A. D. 1315. Anno nonoEDWARDi II. Stat. 1. 167 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. nuum injectione in clericum vel converfum & in caufis diffamationis in quibus agitur ad penam ca- nonicam imponendam Rex ad iftum articulum re- fpondet quod in decimis oblationibus obventioni- bus mortuariis quando fuper iftis nominibus pro- ponuntur prohibitioni regie non eft locus etiam ii propter detentionem iftorum diuturnam ad eftima- tionem earundem pecuniariam veniatur. Set fi clericus vel religiofus decimas fuas in orreo fuo con- gregatas vel alibi exiftentes vendiderit alicui pro pecunia fi petatur pecunia coram Judice ecclefia- lHco locum habet prohibitio quia per venditionem res fpirituales fiunt temporales & tranfeunt decime in catalla. By 18 Ed. i.Jiat. 3. c. 5. no Prohi • lent laying Hands on Clerks or Converts, and in
- Cafes of Defamation, in which Cafes Spiritual Pe-
- nance ought to be enjoined;" (z) ' the King doth
anfwer to this Article, That in Tythes, Oblations, Obventions, Mortuaries (when they are propounded under thefe Names) the King's Prohibition {hall hold no Place, although for the long withholding of the fame the Money may be eftcemed at a Sum certain. (2) But if a Clerk or a religious Man do fell his Tythes being gathered in his Barn, or otherwife, to any Man for Money, if the Money be demanded be- fore a fpiritual Judge, the King's Prohibition fhall lie ; for by the Sale the fpiritual Goods are made R j^ 4 g*' &c " temporal, and the Tythes turned into Chatties.' S«™. "».■{?'«• Uon but <wbere the King hath Cogmxance. See farther 50 Ed. 3. c, 4. 2 H. $.Jlat> 1. c. 3. CAP. II. Debate upon the Right of Tythes exceeding the Fourth Part. or Pecuniary. Enjoining Penance Corporal ITEM fi fit contentio de jure decimarum origi- nem habens ex jure patronatus & earundem de- cimarum quantitas afcendat ad quartam partem bo- norum ecclefie locum habet regia prohibitio fi hec caufa coram ecclefiaftico Judice ventiletur. Item fi prelatus imponat penam pecuniariam alicui pro peccato & repetat illam regia prohibitio locum ha- bet verumptamen fi prelati imponant penitentias corporales Si fie puniti velint hujufmodi peniten- tias per pecuniam fponte redimere non habet locum regia prohibitio fi coram prelatis pecunia ab eis exigatur. L S O if Debate do arife upon the Right of 2 IiA &19 . Tythes, having his Original from the Right of the Patronage, and the Quantity of the fame Tythes do come unto the fourth Part of the Goods of the Church, the King's Prohibition fhall hold Place, if the Caufe come before a Judge Spiritual. (2) Alfo if a Prelate enjoin a Penance Pecuniary to a Man for his Offence, and it be demanded, the King's Prohi- bition fhall hold Place. (3) But if Prelates enjoin a Penance Corporal, and they which be fo punifhed will redeem upon their own Accord fuch Penances by Money, if Money be demanded before a Judge Spi- ritual, the King's Prohibition fhall hold no Place.' Co. 465. Regift. 3 J. CAP. III. Laying violent Hands upon a Clerk. Excommunication for Penance Corporal. INfuper fi aliquis violentas manus injecerit in cle- ricum pro violata pace debet emenda fieri co- ram rege pro excommunicatione vero coram prela- to ut imponatur penitentia corporalis quamfireus velit fponte per pecuniam redimere dandam prelato vel leib poteft repeti. coram prelato nee in talibus regia prohibitio locum habet.. Oreover, if any lay violent Hands on a Clerk, Re^ift the Amends for the Peace broken fhall be be- 57- fore the King, and for the Excommunication before a Prelate, that Penance Corporal may be enjoined ; which if the Offender will redeem of his own good Will, by giving Money to the Prelate, or to the Party grieved, it fhall be required before the Prelate, and the King's Prohibition fhall not lie.' S 1 ) 5?» Inft. Sao, CAP. IV. Prelates may correal: for Defamation. I N difFamationibus etiam corrigant prelati fupra- di£to modo regia prohibitione non obftante. N Defamations alfo Prelates fhall correct in Man- 4 Co. 20. • ner abovefaid, the King's Prohibition notwith- | lnt ^ 6?0i ' ftanding; * firji injoyning a Penance corporal, which * e JL'-' ! ■ ' if the Offender will redeem, the Prelate may freely re- R 3 a._lsT,'ic. 6 ceive the Money, though ths King's Prohibitionie J}mued, r CAP. V. No Prohibition where Tithe is demanded of a new Mill. ITEM fi aliquis in fundo fuo molendinum e- rexerit de novo & poilea a Reclore loci exigatur d'ecima de eodem exhibetur prohibitio regia fub hac forma 3uia de molendino tali haclenus decime non fuerunt Jolute prohibemus &c. et fententiam excommu- L S O if any do erect in his Ground a Mill of 2 Infh 621. new, and after the Parfon of the fame Place * Ro " 4°5- " demandeth Tithe for the fame, the King's Prohibi- z RoU s 4- " tion doth iffue in this Form : Quia de tali molendino " haftenus decimae non fuerunt folutas, prohibemus,.