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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/206

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Stat. 1.
Anno tricesimo quinto Edwardi I.
A. D. 1307.

Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond.

See farther cerning Forest, 1 Ed. 3. Stat. 1. c. 8. 1 Ed. 3. Stat. 2 c.1 &2. 25 Ed. 3. Stat. 5. c. 7. 7 Rich. 1. c. 3 & 4. 22 Ed. 4. c. 7. 31 H. 8. c. 5. 32 H. 8. c. 35. 20 Car. I. c. 16, 20 Car. 2. c. 3. 28 Geo. 2. c. 19.

% Inft. 580'. 95 Ed. 3. flat. 6. giving King and ' Lords Tower to prefent to Bene- fices of their civn a' d Anctfiors Foundation. ' Hob. 148. Statuium De Apportis Religioforum, made Anno 35 Edw. I. Stat, 1. and Anno Dom. 1307 a . CAP. I. The Caufes of Erection of Abbies. Impoficions fet by Priors Aliens. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 33. NUPER. ad notitiam domini Regis ex gravi querela Magnatum Procerum & aliorum nobilium regni fui pervenit quod cum Mo- nafteria Prioratus & domus religiofe ad laudem & honorem Dei & ad exaltationem fanfte ecclefie per Regem & progenitores fuos & per diftos Magnates & nobiles & eorum anteceffores fundata fuiflent & terre & tenementa quamplurima effent data per ipios didis Monafteriis Prioratibus & domibus ac yiris religiofis in eifdem Deo fervientibus ut in hu- jufmodi Monafteriis & domibus religiofis tam cle- rici quam laici admitterentur fecundum fuarum fufHcientiam facultatum & infirmi ac debiles fuften- tarentur hofpitalitates elemofinarum largitiones & alia pietatis opera exercerentur & pro animabus predidtorum fundatorum & heredum fuorum fierent in eifdem Abbates Priores & Cuftodes earumdeni domorum & quidam eorum fuperiores alienigene utpote Abbates & Priores Cluniaeen' Ciftertien' & Premonftra' & San£torum Auguftini & Benediiti ordinum & ceteri quamplures alterius religionis & ordinis noviter per iingula Monafteria & domos eis fubjedta in Angl' Hibern' Scotia & Wallia diverfa tallagia cenfus & impofitiones mfolitas graves & importabiles domino Rege Magnatibufque fuis in- confultis fieri ftatuerunt & pro fuo libito ordinarunt contra leges & confuetudines di£ti regni ex quo fit utriumerus religioforum & aliorum fervitorum in hujufmodi domibus & locis religiofis per tallagia hujufmodi cenfus & impofitiones oppreffis minuitur cultus divinus & alimonie pauperibus infirmis & debilibus fubtrahantur & falutes vivorum & anime mortuorum miferabi liter defraudantur hofpitalitates elemofinarum largitiones ac cetera cefTant opera caritatis ficque quod olim in ufus pios & ad divini cultus augmentum caritative fuerat erogatum jam in cenfum reprobum eft converfum unde preter ea que premittuntur fcandalum non modicum crefcit in populo & dampna innumera in exheredationem predidlorum fundatorum ac heredum fuorum pro- cul dubio provenifle nofcuntur & adhuc verifimiliter prefumftur provenire nifi tantis & tam gravibus de- trimentis celeri & falubri remedio obvietur. OF late it came to the Knowledge of our Lord the King, by the grievous Complaint of the honourable Perfons, Lords, and other Noble- men of his Realm, that whereas' Monafteries, Pri- ories, and other Religious Houfes were founded to the Honour and Glory of God, and the Advance- ment of the Holy Church, by the King and his Progenitors, and by the faid Noblemen and their Anceftors, (2) and a very great Portion of Lands and Tenements have been given by them to the faid Monafteries, Priories, and Houfes, and the Religi- ous Men ferving God in them, to the Intent that Clerks and Laymen might be admitted in fuch Mo- nafteries, Priories, and Religious Houfes, according to their fufficient Ability, and that fick and feeble Men might be maintained, Hofpitality, Almfgiving, and other charitable Deeds might be done, and that in them Prayers might be faid for the Souls of the faid Founders and their Heirs; (3) the Abbots, Priors, and Governours of the faid Houfes, and certain Aliens their Superiours, as the Abbots and Priors of Cejiercienfes, and Prernon/lratenfes, and of the Order of St. Auguftine, and St. BenediSl, and many more of other Religion and Order, have at their own Pleafures fet divers unwonted, heavy and importable Tallages, Payments, and Impofitions upon every of the faid Monafteries and Houfes in Subjection unto them in England, Ireland, Scotland, and IVales, without the Privity of our Lord the King and his Nobility, contrary to the Laws and Cuftoms of the faid Realm ; (4) and thereby the Number of Religious Perfons, and other Servants in the faid Houfes and Religious Places being oppreffed by fuch Tallages, Payments, and Impofitions, the Service of God is diminifhed, Alms being not given to the Poor, the Sick, and Feeble, the Healths of the Li- ving and the Souls of the Dead be miferably defraud- ed, Hofpitality, Almfgiving, and other godly Deeds do ceafe ; (5) and fo that which in Times paft was charitably given to godly Ufes, and to the Increafe of the Service of God, is now converted to an evil End ; by Permiffion whereof there groweth great Scandal to the People, and infinite LoiTes and Dif- heritances are like to enfue to the Founders of the faid Houfes and their Heirs, unlefs fpeedy and fuffi- cient Remedy be provided to redrefs fo many and grievous Detriments." » This is taken from the Secundd pars vetcrumftatutonm by Pulton. 3 Coiifideram -->