AD- 1350. Anno vicefimo quinto Edwardi III, Stat. 3- 257 CAP. V. , A Clerk fliall be arraigned of all his Offences at once.' Ex Rot. in Tun: Lond. ITEM coment qe clercs arefnes de felonie devant Juftices feculers qe chalengeient leur clergie et feurent demandez par le Ordinaire del lieu eient eftee fovent avant ces heures remandez a la gaole par les ditz Juftices furmettant a eux qe homme ad autre chofe a dire devers eux nient meins pur ce qe commune lei eft qe clerc en tieu cas ne doit eftre remande a la gaole mes doit rneintenant eftre arenee de tout ou autremehtdelivres al Ordenairie Acorde eft qe ceft point foit garde par toutes maneres des Juftices &Jugges feculers par toute noftre roialme. "TEM, Although that Clerks arraigned of Fe- lony before fecular Juftices, which challenged their Clergy, and were demanded by the Ordinary of the Place, have been often before this Time re-
- manded to the Gaol by the faid Juftices, furmifing to
them, that other Things be to be faid againft them j (2) neverthelefs becaufe the common Law is, That a Clerk in fuch Cafe ought not to be remanded to the Gaol, but ought to be prefently arraigned of all, or ' otherwife delivered to th 3 Ordinary;" ' it is accord- ed, That this Point be kept by all Manner of Jufti- ces and Judges fecular throughout our Realm.' Dyer 214. B o» Clerg. 24, 30. Kelyng 41, 41, Altered by 8 El . c 4. and iS E!. c. 7. which or- dains that?;::ic a/lowed their Clergy, lie deli- vered to the Ordi- nary, See the fircgo'wg Chapter, CAP. VI. A Bifhop's Temporakies fhall not be feifed for a Contempt. TEM puree qe'les temporaltees des Ercevefqes & Evefqes ount efte fovent foitz pris en la main le Roi pur contempt fait a lui fur le brief Quare non admifit & enfement par plufures autres caufes fount les ditz Prelatz ount priez au Roi qe nule
- iele prife fe face defore deficorne ils font pieres de
a terre ft voet le Roi & grant en meifme ceft dit jarlement qe tquz les Juftices qe rendront defore es juggementz contre nul Prelat de la terre. en ieu cas ou femblable qils en tieu cas pu-flent ranchement receivre & defore receivent pur le
- ontempt enfi ajugge fyn refonable de la partie ervfy
i-ondempnee folonc la quantise du trefpas & folonc a qualite du contempt rneintenant au temps de jug- jement fi la partie lofFre ou autrement apres, le jug- jement a quelle heure qe la partie le voet offrer et il bufoigne le chanceller & Treforer foient a la re- ■eite de dit fyn appellez. 3. flJC. s, " ITEM, Becaufe the Temporakies of Archbi- 1 Ed.
- ' A. fhops and Bifhops have been oftentimes taken in- c. 2.
" to the King's Rands for Contempts done to him up- i4 Ed .3- ft*t-4» " on Writs of £}&are non admifit, and likewife for di- c ' 3 " " vers other Caufes, whereof the faid Prelates have " prayed the King, that no fuch taking fhall from " henceforth be made, fith they be Peers of the Land;" ' (z) the King will and granteth in the fame Pari i a- 9 Ed. 4. f. 2?. ' ment, That all the Juftices which from henceforth Br °- 0' d - ". ' fliall give Judgement againft any Prelate of the Land ' in fuch Cafe, or the like, that they, in fuch Cafe may ' freely receive,, and. from, henceforth fhall receive for '-the Contempt, fo judged, a reafonable Fine of the ' Party fo condemned, .according, to the' Quantity of ' the Trefpafs, and after the Quality of the Contempt, 1 incontinently at the Time of the Judgement, if the '-.Pasty offer -the fame, or otherwife after the Judge- ' ment,. at what i hue the. Party will offer himfelf; ' (3) and if it need, the Chancellor and the Treafurer ' fhall be called to the Receipt of the faid Fines.' CAP. VII. The Ordinary may counterplead the King's Title for a Benefice fallen by Lapfe. " ITEM, Becaufe that many Prefentmenfs to di- ^Ed. " 1 vers Benefices of holy Church, as well of the c -5- TEM pur ce qe plufurs prefentementz as di- verles benefices de feinte eglife fibien de patro- lage de laiez gentz come de gentz de feinte eglife leftoient voides par fys mois- dount les collations de ieux benefices par laps de temps eftoient devolutz '% de droit appurtenantz a les Ordinaries des lieux ftoient recoverez par le Roi par juggement ent endude laffent des ditz patrons en deceit de les ollations enfi faites refonablement par les ditz Or- linaries en queux plees a eux defendre & contre- ileder le droit le Roi enfi clamee les Ordinaries ne ours clercs as queux ils donoient tieux benefices leftoient receuz a monftrer ou defendre lour droit
- n celle partie la quele chofe neftoit mie refonable
>ar quoi le Roi de laffent de fon dit parlement voet J grant pur lui & pur fes heirs qe quant Ercevefqe i-vefqe ou autre Ordinarie ad done un benefice de iroit a lui devolut par laps de temps & apres le Roi irefente & preigne fa feute devers lun patron qi par as voet foefrir qe le Roi recouvre faunz action trie n deceit de Lordinair ou le poffeffour des ditz bene- VOL. I. t. flat, h 4 Patronage of Lay People, as of People of holy ^' '| If "■ Church, which were void by fix, Months, whereof lR , ,'n. '.-, ,.g " the Collation of fuch Benefices by Lapfe of Time 4 e6; 47V' " was devolute, and; of Right pertaining to the Ordi- 2 Roll 45:. " naries of the Places, were recovered by the King by " Judgements thereof given of the Alien t of the faid " Patrons, in Deceit of the faid Collations fo made rea- " fonably by the faid Ordinaries; in which Pleas the " Ordinaries nor their Clerks, to whom they did give " fuch Benefices, were not received to fliew nor de- " fend their Right in this Behalf, nor to counterplead " the King's Right fo claimed, which is not reafona- " ble:" ' Wherefore the King, by the Allen t of the 1 Leonard, 4;. ' faid Parliament, will and granteth for him and his Kitz - c ^ a,e :,n - ' Heirs, That when Archbifhops, Bifhops, or other ltz!h^'2 ' Ordinaries, have given a Benefice of Right devolute Hob. -iS. ' to him by Lapfe of Time, and after the King pre- Savill "ios. ' fenteth and taketh the Suit againft the Patron, which 1 MoJ . =79- ' percafe will fuffer that the King ftrall reco r er without L 1 A£tion