A. D. 13 1 6. Anno decimo Ed ward i II, 1 73 The Statute ^Gavelet, made at London, Anno 10 Edw. II. atid Anno Dom. 13 1 6. The Lords of Rents In Land, on may recover them by a Writ of Gavelet, and in Default thereof the Lands in Demefne. Cotton MS. Claudius, D. z. PRO V ISUM eft per dominum,Regem.& Ju- fticiarios fuos & Civibus London' conceflum eft quod fi Archiepifcopi Epifcopi ■ Abbates Priores Comites Barones & Alii qui habent redditus in Civitate London' in aliquibus tenementis & red- ditus ill i aretro fueiint nee redditus illos poffunt re- cuperare quod bene liceat eis diftringere tenentes fuos pro arreragiis fuis quamdiu aliquid inveniatur in feodo per quod diftringere pofiunt* Cum ipfi te- nentes implacitentur de Gavelet per quoddambreve deconfuetudinibus & ferviciisquod bene poteft fieri per Sokereuns eorundem in huftengo prefentatos ad cuftodiend' Sok' fue ad redditus fuos colligend' ita quod tenentes fui cognoverunt fervicia fua ftatim & fine difficultatefatisfaciant dominis fuis de arreragiis fuis Si autem fervitia fua denegaverint petentes no- minabunt ftatim feftam fuam fcilt' duos teftes & abreviabuntur & habebunt diem ad producendum eos ad proximum Huftingum ad quern diem ft ipfos teftes produxerint & per eos in plena Curia often- datur ut de pleno vifu et. audita quod ipft conque- rentes aliquando perceperint redditus-quos pe.tunt de tenementis tunc ipft tenentes amittant feoda per judicia Curie & querentes recuperabunt tenementa fua in dominico ft autem ut predidtum eft cognove- rint dominis fuis fervitia & fuper arreragiis tunc ad judicium di<£te Curie duplicabunt arreragia & dabunt vie' pro injufta detentione ft ad hoc fufficiant abfque gravamine C. s. ft autem poft debitam fummoni- tionem ad Huftengum non venerint tunc feoda ilia in pleno Huftengo liberabuntur conquerenti tenen- da in manibus fuis per unum annum & unum diem ad quern terminum fi tenentes venerint ad eos & optulerint eis fatisfacere de arreragiis fuis duplican- dis et vie' de miffa fua ut predict urn eft tunc reha- bebunt tenementa fua fin autem poft annum & diem completum remanebunt tenementa ilia domi- nis feodorum illorum per judicium ejufdem Curie in dominico fuo imperpetuum. Ettunc vocantur tenementa ilia forfeelet eo quod imperpetuum remanebunt in dominico dominis feo- dorum illorum pro defedhi. Idem tamen eft obfervand' ft tenentes cognofcant arreragia fua & non poffunt inde fatisfacere ficut predi&um eft. IT is, provided by. our Lord the King and his Juf- tices, and alfo granted unto the Citizens cf Lin- den, That Arcbiihops, Biihops, Abbots, Priors, Earls, Barons, and other that have Rents in London, ,and for fome Tenements the Ren^s are behind, und- cannot recover thofe Rents, that it fhall he lawful for them todiftrain their Tenants for, their Arrerages, fo long as any Thing is found in the Fee, whereby they may be diftrained ; (2) and if they have nothing in the Fee, whereby they may be diftrained, then the Tenants fhall be impleaded by a Writ of Gavelet of Cuftoms and Services; which may be well done by the Freemen of their City prefented in their Huttings, for the keeping of their Suit, to gather their Rents ; fo that if the Tenants do acknowledge their Ser- vices, they fhall prefently and "without Delay fatisfy their Lords of their Arrerages. (3) And if they de- ny them their Services, the Demandants {hall im- mediately name two Witneffes,. whofe. Names fhall be inrolled, and fhall have Day to' bring them forth at the next Huftings; (4) at which Day if they bring forth Witneffes, and it is fhewed by them in the full Courtof their own Sight and Hearing, that the fame Plaintiffs -have any Time received the Rents which- they demand of the Tenements, then the Tenants- fhall leefe their Fees by award of the Court, and the Plaintiffs fhall recover their Tenements in Demean. (?). If they will not acknowledge the Services unto their Lords, as. before is faid, and likewife the Ar- rerages, then the Arrerages by Judgement of the Court _ fhall be doubled, and they fhall give to the- Sheriff for the wrongful withholding (if they be- worth fo much) C.s. without any Difficulty; (6)- and if they do not come in after due Summons in the Huftings, then the fame Fees fhall be delivered unto the Plaintiffs in the full Huftings, to be holden in their own Hands for one Year and a Day • (7) within which Time if the Tenants do come unto them, and do offer to fatisfy them of the Arrerages double, and to the Sheriff for his Amerciament, as before is faid,- then they fhall have their Tenements again. (8) But if it be after one Year and a Day accomplifhed-- fuch Tenements fhall remain unto the Lords of thofe Fees by Judgement of the Court in their Demean for ever; (9) and then fuch Lands fhall be called Fcrf- choke, becaufe fuch Tenements fhall remain for. ever. in demean to the Lords of the Fees for Default of the. Service. (10) The fame Ordinance fhall be kept and obferved if the Tenants do knowledge the Ar- rerages, and be not able to make Satisfaction there- fore, as it is faid before.' » Si autem nichil inveniatur in feodo per quod pofiint diflringi Tunc ipfi tenentes implacitentur, «c. h alh MS, The