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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/205

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A. D. 1306. Anno tricefimo quarto Edward 1 1. Stat. 5. 159 CAP. V. Grounds difafforefted. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. OUoad illos vero qui tempore quo forefta deaffb- reftata fuit tranfgreiEones de viridi aut venati- one in forefta fecerunt quia deaffbreftationem ean- dem & ut fententia excommunicationis in contra- venientes fulminaretur quamquam de noftra bona voluntate minime proceffifiet conceffiinus quam quidem fententiam dominus fummus pontifex poft- modum revocavit & quas conceffionem & deaffb- reftationem ex certis caufis revocamus & etiam ad- nullamus volumus quod tranfgreiEones hujufmodi pardonentur tranfgreffionibus illis exceptis que in ea parte que forefta remanfit commiffe fuerunt Ita tamen quod haye & foflata facta medio tempore profternantur & penitus amoveantur & adnichilen- tur Sal vis arentationibus noftris quas fecund um affifam forefte volumus remanere. Bofcus autem cefus & proftratus amoveatur & bofcus ftans rema- neat in forefta. Et ft forte aliquis talis bofcus ad- huc ftans fit venditus in forefta remaneat & vendi- tor fatisfaciat emptori juxta quantitatem portionis bofci ftantis in forefta & taliter medio tempore ven- diti & prout ceperit de eodem,. ' A S touching them that * commit Trefpafles of V j& a( j 4^. ' jt. Green-hugh, or Hunting, at fuch Times as committed.. ' the Foreft was difafforefted ; we will that thofe Of- ' fences ftiall be pardoned, faving fuch Trefpafles which ' were committed in that Part which doth remain Fo- . ' reft ; (2) yet fo, as that the Hedges and Ditches ' made in the mean Time fhall be wholly caft down,. ' removed, and avoided; (3) faving our Arrentatioris, ' which we will have remain according, to the Affile or ' the Foreft. (4) The Wood which is felled and cut ' down fhall be removed, and the Wood which is ' ftanding fhall remain in the Foreft. (;) And if any ' fuch Wood yet ftanding be fold, it fhall remain in the- ' Foreft, and the Seller iliall fatisfy the Buyer accord— ' ing to the Quantity of the Wood ftanding in the Fo- ' reft, and fo fold, in the mean Time, as- he received! ' of him.' cap. vr. Common in the Foreft. VOTumus etiam quod Jufticiarius forefte noftre vel ejus locum tenens inprefentia Thefaurarii hoftri & per aflenfum ejufdem habeat poteftatem capiendi fines & redemptiones illorum qui funt in- didtati de tranfgreffionibus ufque nunc in forefta commiffis itinere Jufticiarii'minime expectato. Vo-- lumus infuperquod 111 i qui communem pafturamin. forefta ante perambulationem factam habebant et qui funt poftea repoftti in forefta quique de dicta: communa per perambulationem predidtam fuerant impediti habeant communem pafturam deceteroin foreftis adeo large & libere ficut ante perambula- tionem factam habere folebant Salvis arentationi- bus noftris in forma predicta. In cujus &c. T..R. apud Weftm' xxvli die Maij.- a E will alfo, Thaf our Juftice of the Foreft,. or his Lieutenant, in the Prefence of our Trea- ' furer,, and by his Affent, fhall have Auchority to take- ' Fines and Amerciaments of thofe which be indicted- fr for Trefpafles committed in our Forefts, and not tar- 6 ry for the Eyre of the Juftice. (2) And moreover ' we will, that they which had Common of Pafture in ' the Foreft before the Perambulation was made, and- ' which were after returned into the Foreft, and that: ' u were reftrained of Common by the faid Perambula- ' tion, fhall have their Common of Pafture hereafter c in the Foreft,. as freely and largely as they were wont 'to have before the Perambulation made, (3) faving; 'our Arrentations in Form aforefaid. In witfieis. ' whereof, &c. at JVe/lminJler,, 28. die Maii, anno '34 n .„ ~ '- Edwardi primi.' K.egut.xs. Le Serement du Vifcontei VOUS jurrezqebien & loiaument ferviretzle roien loffice de vifconte & a le preu lerorfreetz' en totes - chofes qe a vous apendent a faire felonc voftre fen & voftre poair & fes droittures .& quant que a la cp- ronne apent loiaument garderetz ne ne affenturetz au defcres ne au concelement des droitz ne dcs franchifes le roi. Et par la ou yous faveretz les droitz le roi ou de la coronne foit en terres ou en rentes ou en franchifes ou en fuites concelees ou fuftretes voftre loiale peine mettrezde ceo repeler et ft vous ne le poetz faire vous le- dirretz au Roi ou a ceux de fon.confeil de qi vous foietz certein queuz le dirrount au Roi et les dettes le Roi por donn ne por favour refpiretz par la ou vous les porretz fauntz trefgraunte grevance de dettours lever e qe loiaument & a droiture tretteretz le people de voftre baillie & a chefcuni freetz droit auxibien a povre come a . nche en ce ne a yous apent afaire & qe por donn ne por promefle ne por favour ne por haiour tort ne freetz a nuh ne autri droiture ne ne defturberetz & qe loiaument acquiteretz al afchekier la gent de qi vous averetz: » Thefclk-wing Paragraphs are upov the Rolt, viz. Confimiles littere miffe fuernnt ad fingulos comitatus per AngtV- Etrrandatum eft fingu is vicccomitibus per Angl' quod litteras illas in plenis comitadbus fuis legi & ordinadonem regis in eifdem contentam pun) ce frciant proclatriari. Rex jtrfticiario foreft. luarum ultra Tfenta'vi vel ejus locum rener.ti falutem. Dum imbecillitatis &c; falvis arentationibus in forma predifta. Et ideo vobis p.andamus cuod ordmationem noftram predictam in balliva veftra faciatn publice proclamari & earn decetero in omnibus &- fingubs fuis amculis obferve'.is & per totam ballivam veftrar.i faciatis firmiter & inviolabiliter obfervari, Tefte ulfupra, Eodem modo fcribitur jufticiario foreftarum regis citra, Trentarn vel ejus locum tsnenti, 4 rien-