A. D. 1354* Anno vicefimo o&avo Edwardi III. C. 13. 289 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. auffint qe nul marchant prive ne eftrange nautre de quele condition qil foit aille par terre ne par ewe dencontrer vins merces nautres marchandifes venantz en laRoialme dEngleterre nen autres terres du Roi en meer naillours pur les forftaller achater ou en autre manere arrer avant qils viegnent a le- ftaple ou au port ou ils ferront difchargez ne entre les niefs pur tiele caufe tanqe les marchandifes foi- ent mifes a la terre pur vendre Acorde eft & eftabli qe la garrantie dempakkure de laines pur diverfes mefchiefs qe la communalte en ad fentu foit de tout oufte & qe nul homme foit tenuz affaire tiele gar- rantie fil ne foit par covenant taille par fait enfele. Et auffint qe nul homme autre qe marchant denzein ou alien qe ne conuft les leis & ufages de leftaple ufez par aillours devant qe les dites ordenances de leftaple eftoient faites foit chargee par meifmes les leis & ufages tanqe els foient declarrez en parle- ment. Et qe en tote manere denqueftes & proeves qe font a prendre ou affaire entre aliens & denzeins foient ils marchantz ou autres fibien devanrje meire de leftaple come devant queconqe autres Juges ou miniftres tout foit le Roi partie foit la moite del enqueft ou del prove de denzeins & lautre moite des aliens ft tantz des aliens foient en la ville ou lieu ou tiele enquefte ou prove foit aprendre qe ne foient mie parties ne od les parties en contracles plees ou autres quereles dount tieles enqueftes ou proves deivent eftre pris et fi tantz des aliens ne y foient point adonqes foient mis en tieux enqueftes & proeves tantz des aliens come ferront trovez en meifmes les villes ou lieux qe a ce ne foient pas parties ne od les parties come devant eft dit & le remanant de denzeins qe foient prodes hommes & nient fufpecionoufes a lune partie ne a lautre. Et qe nulle manere de nief qe foit frette devers Engleterre ou aillours foit ardte de venir a nul port dEngleterre ne y demorer contre le gre des mei- ] fires & mariners dycelle ou des marchantz as queux 1 les biens font et u tieux niefs viegnent de gree ou i foient chacez par tempeft ou autre infortune ou mefchief a afcun port dEngleterre et les meiftres 1 mariners ou marchantz de meifmes les niefs veul-
- lent vendre & deliverer partie de leur marchandifes
- par leur bone volunte bien life a chefcuny tieles
marchandifes achater franchement faunz empefche- ' ment en le port ou tieles niefs vendront tout ne foient les marchandifes mifes a la terre pur vendre Mint totes foitz qe nul marchant nautre ne voife par terre ne par ewe dencontrer tieles niefs chaigez de marchandifes de forftaller meifmes les marchan- difes ou de les arrer par voie de forftallerie fur les .peines contenues en le tierce article des dites orde- nances Si qe Us meiftres mariners & marchantz apres ce qils averont iffint vendu ce qe leur plerra de leur ditz biens & paie ent la cuftume puffent franchement departir & aler ove leur niefs & tout le remanant de leur biens par la ou leur plerra faunz cuftume ent paier & qe nul de quele condition qil foit par art ne par engyn ne face ne metre deftour- bance a nulle nief chargee de marchandie de venir a nul port dEngleterre forfqe au port ou les mei- ftres mariners & marchantz veullent prem.erem.ent Vol. I. " Proof (hall be of Denizens, and the other half of " Aliens. (6) And alfo that no Merchant, Privy nor " Stranger, nor other of what Condition that he be, " fhall go by Land nor by Water to meet fuch Ships " charged with Wines, Wares, or other Merchandifes " coming into the Realm of England, nor other Lands " of the King's in the Sea, or elfewhere, for to fore- " flail, buy, or in other Manner giving them Earneft " before that they come to the Staple, or to the Port " where they fhall be difcharged, nor enter the Ships " for fuch Caufe till the Merchandifes be fet to Land " for to fell:" c (7) It is accorded and eftabliihed, J f h p™£™*$ ' That the Warranty of packing of Woolls, for divers boon's ft|n°be ' Mifchiefs which the Commons have thereof perceiv- wholly put out. ' ed, fhall wholly be out; (8) and that no Man be 17 Ed. 3. flat. 2. ' holden to make fuch Warranty, unlefs it be by Co- c -- *• ' venant made by Deed enfealed. (9) Alfo that no ' Man other than a Merchant Denizen or Alien, that ' knoweth the Laws and Ufages of the Staple, ufed ' before that the faid Ordinances of the Staple were ' made, fhall be charged by the/ame Laws and Ufages ' till they be declared in Parliament. ' II. And that in ail Manner of Inquefts and Proofs An Inqueft fhall ' which be to be taken or made amongft Aliens and bt ; dcMedletate ' Denizens, be they Merchants or other, as well before ^n^n " s p"^ y ' the Mayor of the Staple as before any other Juftices to any Trial. ' or Minifters, although the King be Party, the one Confirmed by ' half of the Inqueft or Proof fhall be Denizens, and 8 H. 6. c. 29. ' the other half of Aliens, if fo many Aliens and Eo- 2 7 Ed - 3- ftat - z » ' reigners be in the Town or Place where fuch Inqueft g ' ' or Proof is to be taken, that be not Parties, nor with 3 Ed. 4. t'.iu ' the Parties in Contrails, Pleas, or other Quarrels, 17 H. 6. f. 4. ' whereof fuch Inquefts or Proofs ou^ht to be taken ; Fitz - T ^h.3°> ' (z) and if there be not fo many Aliens, then fhall ^ 7 ^ # ' there be put in fuch Inquefts or Proofs as many Ali- ' ens as fhall be found in the fame Towns or Places ' which be not thereto Parties, nor with the Parties, as ' afore is faid, and the Remnant of Denizens, which ' be good Men, and not fufpicious to the one Party ' nor to the other.' ' III. And that no Manner of Ship, which is fraught None fliall fbre- ' towards England or elfewhere, be compelled to come <**" Merchan- to any Port of England, nor here to abide, againft di,es comin S Bro. Denizen, 4. 12. the Will of the Matters and Mariners of the fame, T?V** this or of the Merchants whofe the Goods be : (2) And if fuch Ships come of their own good Will, or be driven by Tempefts, or other Misfortune or Mifchief, to any Port in England, and the Mafters, Mariners, or Merchants of the fame Ships will iell or deliver Part of their Merchandifes with their good Will, it fhall be lawful for every Man to buy fuch Merchan- difes freely without Impeachment in the Port where, fuch Ships fhall come, albeit the faid Merchandifes be not put to Land to fell; (3) fo always, that no Merchant nor other fhall go by Land nor by Water to meet fuch Ships charged with Merchandifes, to foreftall the fame Merchandifes, or to give them Ear- neft by Way of foreftalling, upon the Pains con- tained in the third Article of the faid Ordinances; (4) fo that the Mafters, Mariners, and Merchants, after that they have fold that which pleafeth them of their faid Goods, and paid thereof the Cuftom, may freely depart, and go with their Ships and all the remnant of their Goods whither it fhall pleafe them, No Foreigners without Cuftom thereof to be paid: (5) And that shi P s flla " be none, of what Condition that he be, by Art or En- c . om P ell i. d c ° ar - gine, fhall difturb any Ship charged with Merchan- ^tVt^yihe"/. difes to come to any Port oiEngland^ but to the Port confirmed by P p * where 20 R. 2. c. 4.