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154 Stat, r . Anno tricefimo quarto Edwardi I. A. D. 1306, Jointenancy pleaded in IVJol't- dauncefior and Juris utrum. Jointenancy pleaded in other real Actions. and double Damages, and they that alledge the falfe Exception fhall have the Punifhment aforefaid. (10J But if neither of the Tenants do come at the Day, then upon their Default the Affife {hall pafs againft them. (11) And if it be found thereby, that the fame Exception was lawfully and truly alledged, and that they which alledged it were jointly feifed before the Plaintiff purchafed his Writ againft them, the Affife fhall pafs no further, but the Writ fhall be abated. (12) The fame fhall be obferved, if both or one only do appear, if it be found by Affife that the Exception aforefaid was truly alledged, as before is faid. (13") In the fame Order it is eftablifhed and agreed, That in Affifes of Mortdauncejlor, and J.uris utrum, at the firft Day that the Parties appear in Court, if the Tenant alledge the forefaid Exception

  • againft the Demandant, fhewing a Deed thereupon,

1 and the Demandant will offer to aver by the Affife or ' Jury, that at the Day of his Writ purchafed, he that ' alledged the Exception was fole Tenant, from thence ' the fame Procefs and Manner of Proceeding fhall be Fita. Brief, 762. ' ufed in Affifes of Mortdauncejlor and Writs of Juris ' utrum, as before is ordained in Affifes of Novel aiJJ'ei- ' Jin, and like Punifhment fhall be inflicted upon the ' Offenders and thofe that be convict. (14) In other ' Writs whereby Tenements are demanded, fuch Pro- ' l cefs fhall be made, that if at the firft Day that the ' Parties appear in Court, the Tenant doth alledge the '* forefaid Exception of a joint Feoffment, and theDe- ' mandant will offer to aver by the Country, that the ' Day of the Writ purchafed, he that alledged the Ex-

  • ception was fole Tenant, then the fame Procefs and

4 Manner of Proceeding fhall be obferved betwixt the 4 Parties until a Jury have paffed between them there- 5 upon. (15) And if it be found by the Jury, that the fame Exception was truly alledged, then the Writ of ' the Demandant fhall abate ; (16) and if it be found- ' en by the Jury, that the fame Exception was falfly ' alledged, and to the Hindrance of the Party, then ' the Demandant fhall recover his Seifin of the Tene- ' ments in Demand, and the Tenant fhall be punifhed ' by the Pain above limited in Affifes of Novel dijpifm ' as to the Irnpiifonrnent, and as to the Damages, ac- ' cording to the Difcretion of the Juftices. (17) And ' we will and grant, That this Statute fhall take his ' Effect: the Morrow after the Feaft of Saint Peter ad vincula next coming. (18) Forafmuch alfo as Pleas in Court Spiritual heretofore had many Times un- meet Delays, for that our Writ that is called Indica- vit was many Times brought before the Judges of fuch Matters when they were begun, and thereupon our chief Juftices could not proceed lawfully, nor in due Manner, to award a Writ of Confultation upon fuch manner of Procefs ; (19) it is agreed, That fuch a Writ of Lidicavit fhall not be granted from hence- forth to any before the Matter hanging in the Spiri- tual Court between the Parties be recorded, and that our Chancellor fhall be certified thereof by the Sight and Infpection of the Libel. (20) In Witnefs of which Thing we have caufed thefe our Letters to be Patent, I myfelf being Witnefs at TVeJlminJler. Given the kven and twentieth Day of the Month of May, the four and thirtieth Year of our Reign.' ilnir. 364, 365. Wh-n the Writ i of Indicavit is to t te granted. Rcgift. 35 . Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ret feifinam fuam & dampna fua in duplo et pro- ponents exceptionem illam habeant penam fupra- dictam. Si autem neuter tenendum ad diem ilium venerit tunc per eorum defaltam verfus eos capia- tur affifa. Et fi compertum fit per eandem aflifam quod exceptio ilia vere & rite fuit propofita quod ipfi qui earn proponunt fuerant conjunctim feoffati antequam querens breve fuum verfus ipfos impe- travit non procedatur ulterius ad affifam fet caffetiir breve querentis. Hoc idem obfervetur fi ambo vel unus tantum venerit fi comperiatur per affifam quod exceptio predicla ut prediclum eft veraciter fuit propofita. Eodem modo ftatutum & concordatum eft quod in affifis Mortis antecefforis & Juratis de utrum ad primum diem quo partes comparuerint in Curia fi tenens proponat predlctam exceptionem contra petentem & de hoc pretendat cartam & pe- tens offerat verificare per affifam vel juratam quod die impetrationis brevis fui i!le qui talem excep- tionem propofuit fuit folus tenens extunc idem proceffus & modus procedendi fervetur in hujuf- modi affifis Mortis antecefforis & Juratis de utrum qui preordinatus eft & ftatutus in affifis Nove dif- feifine et eadem pena delinquentibus & convictis infligatur. In aliis vero brevibus per que ten' pe- tuntur talis fiat proceffus quod fi primo die quo partes comparuerint in Cur' tenens proponat ex- ceptionem prediftam de conjundto feoffamento & petens offerat verificare per juratam patrie quod die impetrationis brevis fui ille qui exceptionem illam propofuit fuit folus tenens tunc idem pro- ceffus & modus procedendi fervetur inter partes quoufque jurata inde inter eas tranfierit. Et fi convincatur per juratam quod exceptio ilia veraci- ter fuit propofita tunc caffetur breve petentis & ft comperiatur per juratam quod exceptio ilia falfo & in lefionem partis propofita fuit tunc petens re- cuperet feifinam fuam de tenementis petitis & te- nens puniatur per penam ftatutam fupra in affifis Nove diffeifine quoad prifonam & quoad dampna fecundum difcretionem Juftic'. Et volumus &' concedimus quod iftud ftatutum incipiat tenere locum in craftino fefti Sanfti Petri ad vincula pro- ximo futur'. Quia etiam lites in Curia Chriftiani- tatis hactenus indebitas dilationes multotiens fof- tiebantur per hoc quod breve noltrum quod v6~ catur Indicavit Judicibus talium litium in initio earum delatum fuit & fuper hoc capitalis Juftici- arius nofter ad confultationem fuper tali proceffii faciendam rite feu debito modo nequivit proce- dere concordatum eft quod tale breve Indicavit alicui decetero non concedatur antequam lis in Curia Chriftianitatis inter partes fuerit conteftata & quod per infpeftionem libelif Cancellarius nofter fuper hoc certioretur. In cujus rei teftimonium &c. T. R. apud Weftm' xxvii die Maii

  • The Notes following an on the Roll, viz. Ilrud ftatutum milium fuit Juflic' de banco & in fingulis comitaiibus per Angliarn. Ft mandariihj

t!i prefatis juftic' quod ftatutum illdd in difto banco publice faciant prcclamari & quantum ad ipfos pertinct firmiter obfervaii. Eodem modo mandatum tfl fingulis vicecomitibus per Angliam, , Aftuki.