2IO C. 10 — 12. Anno quinto Edward i III. A.D.
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CAP. X. The Punilhment of a Juror that is Ambidexter, and taketh Money. 44 Ed. 3. f. 39. Fitz. Decies tan. 12. Raft. 145. Regirt. 1!"
- TTEM it is accorded, That if any Juror in Affi-
' 1 fes, Juries, or Enquefts, take of the one Party or « of the other, and be thereof duly attainted, that < hereafter he fhall not be put in any Affifes, Juries, or c Enquefts, arid neverthelefs he fhall be commanded to f Prifon, and further ranfomed at the King's Will.
- (2) And the Juftices before whom fuch Affifes, Ju-
< ries, and Enquefts fhall pafs, fhall have Power to < enquire and determine according to this Statute/ Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. AUXIN T eft acorde & eftabli qe fi mil ju- rour en affifes jurez ou enqueues preigne dune part & dautre & de ce foit duement atteint qe mes ne foit mis en affifes jurez nen enqueftes & nient miens foit comande a la. prifone & outre reint a la volente le Roi. Et a ce atteindre eient les Juftices devant queux tieles affifes jurez et en- queftes pafferont poair denquere & terminer felonc ceft eftatut. Enforced and amended by 34 Ed. 3* c. 8. 38 Ed. 3. flat. 1. c. la. the latter emRing that Jurlr taking Money pall forfeit ten times the Sum taken, CAP. XI. Procefs againft thofe that be appealed, indicted, or outlawed in one County, and remain in another. ' T TEM, Where in Times paft fome Perfons ap- ' ? pealed or indicted of divers Felonies in one ' County, or outlawed in the fame County, have ' been dwelling or received in another County, where- ' by fuch Felonious Perfons indicted and outlawed have ' been encouraged in their Mifchief, becaufe they may ' not be attached in another County;" ' (2) it is en- acted, That the Juftices affigned to hear and deter- mine fuch Felonies, fhall direct their Writs to all the Counties of England, where need fhall be, to take fuch Perfons indicted.' ITEM come avant ces heures afcuns appellez ou enditez de diverfes felonies en un counte ou ut- lagez en meifme le counte ont efte demorantz ou receitez en autres countez paront les felons enditez & utlagez ont efte covertz en lour malveiftez de ce qils ne poeint eftre attachez en autre counte fi eft acorde & eftabli qe les Juftices affignez doier & terminer tieles felonies facent lour brefs par toui les countez dEngleterre ou meftre ferra a prendre tielx enditez. Pardon of him that is outlawed upon a Judg- ment. Fitz. Chart, Fitz. Scire fac*, J 5 o. Outlawry upon an Original be- fore Appearance, Fitz. Utlagar. 4. 3 H.7, f. 12, so. Dyer 172. A Scire, facias awarded againft the Plaintiff.. CAP. XII. "What is requifite to be done to have their Pardons allowed which be outlawed.
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ITEM it is eftablifhed and ordained. That in cafe where the Plaintiff fhall recover Damages, and he againft whom the Damages be recovered be out- lawed at the King's Suit, that no Charter of Pardon fhall be granted of his Outlawry, except the Chan- cellor be certified that the Plaintiff is fatisfied of his Damages. (2) And in cafe that a Man be outlawed by Procefs before his Appearance, no fuch Charter fhall be granted, except the Chancellor be certified that fuch Perfon outlawed hath yielded himfelf to Prifon before the Juftices of the Place, from whence the Writ of Exigent iffued; that is to fay, if from the King's Bench, then he fhall yield him in the fame Place ; and if from the Common Bench, then he fhall yield himfelf there; (3) and if from the Juftices of Oyer Terminer, whiles the fame Juftices do fit, he fhall yield him before them ; (4J and if they be rifen, then he fhall yield him in the King's Bench before the Juftices, and the Record with the Procefs fhall be removed before them by Writ. (5) And the faid Juftices before whom they fhall fo yield them, fhall caufe the Party Plaintiff to be warned to appear before them at a certain Day, at which Day if the Warning be duly witneffed, and the Plaintiff appear upon his Warning, then they fhall plead upon the firft original Writ, as though no Outlawry had been pronounced ; (6) and if the Plaintiff come not, he that is outlawed fhall. be delivered by virtue of his Charter, (y) And it is to be underftood, that all fuch Charters be of the Grace of the King, as before they have been.' 4 UXINT eft acorde & eftabli qen cas ou le pleintif recovre damages & a la feute le Roi celui devers qi les damages font recoveriz feit utlage qe nul!e chartre de pardoun foit grante de cele ut- lagarie fi le Chaunceller ne foit appris qe gree foit fait a meifme le pleintif des damages. Et en ca,s ou hom'me foit utlage par proces devant ce qil apierge qe nulle tiele chartre foit grante ft le Chaun- celler ne foit appris qe tiel utlage fe eit renduz a la prifone devant les juftices en place dont le bref dexigend iffift ceft affaver fi de la place le Roi qe adonqes il fe rende en meifme la place & fi du commune Baunk adonqes fe rend illoeqes et fi des Juftices affignez doier & terminer feantz meifmes les Juftices fe rend devant eux & fils foient levez adonqes fe rend en la place le Roi devant les Ju- ftices & devant eux foit fait venir le record & pro- ces par bref. Et les Juftices fufditz devant queux ils ferront iffint renduz facent garnir la partie pleintif deftre a certein jour devant eux a quel jour fi le garniffement foit duement tefmoigne adonqes pie- dent fur le primer bref original auxicome nulle ut- lagarie neuft efte pronuncie fi le pleintif viegne ail garniffement et fil ne viegne mie foit lutlage deli- vers par vertue de fa chartre. Et eft a entendre qe totes tieles chartres font de la grace le Roi come avant ont efte. m ', CAP,