i9$ C. 5 — 7. Anno fecundo Ej>wardi HI. A. D. 1328. (VEd. 2. ftat. z. Stat. Lincoln. •who foall be Shcnffi t and of 1 of King Edward, Father to the King that now is,
- at Lincoln, containing that Sheriffs, Hundreders,
- and Bailiffs (hall be of fuch People as have Lands in
' the fame Shires or Bailiwicks, fhall be obferved in all ' Points after the Form thereof ^ (j-) and that Sheriffs ' and Bailiffs of Fee fhall caufe their Counties and
- Bailiwicks to be kept by fuch as have Lands therein.'
•what Efatethey fkall be. See farther 6,Ed. 3. c. 9. 5 Ed. 3. c. 4. 13 & 14 tar. 2. c, 41 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. Roi qore eft a Nicole contenant qe vifcontes hun- dreders & baillifs foient des gentz eantz terres en meifmes les countez ou baillies foit garde en touz pointz folonc la forme dycel & auxint qe les vif- countes & baillifs de fee facent garder meifmes lour countez & baillies par gentz eantz terres en yceles. CAP. V. The Manner how Writs fhall be delivered to the Sheriff to be executed. 1 3 Ed. c - 39- aat.j." ITEM, Where it was ordained by the Statute of Wejlminfter the Second, that they which will de- ' liver their Writs to the Sheriff, fhall deliver them ' in the full County, or in the Rere County, and that ' the Sheriff or Under Sheriff fhall thereupon make a ' Bill ;" ' (z) it is accorded and effablifhed, That at what Time or Place in the County a Man doth deliver any Writ to the Sheriff or to the Under She- riff, that they fhall receive the fame Writs, and make a Bill after the Form contained in the fame Sta- tute, without taking any thing therefore. (3) And if they refufe to make a Bill, others that be prefent fhall fet to their Seals ; (4) and if the Sheriff or Un- der Sheriff do not return the faid Writs, they fhall be punifhed after the Form contained in the fame Statute. (5) And alfo the Juftices of Affifes fhall have Power to enquire thereof at every Man's Com- plaint, and to award Damages, as having refpedr. to the Delay, and to the Lofs and Peril that might hap- pen.' ENfement la ou ordeine eft par ftatut de Weft- monftre le fecund qe ceux qe liverer volent lour briefs as vifcountes les liverent en plein counte ou en rerecounte & qe vifconte ou fouthvifconte facent fur ce bille acorde eft & eftabli qe a quele heure ou a queu lieu deinz le counte home livre a vifcountes ou a fouthvifcontes briefs qils les refcei- vent & facent bille en la forme contenue en le dit eftatut & ce fanz rien prendre. Et ills refufent de faire bille mettent autres lour fealx qi ferront pre- fentz & fi le vifcounte ou le fouthvifcounte ne re- torne mie les briefs foient puniz folonc la forme contenue en le dit eftatut. Et jademeins eient les Juftices as affifes prendre affignez poair denquer de ce a chefcuny pleinte & de agarder damages eant regard au delai Si a les pertes & perils qi purrount avenir. CAP. VI. Juftices fhall have Authority to punifh Breakers of the Peace. 1-3 Ed. T. flat. 2. c. 6. 1 F.J. 3. fat. z. c. 16 Sec farther 4 Ed. 3-c.z. i%Ed ■}.ftat. 2- c. z. IxF.d. 3. c.i. I'.R. 2- c. 10. 13 R. 2. flat. 1. c. 7. iU. c./>at. 1. f.4. jS/7. 6, c. it. 1 Ed. 4. c. 2. 1 R. 3. c. 3, 3 H. 7. c. 1. 4 //. 7 c. 12. 5 Geo. 2. e. 18 '- 37 Gee. 2, e. 16 TEM, As to the keeping of the Peace in Time to come, it is ordained and enadfed, That the ' Statutes made in Time paft, with the Statute of ' Wincbejler, fhall be obferved and kept in every ' Point : (z) And where it is contained in the End of ' the faid Statute of IVinchefter, that the Juftices af- ' figned fhall have Power to enquire of Defaults, and ' to report to the King in his Parliament, * and the ' King to remedy it, which no Man hath yet feen, the ' fame Juftices fhall have Power to punifh the Dif-
- obeyers and Refifters.'
1 M.fat.z. c.Z. 1 &zP. & M. c. 73. 2 & 3 P. & M. c. 13. T Jac. 7 10. ic'Gco. 2. c. 24. i6Geo. 2. c. 18. 18 Geo. 2. c. 20. 23 Geo, & 20. and 30 Gee, 2. c. 24. containingfarther Provifioiis concerning the Autl. ET quant a la garde de la pees en temps avenir acorde eft & eftabli qe les eftatutz faites en temps paffez ovefqe leftatut de Wynceftre foient tenuz & gardez en touz pointz ajoufte au dit efta- tut de Winceftre la ou contenue eft en la fin qe Juftices affignez eient poair denquere des defautes & des reporter au Roi en parlement dont home nad pas veu ifTue qe les ditz Juftices affignez eient poair de punir les defobeiffantz Sc contrevenantz 1. c. 5. 21 Jac. I. e. 12. 6 Geo. 1. c. zi. fee. 7o. gG«. 1. f. 7. z. c.z6. fee. 11. 24 Geo. z . c. 44 & 5 5. 26 Geo. 2, c. 14 £f 27. c-rity and QuaWficauoni of Juficcs of the Peace,
- Not m the Original,
EX CAP. VII. Commiffions fhall be granted to certain Perfons to hear and determine Offences before com- mitted, and to punifh the Offenders. |7 T quant au puniftement de felonies roberies homicides trefpas & oppreffions du poeple faitz en temps B~V paffe acorde eft qe noftre Scignur le Roi affigne Juftices en divers lieux de fa terre ove le Baunk le Roi par aillours come cftoit faite en temps de fon dit Ael des grantz de la terre qi font de prant poair ovefqs afcuns des Juftices de lun Baunk ou de lautre ou autres fages de la lei denquere auxibien a flute de partie come a la feute le Roi et doier he terminer totes maneres des felonies roberies homicides larcins oppreffions confpiracies & grevances faitz au poeple countre la lei les eftatutz h la cuftume de la terre aaxib.icn par miniftres le Roi come j,ar autres qi qils foient & ce auxibien dedeinz fraunchifes come dehors. Et ausfciut denquere des vifcountes coroners .foulhefdietours hundreders baillifs coneftables h touz autres miniftres