A. D. 1354. Anno vicefimo o&avo Edwardi III. 11. 2 8.7 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. proces devant les Juftices le Roi qi ferront a ce affignez dehors la dite Cite devant queux ils eient leur refpons fibien au Roi come a la partie. Et fils fe mettent en enqueftes foient celles enqueftes pris par gentz foreins come defus eft dit. Et ills foient atteintz foit la dite peine encurru & leve des ditz Meire vifcontes et Aldermans pur defaute de leur govemement & nientmeinz les pleintifs recoverent leur damages au treble vers les ditz Meire vifcontes & Aldermans. Et par caufe qe les vifcontes de Lon- dres font parties a cefte bufoigne foit le Coneftable de la Tour ou fon lieutenant miniftre en lieu des vifcontes a receivre les briefs fibien originals de la Chancellerie come judicials fouz les fealx des Jufti - ces affaire ent execution en la dite Cite. Et foit proces fait par attachementz & par deftrefces & par exigende ft meftiere foit Mint qe a la feute le Roi (bit lexigende agarde apres le primer Capias retourne & a le tierce Capias retourne a feute de partie. Et fi les Meire vifcontz & Aldermans eient terres ou tenemenz dehors la Cite foit proces fait devers eux par attachementz & deftrefces en meif- mes les contees ou les terres & tenemenz font. Et qe chefcun des ditz Meire vifcontz & Aldermans qe vendra devant les dites Juftices refpoigne fingulere- ment pur lui meifmes fibien au peril des autres qi font abfentz come de lui mefmes. Et cefte orde- nance foint tenue ferme & eftable nient contre- efteant franchife privilege ou cuftumes queconqes. Et fe extend cefte ordenance as autres citees & burghs du Roialme ou tieux defautes & mefprifions font ufez et nemie duement corrigez ne redrefcez fauve qe les enquefts foient prifes par gentz foreins de meifme le contee ou tides citees et burghs font et qe la peine de ceux des citees burghs et villes qe de ce ferront atteintz foit ajugge par defcretion des Juftices qe a ce ferront affignez. be caufed to come by due Procefs before the King's Juftices, which fhail be to the fame affigned out of the faid City, before whom they fhall have their An- fwer, as well to the King as to the Party. (2) And if they put them in Inquefts, the fame Inquefts fhall be taken by foreign People, as afore is faid. (j) And if they be attainted, the faid Pain fhall incur and be levied of the faid Mayor, Sheriffs, and Alder- men, for Default of their Governance ; (4) and ne- verthelefs the Plaintiffs fhall recover the treble Da- mages againft the faid Mayor, Sheriffs, and Alder- men. (5) And becaufe that the Sheriffs of London The Confhble be Parties to this Bufinefs, the Conftable of the or Lieutenant Tower, or his Lieutenant, fhall ferve in the Place of ° f j! ,e Tower ' the Sheriffs, to receive the Writs, as well Originals an j ^"me t ] le of the Chancery as Judicials, under the Seal of the Kind's Writs. Juftices, to do thereof Execution in the faid City. (6) And Procefs fliall be made by Attachment and what Procefs Diftrefs, and by Exigent, if Need be ; fo that at the * a ' bc awarded King's Suit the Exigent fhall be awarded after the m thls Suir * firft Capias returned, and at the third Capias returned at the Suit of the Party. (7) And if the Mayor, Sheriffs, and Aldermen have Lands or Tenements out of the City, Procefs fliall be made againft them by Attachments and Diftreffes in the fame Counties where the Lands or Tenements be. (8) And that every of the faid Mayors, Sheriffs, and Aldermen which do appear before the faid Juftices, fhall an- fwer particularly for himfelf, as well at the Peril of other which be abfent, as of himfelf. (9) And this Ordinance fhall be holden firm and ftable, notwith- ftanding any Manner of Franchife, Privileges, or Cuftoms. (10) And this Ordinance fhall extend to all Cities and Boroughs of the Realm where fuch Defaults or Mifprifions be ufed, and not duly cor- rected nor redreffed ; faving that the Inquefts fhall be taken by foreign People of the fame County where fuch Cities or Boroughs be : (1 i) And that the Pain of thofe of the faid Boroughs and Towns, which fhall be thereof attainted, fhall be judged by the Dif- cretion of the Juftices which fhall be thereto affigned. CAP. XL Frefh Suit and Huy and Cry fhall be made after Robbers from Country to Country. This Ordinaries provided for London ihall extend to all Cit.es and Bo- fughs. Enforced by 1 H. 4. c. 15. in Part. 31EJ.3. flat. I. c. 10. Explained &y 17 lv.2. C. 12, ITEM pur ce qe grant clamour et grevoufes pleintes font faitz fi bien par aliens come par denzeins qe marchantz et autres paffantz parmi le Roialme dEngleterre od leur marchandifes & autres biens font tuez & derobbez & nieement ore plus qils ne foleient dount remedie nad efte fait as com- pleignantz noftre Seignur le Roi confiderant le profit qe purra avenir au dit Roialme par venue & demoere des marchantz aliens en meifme le Roi- alme & les damages & mefchiefs qe a eux & autres font faitz de jour en autre par tieux homicides & robberies & veullant purvoire a la feurte & in- dempnite des marchantz & autres fufditz ad ordene et eftabli par affent de tout fon pariement au fin qe marchantz aliens eient greindrc volunte et corage de venir en le dit Roialme dEngleterre qe remedie foit defore fait haftivement as tieux marchantz et autres iffint derobbez folonc la fonne contenue en leftatut nadgairs fait a Wynceftre ceft affavoir qe folempnement crie foit fait en toutz c ntees hun- dredes marchees feires et toutz autres ' :.ux ou fo- lempne affemblee dc gentz terra Mini, qe nul par ITEM, Becaufe that great Clamour and grievous Complaints be made, as well by Aliens as by De- nizens, that Merchants and other paffing through the Realm Gf" England with their Merchandifes and other Goods, be (lain and robbed, and namely now more than they were wont, whereof Remedy hath - not been made to the Complaints ;" ' (2) our Lord the King, considering the Profit which may conic to the faid Realm by coming and abiding of the faid Merchants Aliens in the fame Realm, and the Da- mage and Mifchief which to them and other is uone daily by fuch Manflaughters and Robbesies, and willing to provide for the Surety and ndempnity of Mer. hams and other aforefaid, ivd.h ordained and eiiabliihed, by the Affent of all his Parliament, to the intent that Merchants Aliens ] have the greater Will and Courage- to qon . to ;he faid Realm: at* England, and that Remedy fren henceforth be fpeediiy made to fuch Merchant', and otn 1 rob- bed, according to the Form containe-l in the Statute 3 s £ *• e -9- late made at Wirichefter ; that is to fay, that fofcm'n J3 sd _; ' Cry be made in all Counties, Hundreds, 1 la: ., '" 3 ' Fans,