1 68 Stat. i. Anno nono Edward i IL A- D. 1315. "- &c, & fententiam excommunicationis, fi quam hac " occafione promulgaveritis, revocetis omnino. (2) " The Anfwer." ' In fuchCafe the King's Prohibition ' was never granted by the King's Affent, nor never ' fhall, which hath decreed that it fhall not hereafter ' lie in fuch Cafes.' Ex Rot. in *Turr. Lond. nicationis f quam hac occafione promulgaveritis revo- cetis omnino. Refponfo. In tali cafu nunquam exi- vit prohibitio de principis voluntate qui & decernit talem perpetuo non exire. CAP. VI. 2 Inft. 622. "Where a Suit for one Offence may be profecuted both in Court Spiritual and Temporal Read and. f At it /hall deem expedient. .4 Co. .16, 2Q. fee fcfltae. 12. -alfo 13 Rich. 2. fat. 1. c. 3. fir the Penalty of bringing Excom- munication for executing the Sta- tute of Provifon. See farther 5 EL r. 23. for the due Execution of tie Writ if Excom- municato capiend. Rc-gift. 65. % Inft. 622. L S O if any Caufe or Matter, the Knowledge whereof belongeth to a Court Spiritual, and ' (hall be definitively determined before a Spiritual ' Judge, and doth pafs into a Judgement, and mall not ' be fufpended by an Appeal ; and after, if upon the ' fame Thing a Qyeftion is moved before a Temporal ' Judge between the fame Parties, and it be proved by ' Witnefs or Inftruments, fuch an Exception is not ' to be admitted in a Temporal Court. (2) The An- L fwer." ' When anyone Cafe is debated before Jud- ges Spiritual * or Temporal (as above appeareth up- on the Cafe of laying violent Hands on a Clerk) it is thought, that notwithftanding the Spiritual Judge- ment, the King's Court fhall difcufs the fame Matter as I the Party Jhall think expedient for himfelf ITEM fi aliqua caufa vel negotium cujus cogni- tio fpeftat ad forum ecclefiafticum & coram ec- clefiaftico Judice fuerit fententialiter terminata & tranfierit in rem judicatam nee per appellationem fuerit fufpenfa et poftmodum coram judice feculari fuper eadem re inter eafdem perfonas queftio mo- veatur & probetur per teftes vel inftrumenta talis exceptio in foro feculari non admittetur. Refponfo. Quando eadem caufa diverfis rationibus coram Ju- dicibus ecclefiafticis & fecularibus ventilatur ut fu- pra patet de inje£Hone violenta manuum in cle- ricum dicunt quod non obftante ecclefiaftico judi- cio Cur' Regis ipfum tradtat negotium ut fibi ex- pedire videtur ecclefiaftico judicio non obftante. CAP. VII. In what only Cafe the King's Letters fhall be fent to difcharge an Excommunicate. L S O the King's Letter directed unto Ordina- ries, that have wrapped thofe that be in Sub- jection unto them in the Sentence of Excommunica- " tion, that they fhould aflbil them by a certain Day, " or elfe that they do appear, and fhew wherefore they " have excommunicated them. (2) The Anfwer." ' The King decreeth, That hereafter no fuch Letters ' fhall be fuffered to go r : rth, but in cafe where it is ' found that the King's Liberty is prejudiced by the ' Excommunication.' ITEM littera regia ordinariis dirigitur qui ali- quos fuos fubditos excommunicationis vinculo innodarunt quod eos abfolvant infra certum diem alioquin quod compareant refponfuri quare eos ex- communicaverunt. Refponfo. Rex decernit quod talis littera nunquam exire impofterum permittatur nifi in cafu quo pofiet inveniri ledi per excommu- nicationem regiam libertatem. CAP. VIII. Clerks in the King's Service mail be difcharged of their Refidence, but fhall be corrected by the Ordinary. 1 Tnfh 623. Privilege of the Exchequer, Reglft. 58. ■*' A ISO Barons of the King's Exchequer claiming
- ' Jr V. by their Privilege, that they ought to make
■" Anfwer to no Complainant out of the fame Place,
- extend the fame Privilege unto Clerks abiding there,
" called to Orders or unto Refidence, and inhibit Or- " dinaries that by no Means, or for any Caufe, fo long " as they be in the Exchequer, or in the King's Ser- " vice, they fhall not call them to Judgment. (2) The •" Anfwer/' ' It pleafeth our Lord the King, That ' fuch Clerks as attend in his Service, if they offend, ' fhall be correct by their Ordinaries, like as other j ' but fo long as they are occupied about the Exchequer,
- they fhall not be bound to keep Refidence in their
- Churches." (}) " This is added of new by the
- ' King's Council." ' The King and his Anceftors
- fince Time out of Mind have ufed, That Clerks,
4 which are employed in his Service, during fuch Time ' as they are in Service, fhall not be compelled to keep ' Refidence at their Benefices. (4) And fuch Things ' as be thought neceflary for the King and the Com- c monwealth, ought not to be faid to be prejudicial to '• the Liberty of the Church.' TEM Barones de Scaccario domini Regis ven- dicantes fibi ex privilegio quod non debent ex- tra ilium locum conquerenti cuiquam refpondere extendunt illud privilegium ad clericos commo- rantes ibidem vocatos ad ordines feu ad refidentiam et diocefanis inhibent ne aliquo modo aliquave ex caufa dum funt in Scaccario & in fervitio domini Regis trahant ad judicium quovis modo. Refpon- fo. Placet domino Regi ut clerici fuis obfequiis intendentes fi delinquant per ordinarios ut ceteri corrigantur fet tempore quo occupantur circa Scac- carium ad refidentiam in fuis faciend' ecclefiis non tenentur. Hie additur fc d? novo per conflium domini Regis. Rex et antecefibres fui a tempore cu- jus contrarii memoria non exiftit ufi funt quod cle- rici fuis immorantes obfequiis dum obfequiis illis intendunt ad refidentiam in fuis benefices faciend' minime compellantur nee debet dici tendere in pre- judicium ecclefiaftice libertatis quod pro Rege & republica neceflarium invenitur. CAP.