A. D. 1331. Anno quinto Edwardi III. C. 207- Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. teins peines font contenues contre ceux qi nondue- ment fefoient purveances pur tielx Hoftelx pur ]es queles peines les purveours des ditz Hoftelx ne ont pas lefTez a faire outrajoufe & nondues prifes con- tre la tenour des ditz eftatutz. Al honeur & profit de noftre Seigrrur le Roi & pur pees & quiete de fon poeple & pur refrenir & punir la malveifte de ceux qi tielx outrages ont faitz, en efclaundre du Roi la Roignc fa compaigne & de lour enfantz acor- de eft & eftabli qe les prifes & purveances fe fa- cent pur les ditz Hoftelx parpris fait par coneftable & quatre prodefhommes des villes ou tieles prifes & purveances fe ferront jurrez & fantz manace fi- come en les ditz eftatutz eft contenuz. Et qe entre les purveours & ceux des queux les biens ferront prifes en la prefence des coneftables & prifours foi- ent taillez faites enfealez de fealx des parnours des chofes iflint prifez par les queles taillesgree foit fait a ceux des queux les chofes ferront iffint prifes. Et fi nul parnour ou purveour pur les ditz Hoftelx les face par autre manere foit meintenant areftuz par la ville ou la prife Terra faite & mefne a la procheine gaole & ft de ce foit atteint foit la fait de lui come de laroun ft la quantite des biens le demande & defore foit contenu en les commiffions des tielx parnours & purveours foient eles foutz le petit feal ou foutz le grant feal la fourme & la peine conte- nuz en ceft eftatut. Et qen chefcun cas ou enque- ues font aprendre devant Senefchalx & Marefchalx del Hoftel le Roi qe les enqueftes foient prifes par gentz du pais enviroun & ne mie par gentz de lo- ftel fil ne fcit des contradlz covenantz ou trefpas faitz par gentz de meifme loftel dune part & dau- tre & ce en meifme loftel felonc un autre eftatut ent autrefoitz fait en temps meifme le Roi Ael. Et qe en cas ou home fe voudra pleindre de errour fait devant les ditz Senefchalx & Marefchalx eit le pleintif bref de faire venir le record & proces devant le Roi en fa place & illoeqes foit le errour I redrefce. Et auxint foit fait en chefcun autre cas 'ou homme fe voudra pleindre de errour fait devant meifmes les Senefchalx & Marefchalx de loftel le Roi. to the King that now is, where certain Pains be li- mited againft thofe that late made Purveyance for the faid Houfes; which Pains not regarded, the faid Purveyors have not let to make outragious and un- lawful Prifes againft the Tenor of the faid Statutes. ( 5 ) To the Honour and Profit of our faid Lord the King, and for the Peace and Quietnefs of his Peo- ple, and to refrain and punifh the Enormities of thofe that have committed fuch Outrages, to the King's, the Queen's, and their Childrens great Slander ;" (6) it is accorded and enafted, That the taking and Purveyance for the faid Houfes fhall be by Price made by the Conftables and four difcreetMen of the Towns where fhall be fuch Prifes and Purveyances thereto fworn, and without * Meance, as in the faid Statutes is contained. (7) And that alfo betwixt the Pur- veyors and them whofe Goods fhall be taken in the Prefence of the Conftables and Prifors, Tallies fhall be made- and fealed with the Purveyors Seals of the Things fo taken, by which Tallies Satisfaction (hall be made to them from whom fuch Goods be taken, (8) And if any Taker or Purveyor for the faid Hou- fes do take in any other Manner, he fhall be incon- tinently arrefted by the I own where fuch Taking was made, and brought to the next Gaol; (9) and if he be thereof attainted, it fhall be done of him as of a Thief, if the Quantity of the Goods the fame require ; ( 10) and from thenceforth it fhall be con- tained in the Commiffions of fuch Takers and Pur- veyors, be they under the fmall Seal or the great, the Form and the Pain contained in this Statute. (11) And that in every Cafe where Inquefts be to be taken before the Steward and the Marfhal of the King's Houfe, that Inquefts be taken by Men of the Country thereabout, and not by Men of the King's Houfe, except it be of Contracts, Covenants, or Tref- pafTes made by Men of the King's Houfe of the one Part and of the other, and that in the fame Houfe., according to another Statute thereof made in the Time of the faid Edward the Grandfather, (r-2) And in cafe where any will complain of Error made before the faid Steward and Marfhal, the Plaintiff fhall have a Writ to remove the Record and the Pro- cefs before the King in his Place, and there the Error fhall be redreffed. (13) And likewife fhall it be done in every other Cafe where any Man will complain him of Error done before the fame Steward and Mar- fhal of the King's Houfe.'
- Mtr.pce a
Enforced by 25 Ed. 3. flat. 5; c.i. 36 Ed. 3. c. 2. and 2 & 3 P. &M. c. 6. 12 Car. 2. c. 24;. takes aiv.iy Pur- veyance. 13 Car.. I.fiat. 1. c. S. and I3c=f 14. Car. 2. c. 20. fufpend the 1Z 1 Car. 2. in favour of the King's royal Progre/Jes, and of his Navy,- and Ordnance. See like^vife the yearly Mutiny A3s. Inquefts taken in the MarfhalV Court. Stat, 10 Ed. 5,. c, 2. Error in the- Marfhal's Court, IoEd.3. flat. S^ c.3- CAP. III. A. Confirmation of the Statute of Carlijle, made 35 Edw. 1. Houfes. Stat. 1. touching Religious ■■■ F? Nfement eft acorde & eftabli qe un eftatut fait It a Kardoil en temps meifme le Roi lael en quel eft contenuz qe gentz de religion ne facent apport fiors du Roialme foit tenuz gardez. & meintenuz en touz pointz. ITEM it is agreed, That the Statute made at: Carlijle in the Time of King Edward, the King's Grandfather that now is, wherein is contained, That Religious Men fhall * make no Carriage out of the * Pa y no Tax, Realm, fhall be holden, kept, and maintained in all 4 Ed. 3, c. 6, - Points,' CAP,