffeifin alfo, as of Freehold, to hold to him and his Affigns until the Debt be paid ; (20) and affoon as the Debt is le- vied, the Body of the Debtor fhall be delivered with his Lands. (21) And in fuch Writs as the Chan- cellor doth award, Mention fhall be made, that the Sheriff fhall certify the Juftices of the one Bench or of the other, how he hath performed the King's- Commandment, at a certain Day, at which Day the ' Merchant fhall fue. before the Juftices, if agreement ..j be not made ; (22) and if the Sheriffs do not return the Writ, or do return that the Writ came too late,, or that he hath directed it to the Bailiffs of fome Fran- chife, the Juftices fhall do as it is contained in the latter Statute of Weftminfter. (23) And if in cafe the 13 Ed. 1, ftltiw Sheriff return, that the Debtor cannot be found, c - 39> or that he is a Clerk, the Merchant fhall have Writs to all the Sheriffs where he fhall have Land, and that they fhall deliver unto him, all the Goods and Lands of the Debtor by a reafonable Extent, to hold unto him and his Affigns in the Form aforefaid ; and at the laft he fhall have a Writ to what Sheriff he will, to take his Body (if he be Lay) and to retain it in Manner aforefaid. (24) And let the Keeper of the Prifon take Heed, that he muft anfwer for the Body, or for the Debt. (25) And after the Debtor's Lands be delivered to the Merchant, the Debtor may,- lawfully fell his Land, fo that the Merchant have no Damage of the 'Approvements ; (26) and the Mer- FitziExecotgy,,- chants fhall always be allowed for their Damages, 7 H. 4. f. 10. and all Cofts, Labours, Suits, Delays, and Expen- D y er 2 ° 6 - ces reafonable. (27) And if the Debtor find Sureties ^J^^ which do acknowledge themfelves to be principal or ° s W s ure ties Debtors, after the Day pafl'ed the Sureties fhall be fhall be ufed. 1 ordered in all Things as is faid of the principal Debt- ' or,, as to the Arreft of Body, Delivery of Lands,.
- and other Things. (28) And when the Lands, of what Land* ,
- the Debtors be delivered unto the Merchant, he fhall fliail be ex-,
■ have Seifin of all the Lands that were in the Hand of tended,
- the Debtor, the Day of the Recognifance made, in
'• whole Hands foever that they come after, either by '• Feoffment, or otherwife. (29) And after the Debt '■ paid, the Debtor's Lands, and the Iffues of Lands of ' Debtors by P'eoffment fhall return again, as well to
- the Feoffee, as the other Lands unto the Debtors.
' (30) And if the Debtor or his Sureties die, the Mer- The Heir's' 5 chant fhall have no Authority to take the Body of his Lands, but nor ' Heir, but he fhall have his 'Lands, as before is faid, *" s Eod > * aU ' if he be of Age, or when he fhall be of full Age, be extended - ' * until he hath levied of the Lands the Amountance and » jj ot ;„ ^ ' Value of the Debt. (31) And a Seal fhall be provi- Original. ' ded, that fhall ferve for Fairs, and the fame fhall be ASealforFafrfc c fentunto every Fair under the King's Seal by a Clerk' ' fworn, or by the Keeper of the Pair. (32) And of ' the f Coinmonalty of the Merchants of the City of Lon- f Q^And by: c don, Hvo Merchants jhall be chofen, that fhall fwear, tbt Commonalty ' and the Seal fhall be opened before them, and the one "f ^'^""'h ' Piece fhall be delivered unto the forefaid Merchants, Z'fafeMtrf* ' and the other fhall remain with the Clerk; and before cbinisof th'e'aty them, or one of the Merchants (if both cannot at- of London. ' tend) the Recognifances fhall be taken, as before is Bro. Recog. ' faid. (33) And before that any Recognifance be in- i,^' 17 ' l8 '» 2Ij ' rolled, the Pain of the Statute fhall be openly read ^Jj be^read to ' before the Debtor, fo that after he cannot fay that any the Debtor. ' did put another Penalty than that whereto he bouna ' himfelf. (3+) And to maintain the Cofts of the faid TheKing'sDuty < Clerk, the King fhall take of every Pound a. Penny, "^J^ged! "in