except it be natural. What Stones may be set in Gold.(8) [1]And that Gravers or Cutters of Stones and of Seals shall give to each their Weight of Silver and Gold (as near as they can) upon their Fidelity; (9) and the Jewels of base Gold[2] which they have in their Hands, they shall utter as fast as they can; (10) and from henceforth, if they buy any of the same Work, they shall buy it to work upon, and not to sell again; (11) and that all the good Towns of England, where any Goldsmiths be dwelling, shall be ordered[3] according to this Estatute as they of London be; (12) and that one shall come from every good Town for all the Residue that be dwelling in the same, unto London, for to be ascertained of their Touch. (13) And if any Goldsmith be attainted hereafter, because that he hath done otherwise than before is ordained, he shall be punished by Imprisonment, and by Ransom at the King's Pleasure. The Prerogative of the Crown shall be saved.(14) And notwithstanding all these Things before-mentioned, or any Point of them, both the King and his Council, and all they that were present at the making of this Ordinance, will and intend that the Right and Prerogative of his Crown shall be saved to him in all Things.
Enforced and amended by
37 E. 3. c. 7.
2 H. 6. c. 14.
17 Ed. 4. c. 1.
4 H. 7. c. 2.
18 El. c. 25. See farther
5 H. 4. c. 13.
2 H. 5. stat. 2. c. 4.
12 & 13 W. 3. c. 4. Farther provided for by
6 Geo. 1. c. 11. and
12 Geo. 2. c. 26.
Stat. De Escheatoribus, made at Lincoln, Octabis Hiliarii, Anno 29 Edw. I. and Anno Dom. 1301.
In what Case an Amoveas manum shall be granted, and in what a Reseiser.
AT [1]the Parliament of our Lord the King at Lincoln, in the Utas of St. Hilary, the twenty ninth Year of his Reign, by his Council it was agreed, and also commanded by the King himself,[2] That from thence it should be observed and done according to the Advice of the Reverend Father W. Langton, the Bishop of Coventree and Litchfield, and Treasurer to the King, John Langton then being Chancellor, and other of the Council there present before the King; In what Case an Amoveas manum com exitibus shall be granted.That where Inquests taken by his Escheators, by any of the King's Writs purchased out of the Chancery being returned, and it be found by such Inquests, that nothing is holden of the King whereby the King ought to have the Custody of such Lands and Tenements by Reason of the Inquests taken by his Escheators, that immediately and without any Delay the Escheators shall be commanded by the King's Writ had out of the Chancery, to put from their Hands all the Lands and Tenements so taken into the King's Possession; (2) and if they have taken any Profits of such Lands and Tenements so taken into the King's Hands by them, from the Time that such Lands and Tenements sell into the King's Hands, they shall make full Restitution to him or them, for whom it was found by Inquests taken by the same Escheators., that such Lands ought to remain; (3) Saving alway to the King (in case that after such Time as his Escheators have discharged their Hands by Force of the King's Writ, as before is said) if any Thing happen to be found in the Chancery or the Exchequer, or in any other of the King's Courts, whereby the Custody of such Lands,