2o6 C. r, 2 t Anno quinto Ed wardi III. A. D. F33i. Enforced hy 14 Ed. 3. flat. I. e.g. -£74/7.4. c. 5. anJz^H. 6. e.g. Sheriffs, &c. are prohibited from letting their Ba'l- liioicks, Hun- dreds, Wapen- takes, Me. 4 that the Juftices afligned fhall have Power to enquire ' of the faid Sheriffs, and p-unifh them that .fhall be found offending againft this Statute.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. quere fur les vifcountes Sc de punir ceux qils trove- ront fefauniz le contraire. EX vicecomiti Ebor' falutem. Quedam per nos & confilium noftrum ad requifitionem communitatis regni noftri in parliamento noftro apud Weftm' die Lune proximo poft feftum fandte Katerine proxime preteritum convocato concordata & ordinata tibi mittimus in forma patente mandantes quod in fingulis locis in balliva tua tam infra libertates quam extra ubi expedire videris ea publice proclamari & firmiter teneri fa- cias et hoc nullatenus omittas. T. R. apud Langele tertio die Februarii anno regni noftri quinto. Per ipfum Regem. Eoclem modo mandaium efljingulis vicecomiiibus per Angliam. Me7norandum quod iflud Jfaiutum tnijfum fuit in Hiberniam in forma patenti mm quodam Irevi inferius fequenti. Statutes made at Weftminfter, crajlino Michaelis, Anno 5 Edw. III. a?id Anno Dom. 1 3 3 1 a . T the Parliament holden at Wefhninjler the morrow after St. Michael, in the Fifth Year of the Reign of King Edward the Third "- after the Conqueft, our Lord the King, by the Af- " fent ef the Prelates, Earls, Barons, and other great " Men of the Realm there affembled, to the Honour " of God and of holy Church, and at the Requeft of " his People, hath granted and eftablifhed thefe Things " underwritten, which he will to be kept and main- '" tained for ever." Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. z6. AU parlement fomons a Weftm' lendemeyn de Seint Michel Ian du regne le Roi Ed- ward tierz apres le conqueft quint fi ad noftre Seignur le Roi par affent des Prelatz Countes Barons et autres grantz duRoialme illoeqes affem- blez a loneur de Dieu et de feinte eglife et a la re- quefte de fon poeple grante et eftabli les chofes fu- thefcrites les queles il voet qe tenuz foient gardez et meyntenuz a touz jours. CAP. I. The Great Charter and the Charter of the Foreft confirmed. 'Irft it is accorded and eftablifhed, That the Great Charter and the Charter of the Foreft fhall be kept and firmly maintained.' N primes fi eft acorde et eftabli. qe la Grande Chartre et la Chartre de la Forefte foient te- nuz gardez et fermement meyntenuz. CAP. II. Things purveyed for the King's Houfe fhall be praifed, and Tallies made thereof. Of what People Inquefts in the Marfhal's Court fhall be taken. 4 Ed. 3. c. 3. « J TEM, Where in the Statute made at Weftmin- " I. Jler, at the Parliament there fummoned after the " Feaft of Saint Katharine, in the Fourth Year of the " Reign of the King that now is, amongft other Things " there enacted, It is contained, upon the Grievances " which the Purveyors for the King's Houfe, the " Queen's, and of their Children, did to the People in
- c outragious-Meafures of Corn, and voluntary taking
'•' of Hay, Litter, and other Things provided by the " faid Purveyors, that the Takers and Purveyors of " Corn for the faid Houfes fhould take them by Mea- " fure ftricken, according as hath been ufed through " the Realm ; (z) and that all the Corn, Hay, Litter, " Beftail, and all other Victuals and Things to he taken " for the fame Koufes, fhould be praifed at the true ' Value by the Conftables and other good People of the Towns where fuch Prifes be ; (3) and that th.'Prai- fors be not enforced by Threats and Durefs to affefs
- S Ed. i.fat.' j. ** 9Dy other Price than their Oath will. (4) And in
c 2. " the fame Statute is one Article rehearfed, which was " mad§ in the, Time of King Edward, Grandfather > Statutum <'e Roberdefmen. Redreffing of Error th^re. 5 TEM come en leftatut fait a Weftm' au parle- ment fomons illoeqes apres la fefte de Seint Katerine Ian du regne le Roi qore eft quart entre autres chofes illoeqes acordez et eftabliz foit conte- nuz fur les grevances qe les purveours pur les Ho- ftelx le Roi la Roigne fa compaigne et de lour en- fantz fefoient au poeple en outrajoufe mefure des bledz et auxint en voluntrive taille de fein littere et autres chofes purveus par les ditz purveours eftabli foit qe les parnours et purveours des bledz pur les ditz Hoftelx les preignent par mefure refe felonc ce qe home ufe parmy le Roialme et qe touz les bledz fein littere beftaill et totes autres vitailles ct chofes quecunqes qe font aprendre pur m.'ifmes les Hoftelx foient prifes a la verroie value par coneftables et autres bones gentz des villes ou tieles prifes fe ferront fantz ce qe par manace ou durefce foient 1 s prifours chacez a mettre autre p! is qe lour ferment ne voet. Et en meifir^ eel eftatut foit rehercez un article qe fut fait en du bone memoire le Roi Ael le Roi qore eft ou cer- tems