A. D> 1325, Anno decimo odlavo Edward 1 II. 185 Cotton MS. 26. De faux balaunces & de faux pois. «7 V. ceux. qi ount double mefure h achatent per le greindour & vendent per le meindre. 2^. De ceux qi affiduelment hauntent les taver- nes & homme ne foit dount ils vivent. zg. De ceux qi dorment les jours & veillent les nuiz et mangent bien et beivent bien et nount nul bien. 30. Des dobbours des draps et des curreours des quirs aillours qen ville marchaunde. 3 1 . De ceux qi fuent a leglifes et per eux fen vount faunz faire qappent Sil ny eit nulle feinme putiene per quoi le Seignur purra perdre. 32. Et des gentz emprifonez et puis lefTez faunz garant. 33. De ceux qi prenent columbes en iveer per laces ou per autre engine. 34. De touz ceux nous faites aflavoir per le fere- tnent qe vous nous avez fait. ' z6. Of falfe Balances and Weights.
- 27. Of fuch as have double Meafure, and buy by
the great, and fell by the lefs. ' 28. Of fuch as continually haunt Taverns, and no Man knoweth whereon they do live. ' 29. Of fuch as deep by Day and watch by Night *, and have nothing. ' 30. Of Cloth-fellers and Curriers of Leather dwel- ling out of Merchant Towns, '31. Of fuch as flie into Church or Church-yard, and after depart without doing that which belongeth thereunto. ' 32. Of Perfons imprifoned, and after let go with- out Mainprize. ' 33. Of fuch as take Doves in Winter by Door falls or Engines.
- 34. And of all thefe Things you fhall do us to
wit, by the Oath you have taken.'
- Add and eat
and drink luell. ' The Statute of Prifes made Anno 28 Ed. t. the fecond Chapter of Articuli fuper Cbartas. is here omitted, for that it is Word for Word contained in Vet. Magn. Chart. 90. 2 Inflr. 606. 1 Roll zoi. Raft. 390, 423. 8 Co. 38, 4-1. 45 Ed. 3. f. 8. 38 H. 6. f. 7. 3H.7. f.4. 21 H. 7. f. 40. Fitz. Avowry, 105, in, 15;, 161, 194, 211, 212. Fitz. Bare 271. Bro. Leet, 35, 36, 37, 38, ^6, Certain Statutes made during the Reigns of King Henry III. King Edw. I. or King Edw. II. but uncertain when, cr in which of their 'Times. Articles againft the King's Prohibitions iU In what Cafes the King's Prohibition fhall lie, and in what not. NDER what Form (hall Lay-men purchafe Prohibitions generally upon Tithes, Oblations, Ob- ventions, redeeming of Penances, Mortuaries, violent Hands laying on a Clerk or Lay-brother, and in Cafes of Defamation, in which Cafes Spiritual Penance muft be enjoined ? The King anfwered to thefe Articles, That in Tithes, Oblations, Obventions, and Mortuaries, when they be pleaded as before is faid, the King's Prohibition doth not lie.
- '. II. And if a Clerk or a Perfon Religious do fell his Corn being in his Barn, or other where, to
any Man for Money, if the Price thereof be demanded before a Spiritual Judge, the King's Prohibition doth lie ; for by the Sale the Spiritual are become Temporal, and fo Tithes pais into Chatties. ' III. And if Debate hang in a Spiritual Court for the Right of Tithes, having his Original from the Right of the Patronage, and the Quantity of the fame Tithes do pafs the fourth Part of the Value of the Benefice, a Prohibition mail lie. ' IV. Alfo if a Prelate enjoin Penance pecuniary to any Man for his Sin, if the Money be demanded be- fore Prelates, a Prohibition fhall lie. ' V. And if any lay violent Hands on a Clerk or Lay-brother, for the Peace broken Amends fhall be made before the King, and for the Excommunication before a Bifhop or Prelate. ' VI. And if a corporal Penance be enjoined, which the Offender will redeem by giving Money to the Prelate, or to the Party grieved, a Prohibition fhall not lie.
- VII. In Caufes of Defamation, Prelates may freely corre£t, the King's Prohibition notwithstanding,
firft enjoining a corporal Penance, which if the Party will redeem, the Prelate may lawfully receive the Money, though the Prohibition be fhewed.' 50 Ed. 3. c. 4. and 2 II 9 Ed. 2. flat. : , c. 1. See farther 5. fat. 1. c.%. » This is a Tranflation of the latter Part of the Statute CircumffeSe agati:. See before, Fol. J19. Vol. 1. Bb An