n8 Stat. 3. Anno decimo tertio Edwardi I. A. D. 1285. Taking of Re- «ognifances. 5 Read of thofe 'who are wiling to acknowledge them iefore them, in every Town where the Seal is, except Fairs, where he fhall take one Penny Halfpenny of the Pound. (35) This Ordinance and Aft the King willeth to be obferved from henceforth throughout his Realm of England and Ireland, amongft the which People they that will may make fuch Recognifances ( except, j^zw, to whom this Ordinance fhall not extend.) (36) And by this Statute a Writ of Debt fhall not be abated ; (37) and the Chancellor, Juftices of the one Bench and the other, the Barons of the Exchequer, and Juftices Errants, fhall not be eftopped to take Re- cognifances of Debts % before them knowledged and made: (38) But the Execution of Recognifances made before them fhall not be done in the Form Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. le feel ferra horpris faire ou il prendra treis rhailles de la livre. Ceft ordeinement e eftablifement veut le rei qe deforemes feit tenu par tut fun reaume de Engleterre e de Irlaunde entre quelfz genz qi ceo foient qi de lour endegre vodrunttele reconoiffaunce fere forfpris Jeus as queus ceft eftablifement he fe- ftent pas. Et par ceft eftablifement ne feit pas bref de dette abatu e ne feient pas le Chaunceler Baruns del Efcheker Juftices del un baunc e del autre e Juftices erraunz forclos deprendre reconoiflaunces de dettes de eus qi devaunt eux les vodrunt fere mes les execucions des conoifTaunces devaunt eus fetes nen feient pas fetes par la furme avauntdite mes par la ley e le ufage e la manere purveue aillors en autre eftatut. aforefaid, but by the Law and Manner before ufed, ' and otherwife provided in other Statutes V Rex vie' falutem. Quia coram tali majore vel ciiftode talis ville, vel coram cuftode figilli noftri de mer- catoribus in nundinis in tali loco, & tali clerico noftro A. recognovit debere B. tantum quod folvifle debuit tali die& tali anno, quod idem A. nondum folvit, ut dicit: Tibi prascipimus, quod corpus praedi&i A. fi laicus fit, capias, & in prifona noftra falvo cuftodiri facias, quoufque de prasdicl:' debito fatisfecerit. Et qua- liter hoc prasceptum noftrum fueris executus, fcire facias juftitiariis noftrisapud Weftmonafterium perliteraj In what Manner tuas figillatas, & habeas ibi hoc breve. Tefte, &c. Execution Jhall be made of the Statute Staple, fee 27 Ed. 3. flat. 2. c. 9. which is enforced by 7<R. 2. c. 9. 23 H. 8. c. 6, empowering the two Chief Juftices, the Major of the Staple, &c, totake Obligations. And the 8 Geo, 1. c. 25. for fupplying fome Defecls in the 23 H. 8. c. 6. "The Statute of Circumfpedle agatis, made Anno 13 Edw. I. Stat. 4. and Anno Dom. 1285. CAP. I. Certain Cafes wherein the King's Prohibition doth not lie.
- Not in Orig.
Cafes wherein the King's Pro- hibition doth riot lie. a Inft. 4S7. 13 Co. 41. 7 Co. 44. 5 Co. 67. 1 HE King to his "Judges fendcth Greeting. Ufe Tithes and Of- ferings. •J- The Lines in Italicks are not in the Original. 8 Ed. 4. 13. Fitz. Prohibi- tion, 18, so. Mortuaries. Penfion. Defamation. J Not in Orig.
- yourfelves circurnfpeftly in all Matters con-
■*■ cerning the Bifhop of Norvjich and his Cler- gy, not punifhing them if they hold Plea in Court Chriftian of fuch Things as be meer fpiritual, that is to wit, of Penance enjoined by Prelates for deadly
- Sin, as Fornication, Adultery, and fuch like, for
the which fometimes Corporal Penance, and fome- time Pecuniary is enjoyned, fpecially if a Freeman be convifr. of fuch Things. (2) Alio if Prelates do punifh for leaving the Church-yard unclofed, or for that the Church is uncovered, or not conveniently decked, in which Cafes none other Penance can be enjoined but Pecuiary. ' (3) Item, If a Parfon demand f of his Parifhioners Oblations or Tithes due and accuflomed, (4 J or if any Parfon do fue againfl another Parfon for Tithes grea- ter or fmaller, fo that the fourth Part of the Value of the Benefice be not demanded. ' (5) Item, If a Parfon demand Mortuaries in Pla- ces where a Mortuary hath been ufed to be given.
- (6) Item, If a Prelate of a Church, % or of a Pa-
tron, demand of a Parfon a Penfion due to him, all Cotton MS. Claudius, D. 2. Glrcumfpecte agatis de negotio tangente domi- num Epifcopum Norwicen' & clerum non puniendo eos fi placita tenuerint de hiis que mere iunt fpiritualia videlicet de correctionibus quos Prelati faciunt pro mortali peccato videlicet fornicatione adulterio & hujufmodi pro quibus ali- quando infligitur pena corporalis aliquando pecu- niaria maxime fi conviftus fit de hiis liber homo. Item ft Prelatus pro cimiterio non claufo ecclefia difcooperta vel non decenter ornata in quibus cafi- bus alia pena non poteft infligi quam pecuniaria pe- nam imponat. Item fi Rector petat decimam majorem vel mi- norem dummodo non peta'.ur quarta pars alicujus ecclefie. Item fi Reftor petat mortuanum in partibus ubi mortuar' dari confueverit. Item fi Prelatus alicujus ecclefie petat penfionem a Rectore fibi debitam omnes hujus penfiones faci- ende funt in foro ecclefiaftico. De violenta rnanuum injedtione in clericum & in caufa diffamationis concefium fuit alias quod placita
- The following Memorandum being found on the Kofi, it was thought proper to infert it here : Confimite flatutum dc verbo ad verbum habent
major' & cives Exon'. Memorand' quod Itatutum prediftum conlign' fuit in forma fubferipta & liberatum Will'o de Bodemynn' deferens" per ipfum communitati ville de Loftwythiel. Edvvardus rex, &c. omnibus ad quos, &c. falutem. Infpeximus Itatutum Mercatorum cditum tempore domini K. quondam regis Angl' patris noflri in hec verba Pur ceo qe marcbanx, &c. Quod quidem flatutum pro recognitionibus villain duximus tranfmittend'. In cujus, &c, T, R. apud Lendin 4 juxta formam ejufdem flatuti in villa de Loftwythiel accipiend' ad candem tertio die ScpterruV anno regni fui quinto, inde