i86 Regift. orig. leg. Temporibus HenriciIII. EDWARDique I. & II; C* 1—52 An Ordinance for Bakers, Brewers, and for other Vi&uallers y^ 1 for Ells, Bufhels, and Foreftallers*. C A P. I. Upon what only Caufe Affile of Bread fhall be changed. « rrt HE -Affife of Bread fhall be kept according as ' -| it is contained ih the Writing of the Mar- ' -*- {halfey of our Lord the King delivered unto 1 them after : the Sale of Wheat, that is to wit, the ' better, .the worfe, and the worft. ' (2) And as well ' WaftelBread, as other of what Sort foever they be,
- fhall be weighed according as it is faid of the Sale of
' the meaner Wheat : (3) Neither fhall the Affife or ' Weight of Wheat be changed more than Six Pence ' increafing or decreafing, as it is in the Sale of the
- Quarter.'
E perantiquo MS. AS SIS A panis fecundum quod continetur in fcripto Marefcalcie Domini Regis teneatur fecundum venditionem frumenti fcilicetme- lioris fecundi et tertii Et tarn wafteili quern alii panes ponderent cujufcunque generis funt ficut diftum eft fupra in venditione frumenti et tunc non mutetur affifa five pondus nifi per fex denarios crefcentes vel decrefcentes in quarterio frumenti. CAP. II. For what Offence a Baker fhall be amerced, and for what fet on the Pillory. Baker, if his Bread be founden a Farthing Weight lacking Th Two {hillings 'fix pence, -or under, fhall be amerced ; (z) and if it pafs the fame Number, he {hall fuffer Punifhment 6f the Pil- lory, which fhall not be remitted to the Offender either for Gold or Silver. (3) And every Baker {hall have a Mark of his own for his Bread.' Iftor fi inveniatur panis fuus de quadrante -in defe&u ponderis ii.s. vi.d. aut infra amercie- tur Et fi numerum ilium excedat iubeat judicium pillorie' et non remittetur judicium delinquent! pro auro neque" pro argento Et quilibet piftor habeat proprium fignum fuper quodlibet genus panum fu- orum. C A P. III. Every Pillory fhall be of convenient Strength.
- IT Very Pillory or Stretch-neck muft be made of
' ±2j< convenient Strength, fo that Execution maybe ' done upon Offenders without Peril of their Bodies.' Pllloria five colliftrigium et tumberellum con- tinue habeantur debite fortitudinis ita quod delinquentes exequi poffint judicium fine corporiim peiiculo. CAP. IV. How Toll at a Mill fhall be taken. THE Toll of a Mill fhall be taken according to the Cuftom of the Land, and according to the Strength of the Water-courfe, either to the twentieth or four and twentieth Corn. (2) And the Meafure whereby th? Toll. muft- be taken fhall be agreeable to the'King's Meafure, and Toll fhall be taken by the Rafe, and not by the Heap or Cantel. (3) And in cafe that the Termors find the Millers their Necefla- ries, they fhall take nothing befides their due Toll ; and if they do otherwife, they fhall be grievoufly punifhed.' TOlnetum ad molendinum fecundum commu- nem confuetudinem regni et fecundum for- titudinem curfus aque capiatur vel ad vicefimum granum vel ad vicefimum quarterium grani. Et menfura per quam tolnetum debet capi lit concor- dans menfure 1 Domini Regis et capiatur tolnetum per rafum et nichil cum cumulo feu cantello Etfi furriarii inveniant molendinariis necefiaria fua ni- chil capiatur preter debitum tolnetum Et fi aliter fecerint gravitcr puniantur. CAP. V. Unforced by $T.i. 3. C. 1». Kep.a'eJ by ai Jic. 1, c. 22. " npHE Affife of Wine fhall be kept, that is a " JL Sextertium at Twelve Pence ; and if the Ta- " verners exceed the fame Aflife, their Doors fhall be " fhut up *." AS S I S A vini fecundum aflifam Domini Regis obfervetur fcilicet fextertium ad xii.'d. Et fi tabernarii excefTerint per majorem et ballivos hoflia claudantur et non permittantur vinum vendere donee a Domino Rege licentiam obtinuerint.
- Add and tbcyjball ml be permitted to Jell Wme till they have obtained the King's Licence.
- This is in the Sccunda pars vtterum Jlatutorum, and in all the Engli/h Editions,