A. D. 1328. Anno fecundo Edwardi III. C. 3,~4', i97 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ^aoles procurez countre forme de leftatut fait en temps le Roi Edward Ael noftre Seignur le Roi qore eft en quele eft contenuz qe les Juftices as af- fifes prendre affignez fils foient lais facent ks deli- verances et ft lun foit clerc & lautre lais qe le dit lais aflbcie a lui un autre du pays facent la delive- rance des gaols par quei acorde eft & eftabli qe tiels Jufticeries ne foient mes grantees countre la forme du dit eftatut & qe les affiles atteintes & certifica- cions foient prifes devant les Juftices communement affignez qe foient bones gentz & loialx & coniffantz de la lei & nemie autres folonc la forme dun autre eftatut fait en temps meifme le Ael Et qe les oiers et terminers ne foient grantees forfque devant les Juftices de lun Baunk & de lautre ou les juftices errantz & ce pur led & orrible trefpas & de lefpe- ciale grace le Roi folonc forme de ftatut de ce or- dene en temps meifme le Ael & nemie autrement. 6R.2 amng Juftica cf Jljife 4, EJ. 3. c. 2. 20 Ed. 3. c. 3 & 6. iGu. 1. f. 4.5. 21 Ceo. 2. c. It. fell. I. cured by great Men againft the Form of the Statute made in the xxvii Tear of the Reign of King Ed- WARD, Grandfather to our Lord the King that now is, wherein is contained, that Juftices affigned to take Affifes, if they be Laymen, {hall make Delive- rance; and if the one be a Clerk, and the other a Layman, that the Lay -judge, with another of the Country aflbciate to him, {hall deliver the Gaols: (4.) Wherefore it is enacted, That fuch Juftices {hall Who ">=" *>«' not be made. againft the Form of the faid Statute ; ( ) > n, ^ s °{ £v . . . a^,- a ■ 1/-1 t * 1' and Oaol-deu- and that the Affiles, Attaints, and Certifications be vety _ . taken before the Juftices commonly affigned, which i 3 Ed. j, flat, i.- {hould be good Men and lawful, having Knowledge c. 30. ' of the Law, and none other, after the Form of ano- ,2Bd '»' fl*'- 1 - ' ther Statute made in the Time of the faid King Ed- c ' 3 ' 4 ' ' ward the firft. (6) And that the Overs and Ter- To whomOjws ' miners {hall not be granted but before Juftices- of the ^ n al , b e J Tinted, ' one Bench or the other, or the Juftices Errants, and an( j f or v ° nat ' that for great Hurt, or horrible TrefpafTes, and of caufe. ' the Kind's fpecial Grace, after the Form of the Sta- Regift. 124,206.' ' tute thereof ordained in Time of the faid Grandfa- ^3 Ed. i.tot. 1. ' ther, and none otherwife.' %k fattier un- c 5. 8.R.2.<.- iiR.acul. 2oR.2.c.%. 14H.6.C.3. 33 II. 8. C. 2fr,fc3l, C A p; III. No Man fhall come before the Juftices or go or ride armed; ENfement acorde eft & eftabli qe nul grant ne petit de quele condition qil foit fauve les Ser- I jantz le Roi en la prefence le Roi & les Miniftres le ; Roi enfefantz execution des mandementz leRoi ou j de lour office & ceux qi font en lour compaignies eidantz as ditz miniftres & auxint autri de fait darmes de pees & ce en lieux ou tielx faitz fe fer- ront foit fi hardi de venir devant les Juftices le Roi ou autres Miniftres le Roi enfefant lour office a force & armes ne force mefner en affrai de la pees ne de chivaucher ne daler arme ne de nuit ne de jour en faires marchees nerf prefence des Juftices ne dautres Miniftres ne nule part aillours fur peins de perdre lour armures au Roi & de lour corps a la prifone a la volunte le Roi. Et qe Juftices le Roi en lour prefences vifcountes & autres Miniftres le Roi en lour baillies feignours des fraunchifes et lour baillifs en yceles et Meire et Baillifs des Citees et Burgs deinzmeifmes les Citees et Burghs Btirghal- dres coneftables et gardeins de la pees deinz lour gardes eient poair affaire execution de ceft acorde. Et qe les Juftices affignez a lour venu en pais eient poair denquere coment tielx Miniftres et feignurs ont ufe lour office en ce et de punir ceux qils trove- ront qi nount mie fait ce qe a lour office appent. T EM it is enacted, That no Man great nor {mall, 3 V*- &<& of what Condition foever he be, except the King's ^??' d 71 ' „- Servants in his Prefence, and his Minifters in exe- 3 cuting of the King's Precepts, or of their Office, and fuch as be in their Company affifting them, and alfo
- upon a Cry made for Arms to keep the Peace, and «Thofeof Featj
the fame in fuch Places where fuch Acts happen, be of Arms of fo hardy to come before the King's Juftice?, or other Pea - ce ' of the King's Minifters doing their Office with Force and Arms, (2) nor bring no Force in affray of the Peace, (3) nor to go nor ride armed by Night nor by Day, in Fairs, Markets, nor in the Prefence of the Juftices or other Minifters, nor in no Part elfe- where, upon Pain to forfeit their Armour to the King, • and their Bodies to Prilbn at the King's Pleafure. (4) And that the King's Juftices in their Prefence, She-' riffs, and other Minifters in their Bailiwicks, Lords of Franchifes, and their Bailiffs in the fame, and - Mayors and Bailiffs of Cities and Boroughs, within the fame Cities and Boroughs, and Borough-holders, Conftables, and Wardens of the Peace v/ithin their Wards, {hall have Power to execute this Act. (5) ' And that the Juftices affigned, at their coming down into the Country, {hall have Power to enquire how
- fuch Officers and Lords have exercifed their Offices
- 'in this Cafe, and to punifh them whom they find 7 F.d. 1. flat. 1.
- that have not done that which pertained to their Of- ^forced by 7 R.
- lice.' 2.C.13. zoR.
CAP. IV. A Confirmation of the Statute of Lincoln, concerning the Sufficiency of Sheriffs, &c. ET pur ce qe la pees ne poet mie eftre bien garde fauntz bons miniftres come vifcountes baillifs & hvndreders qi deivent faire execution 1 auxibien des privetez le Roi come dautres chofes tochantes le Roi & -fon poeple acorde eft & eftabli qe leftatut fait en temps le Roi Edward piere le " TTEM, Becaufe the Peace cannot be well kept " 1 without good Minifters, as Sheriffs, Bailiffs, and " Hundreders, which ought to do Execution as well' of "' the King's Privities as of other Things touching our " Lord the King and his People;" '* (2J it is ordained ' and eftabliflied;, That the Statute made in the Time ' of