A.D. 1330. Anno quarto Ed wardi III. C. 12—15. 205 CAP. XII. Wines fhall be affayed, and fold at reafonable Prices. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ITEM pur ceo qil y font plufours taverners el Roialme qeftre ne foleient vendantz vyns auxi- bien purrez come feyns & ont vendu le galon a tiel pris come i!s mefmes ont volu pur ceo qe cha- ftiement nad pas efte ofdene fur eux come fur eux qe ount venduz payn & cerveife a grant damage du poeple fi eft acorde qe crie fe face qe nul foit fi hardy de vendre vyns forque a refonable feer eaunt regard au pris qeft en les portz dont les vyns veignent & auxint as defpenfes come en cariage a faire des ditz portz tanque-as lieus ou ils font ven- duz & qe en chefcune ville aflai fe face des vyns deux foitz par an un foitz a la Pafch & autre foitz a la Seint Michel & plus fovent fi meftier foit par les Seignurs des villes & lour baillifs & auxint par les mairs & baillifs des mefmes les villes & touz les vyns qe ferront trovez purrez ou corrumpuz foient enfouncez & oftez de tut & les toneiles debrufez. Et eient les Chaunceller Treforer Juftices del un Baunk & del autre & Juftices affignez as affifes prendre poair denquere fur mairs baillifs & mini- ftres de villes fils ne facent ceo qeft acorde & outre a faire punifTement folonc ceo qe refon demand. felt. 6. 1 Jae.n. c. i.fe3. 2. 1 IV. & M. feff. I. c.34. 2 W. & fiS. 2. 8 Geo. 1, c. 18. feci. 19. 12 Geo. 1. c. 1%. feB. 20. 1 Geo. «6 Geo. 2. c, 12- feci. I. $oGeo. 2. c. ig.fetl.z., and ^zGco.z^c, " TTEM, Becaufe there be more Taverners in the 28 H. 8. c. 14, " X Realm than were wont to be, felling as well cor-/" - Frk " "f " rupt Wines as wholfome, and have fold the Gallon ^'""' " at fuch Price as they themfelves would, becaufe " there was no Punifbment ordained for them, as hath " been for them that have fold Bread and Ale, to the "great Hurt of the People;" ' (2) it is accorded, ' That a Cry fliall be made, that none be fo hardy to ' fell Wines but at a reafonable Price, regarding the ' Price that is at the Ports from whence the Wines ' came, and the Expences, as in Carriage of the fame ' from the faid Ports to the Places where they be fold ; ' (3) and that Allay fliall be made of fuch Wines two ' Times every Year, once at Eafter, and another Time e at Michaelmas, and more often, if need be, by the ' Lords of the Towns and their Bailiffs, and alfo by ' the Mayor and Bailiffs of the fame Towns ; (4) and Corrupt Winsi ' all the Wines that fhall be found corrupt, fhall be * aI1 be P° ureiJ ' poured out, and the Veffels broken. (5) And the venyffareke n, ' Chancellor and Treafurer, Juftices of the one Bench sYciSff. 6.<-. i~. ' and the other, and Juftices of Affife, fhall have Power 1 R.3. c. ij. ' to enquire upon the Mayors, Bailiffs, and Minifters 7 Ed. 6. c. 5. ' of Towns, if they do not according to this Statute; 5 £/ '*-<"-5/" , f" ' and befides that, to punifh as Reafon fhall require.' jg Jf p ** * Z5 ' M. flat. 2. c. 14. lAnn.flat. x.'c. n.fcB. 112. 5 Ann. c. z-j.feB. 17. 6 Gra. 1. c. n. .'*. c. ij.feB.J. loGeo. 2. c. lej.feB.T.. 17 Geo. 2. c. 40. feS, u. j8 Geo. x. c. §.fc3. I» 19. feB. 1. containing farther Provt/ioni with refyeclto TVines, C A P. XIII. A Confirmation of the Statute of 2 Edward 3. cap. 2. touching granting of Pardons; ENfement pur ceo qe plufours chartres ont efte grauntes de pardons des felonies roberies & homicides centre la fourme de Ieftatut nadgairs fait a Northampton contenant qe nul homenavereit ti- des chartres hors du parlement parount les meffe- fours ont efte plus efbaudiz de meffaire fi eft acorde qe mefme Ieftatut foit defore garde & meyntenu en touz pointz.. " TTEM, Becaufe divers^ Charters of Pardon have Kr - c5 » rt - *= " A been granted of Felonies, Robberies,, and Man- Pard ' 10 * " Daughters, againft the Form of the Statute lately " made at Northampton, containing that no Man fhould " have fuch Charters out of the Parliament, whereby " fuch Mifdoers have been the more bold to offend ;" ' (2) it is enafted, That from henceforth the fame St&- ' tute fhall be kept and maintained in all Points.' CAP. XIV. A Parliament fhall be holden once every Year. ENfement eft acorde qe parlement foit tenu chefcun an unefoitz ou plus fi meftier foit. T EM ft is accorded, That a Parliament fliall be holden every Year once, and more often, if c need be.' Confirmed by Altered by 16 Car. 2. c. I. anddrV. & M. c. 2. which dinB triennial Parliaments^ and further by, iGm. uflat.z.c. 38. which direils ftfter.mal Pafliamclul C A P, XV. Sheriffs fhall let their Hundreds and Wapentakes for the old Ferm. TTEM pur ceo qe les vffcountes ount avant ces houres lefTez les nundredz & wapentaks en lour baillies a ft haute ferme qe les baillifs ne poient cele ferme lever forfque par extorfion & durefce faire an poeple ft eft acorde qe les vifcountes leffent defore les nundredz & wapentaks a launciene ferme & ne mye outre & qe les juftices affignez eient poair den- 3- TEM,. Becaufe Sheriffs have before this Time let Hundreds and Wapentakes in their Bailiwicks " to fo high Ferm, that the Bailiffs cannot levy the " faid Ferm,. without doing Extortion and Dureis to/ "•the People;"' ' (z) it is ordained, That the She- 6 riffs fliall from henceforth let their Hundreds and ' Wapentakes for the old Ferm, and not above ;■ amf v thatf