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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/199

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A, D. 1306, Anno tricefmio quarto Edwardi I. Stat. 1. SZ The Statute De conjun&im Feoffatis, made 27 Maii, Anno 34 Edw. I. Stat. 1. and Anno Dom. 1306. Jointenancy pleaded in Abatement of a Writ, &c. Ex Rot. inTurr. Lond. m. 34. REX omnibus ad quos &c, falutem. Non eft novum quod nos inter ceteras legum edi- tiones quas temporibus noftris adinvenimus pro nimia enormi tranfgreflione que in brevibus Nove diffeifine contingit pre ceteris in illis brevibus celerius apponi decrevimus remedium. Et quia quampluries contingit quod in aflifis Nove diffeifine tenens excipit contra querentem quod tenet tene- menta petita conjun&im feofFatus cum uxore fua non nominata in brevi aliquando cum aliquo extra- neo qui fimiliter non nominatur in brevi & profert cartam que hoc teftatur & petit judicium de brevi concordatum eft & ftatutum quod fi pars querens offerat verificare per aflifam quod die impetratio- nis brevis fui ille qui talem exceptionem propofuit fuerat folus tenens ita quod uxor fua nee alius ali- quid habuit in predictis tenementis tunc Jufticiarii coram quibus predi&a aflifa arrainiata eft retineant predidtam cartam falvo in cuftodia eorumdem quo- ufque aflifa inde inter eos tranfierit ut illam que quaii dedi&a eft. Et fcire faciant per breve no- ftrum fub eorum teftimonio parti abfenti quam carta teftatur fimul cum tenente qui prefens eft conjunc- tim feofFatos quod fit ad certum diem refponfura fimul cum alio tenente parti querenti tarn de ex- ceptione propofita quam de tenementis petitis & pofitis in vifu fi fibi viderit expedire. Ad quam diem fi ambo qui dicuntur tenentes venerint & fe- offamentum illud advocaverint refpondeant & ma- nuteneant exceptionem per unum eorum propofi- tam .& fimiliter ulterius ad aflifam ac fi breve ori- ginale fuper eos conjunctim fuiffet impetratum. Et fi convincatur per aflifam quod exceptio ilia in retardationem juris querentis malitiofe fuit p-o- pofita eo quod ipfi non fuerunt conjundlim feoffati ■de tenementis illis die impetrationis predifti brevis tunc licet aflifa ilia tranfierit pro tenentibus & con- tra querentem nichilominus puniantur talcm ex- ceptionem proponentes per prifonam unius anni a qua non exeant abfque gravi redemptione. Et caveant decetero Jufticiarii quod talem exceptio- nem fie propofitam per ballivos aliquorum tenen- dum non admittant. Si autem ille qui exceptio- nem propofuit fe ad diem ilium abfentaverit & alter qui dicitur conjundtim feofFatus comparuerit licet ipfe comparens predi&am cartam difadvocaverit & dixerit fe nicbil habere in predidtis tenementis ni- chilominus adjudicetur aflifa verfus tenentem ab- fentem per ejus defaltam. Et fi convincatur per aflifam quod ipfi non fuerant conjunclim feoffati die impetrationis brevis predidti & fimiliter convin- catur quod tenens fuper quern breve fuit impetra- tum vel alius no'minatus in brevi difTeifierit que- rentem tunc habita confideratione ad exceptionem in lefionem partis falfo & malitiofe propofitam & ad diffeifinam per eos fadtam pars querens recupe- Vcu-. I. THE King unto all to whom thefe, &c, Greet- ,, jj, ,, fl st . , s ing. It is no new Thing, that among divers c; 15. Eftablifhrnents of Laws, which we have or- Fitz - Brief > 757- dained in our own Time upon the great and heinous 2 Inft> 5*4- Mifchiefs that happen in Writs of Novel diJJ'eifm chiefly above other, we have devifed more fpeedy Remedy in thofe Writs than was before. (2) And ' forafmuch as it chanceth many Times in Aflifes of ' Novel diffeifin, that the Tenant doth except againft ' the Plaintiff, that he holdeth the Tenements in De- ' mand jointly with his Wife, not named in the Writ, ' and fometime with a Stranger not named in the ' Writ* and fheweth forth a Deed teftifying the fame, ' and demandeth Judgement of the Writ ;" ' (?) it is Hob. 55. agreed and ordained, That if the Plaintiff will offer What ftaI1 ° e to aver by Aflife, that the Day of his Writ purchaf- ^? ne when thi ed, he that alledged the Exception was fole Tenant, G a£*Z£[ lo that neither his Wife, nor any other had any jointenancy. Thing in the faid Lands, then the Juftices, before whom the Aflize is arraigned, fhall retain the fame Deed fafely in their Keeping (until the Aflize be tried between them thereupon) as that which is in a fort denied. (4) And they fhall let the Party abfent a Scire facia* to underftand by * their Writ under their Teftimony, awarded to the and alfo to the Jointenant that is prefent, of whom Jointenant. the Deed maketh mention, that he be prefent at a Fitz " Procefs t certain Day with the other Tenant, to anfwer unto t 9 '^ e ^ ' , ur> the Party Plaintiff, as well upon the Exception al- ledged, as of the Lands demanded and put in View, if it feem expedient for himj (5) at which Day if both that are named Tenants do come in, and do ju- ftify the fame Feoffment, they fhall anfwer and main- tain the Exception alledged by one of them, and further fhall anfwer unto the Aflize as though the original _ Writ had been purchafed againft both of them jointly.' (6) And if it be proved by Aflize, that the Exception was alledged malicioufly, to delay the Plaintiff;" of his Right, fo that they held not the fame Land jointly the Day of the Writ purchafed, then albeit the fame Aflize do pafs for the Tenants, and againft the Plaintiff, yet they that alledge the Ex- ception, fhall be punifhed by one Year's Imprifon- ment, whence they fhall not be delivered without a grievous Fine. (?) And let" the Juftices be well ad- Jointenancy ia vifed, That from henceforth they do not allow an Affifes iha!1 ndt Exception alledged by the Bailiffs of any fuch Te- Bailiffs'^ by nants. (8) f And it he that alledgeth the Exception -f Read hut, abfent himfelf at his Day, and the other that is named Jointenant do appear, although he that doth appear doth_ difavow the fame Deed, and fay that he hath nothing in the forefaid Tenements; neverthelefs the Aflife fhall pafs againft the Tenant that is abfent by his Default. (9) And if it be found by Aflife, that they were not jointly, enfeoffed the Day of the Writ purchafed., and likewife that the Tenant againft whom the Writ Was" purchafed, or another named in the Writ, did diffeife the Plaintiff, then having regard to the Exception that was falfly and malicioufly alledged to the Hurt of the Party, and to the Diffeifin that they made, the Party Plaintiff fhall recover his Seifin X ' and