A. D. 1 3 3 i« Anno quinto Edwardi III. C. 13, 14; nt CAP. XIII. "What Is requlfite where any Perfon will avoid an Outlawry by Imprisonment. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. IT EM pur ce qe moltzde gentz duement utla- gez ont deftait les utlageries pronunciez fur eux par caufe denprifonement tefmoigne nient verita- hlement par vifcountes & autres qi nont pas record fi eft acorde & eftabli qe ft nul defore enavant voille defaire lutlagerie pronuncie fur lui par tiele tef- moignance qil fe rend a la prifone & adonqes les Juftices du Baunk le Roi facent garnir la partie a qi ieute lutlagerie eftoit pronuncie deftre devant eux a certein jour a queu jour ft la partie voille averrer qe la tefmoignance ne foit pas veritable foit refceu a laverrement. En rnefme la manere foit le Ser- vant le Roi ou fon attourne out autre qi voudra fure pur le Roi refceu a laverrement contre tiele tef- moignance en cas ou lutlagerie foit pronuncie a la feute le Roi. ITE M, Becaufe divers People being duly outlaw- ed, have avoided the Outlawries pronounced
- againft them, by reafon of Imprifonments untruly
'• teftified by Sheriffs and others which have no Re- ' cord;" ' (2) it is enacted, That if any from hence- F »^- Error, ij, forth will defeat any Outlawry pronounced upon him by fuch Teftimony, that he fhall yield himfelf to the Prifon, (3) and then the Juftices of the King's Bench fhall caufe the Party at whofe Suit the Outlawry was pronounced, to be warned to be before them at a certain Day ; (4) at which Day, if the Party will verify that the Teftimony is untrue, his Averment fhall be received. (5) And in like Manner the King's Serjeant, or his Attorney, or other that will fue for the King, fhall be received to have the fame Aver- ment againft fuch Teftimony, in cafe where fuch Outlawry is pronounced at the King's Suit.' C A P. XIV. Night- Walkers and fufpected Perfons fhall be fafely kept. ITEM come en leftatut fait a Wynceftre en temps meifme le Roi lael foit contenuz qe fi nul (eftraunge paffe par pais de nuyt de qi homme eit fufpecion foit meintenant areftu & livere au vif- counte & demoerge en garde tant qil foit duement delivers. Et diverfes roberies homicides & felonies pnt efte faitz einz ces heures par gentz qi font ap- pellez Roberdefmen Waftours & Draghlatche fi eft acorde & eftabli qe fi homme eit fufpecion de mal de nuls tielx foit il de jour foit il de nuyt qe mein- tenant foient areftu z par les cone'ftables des villes. Et fills foient areftuz en fraunchifes foient liverez as baillifs des fraunchifes & ft en gildable foient li- verez as vifcountes & gardez en prifone tant qe a la venue des Juftices affiguez a deliverer les gaoles. Et endementiers facent les vifcountes ou baillifs des franchifes enquere des tielx areftuz & a la ve- nue des Juftices retournent devant eux de ce lour enqueftes & ce qils averont trovez et les caufes des prifes od les corps et outre aillent les Juftices a la deliverance de tielx areftuz felojic la lei. Et en cas qe les vifcountes ou baillifs des fraunchifes nave- ront pas enquis de tielx areftuz foient amerciez et nient meins facent les Juftices enquere et outre ail- Jent a la deliverance come fus eft dit.
- TTEM, Whereas in the. Statute made at Winchefier Stat. WIncheft.
' 1 in the Time of King Edward, Grandfather to '3 Ed> '•/<"■ «» ! the King that now is, it is contained. That if any c, 4* ' Stronger pafs by the Country in the Night, of whom 1 any have Sufpicion, he fhall prefently be -arrefted ' B , ; delivered to the Sheriff, and remain in Ward till ' he be duly delivered. (2) And becaufe there have ' been divers Man-flaughters, Felonies, and Robbe- ' ries done in Times paft, by People that be called. 1 Roberdefmen,. Waftors, and Draw-latches ;" ' (3) it is accorded, That if any may have any evil Suf- picion of fuch, be it by Day or by Night, they fhall be incontinently arretted by the Conftables of the Towns. (4) And if they be arrefted within Fran- chifes, they fhall be delivered to the Bailiffs of the Franchife, and if in Guildable, they fhall be deli- vered to the Sheriffs, and kept in Prifon till the com- ing down of the Juftices affigned to deliver the Gaol. (5 ) And in the mean Time the Sheriff's or Bailiffs of , i n ft, , 9 t. the Franchifes fhall enquire of fuch Arrefts, and at the coming of the Juftices return their Enquefts be- fore them, with that which they have found, and the Caufe of the Takings, with the Bodies, and the Ju- ftices fhall proceed to the Deliverance of fuch Per- fons arrefted according to the Law. (6) And in cafe that the Sheriffs or Bailiffs of the. Franchifes have not enquired of fuch Arrefts, they fhall be amerced, and neverthelefs the Juftices fhall make By 5 H. 4. c. j. Enquiry, and further proceed to the Deliverance, as Watches Jhali be before is faid.' **«faJ*0* REX vicecomiti Ebor. falutem. Quedam ffatuta pernos & magnatas & proceres regni noftri in parlia- ment© noftro apud Weftm' ultimo cenvocato pro communi utilitate populi regni noftri edita fub figillo noftro tibi mittimus in forma patenti manaantes quod ftatuta ilia in fingulis locis in balliva tua tarn infra libertates quam extra ubi expedire videris legi & ea in omnibus & fingulis fuis articulis publice proclamari &c teneri facias. T. R. apud Weftm' xvi die Oftobris. Eodem modo niandatum eft fingulis vicecomitibus per Angliam. Tefie utfupra. Memorandum quod ijiud ftatutum ftmul cum fiatutis precedentibus tempore Regis Edixiardi tertii poft conqueftum faclis nfijjiim ftfit in Hiberniam in forma patenti cum brevi fequenli : REX dilecfo & fideli fuo Antonio de Lucy Jufticiario fuo Hibernie falutem. Quedam ftatuta per nos prelatos comites barones & alios magnates de regno noftro edita in diverfis parljc mentis noitris poft- E e 2 quam