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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/37

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  1. Confirmation of Alienations made by the Tenants of King Henry the Third, &c.
  2. Nonclaim of Fines shall be no Bar.
  3. Merchants, Aliens, or Denizens may come into Ireland.
  4. For them that have Possessions in Ireland.
  5. No Custom to be paid for Canvasses to pack Woolls in.
  6. For Passage of Corn to Callice.
  7. For Passage of Woolls.
  8. For Hawks found.

Anno 35 Edwardi 3.

AN Ordinance touching Herrings coming to Yarmouth, and the Hostellers there.

Anno 36 Edwardi 3.

  1. COnfirmation of the Great Charter, the Charter of the Forest, and of all Statutes not repealed.
  2. 3, 4, 5, 6. Acts against Purveyors.
  3. Of what Things the Major and Constables of the Staple shall have Cognizance.
  4. For the Wages of Parish Priests.
  5. For Punishment of the Offenders of the said Statutes.
  6. A Parliament shall be holden once every Year.
  7. No Subsidy shall be imposed upon Woolls without Assent of Parliament.
  8. For the Quarter Sessions of the Peace.
  9. Concerning Escheators.
  10. Fines and Amerciaments of Labourers shall be to the Use of the Commons.
  11. Pleadings shall be in the English Tongue, and entered in Latin.

36 Edwardi 3. Stat. 2.

THE King's general Pardon.

Anno 37 Edwardi 3.

  1. COnfirmation of the Great Charter, the Charter of the Forest, and all Statutes before made.
  2. For Writs of Idemptitate nominis.
  3. For the Price of Poultry.
  4. For Clerks of the Exchequer.
  5. Against ingrossing of Merchandizes.
  6. For Handicraftsmen to hold them in one Occupation.
  7. How Goldsmiths shall make their Silver Vessels.
  8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Acts for Apparel.
  9. An Act for Wines.
  10. In what Case a Writ shall not be abated by Exception of Cognizance of Villenage.
  11. How Suggestions are to be pursued, which are made to the King.
  12. Concerning Hawks found.

Anno 38 Edwardi 3.

  1. COnfirmation of the Great Charter, the Charter of the Forest, and all Statutes not repealed.
  2. An Act licencing all Merchants to buy any Merchandizes.
  3. Fines shall be taken in the Presence of the Pledges.
  4. Certain penal Bonds in the Third Person shall be void.
  5. Touching waging of Law in London against Papers.
  6. The Penalty of Death put out for carrying Woolls over the Sea.
  7. The Staple to be in England.
  8. Ships not to be lost for a little Thing therein not customed.
  9. For Punishment of them that make Complaints to the King, and cannot prove them true.
  10. & 11. For seeking Wines in Gascoigne.
  11. Against Jurors, and Imbracers of Juries.

Other Statutes made in the same 38th Year, Stat. 2.

STATUTES made against Provisors, containing Four Chapters.

Anno 42 Edwardi 3.

  1. COnfirmation of the Great Charter, and the Charter of the Forest.
  2. Confirmation of Pardon
  3. None to be put to answer, without Presentment or other Thing of Record.
  4. To whom Commissions of Inquiry shall be granted.
  5. Concerning Escheators.
  6. Confirmation of the Statute of Labourers.
  7. That they of London sell Victual at Retail, and none other.
  8. That no English Merchanas go to seek Wines in Gascoigne.
  9. For levying of the Green Wax and Estreats.
  10. Children born beyond the Sea within the King's Dominions shall inherit Lands in England.
  11. For arraying of Panels of Inquests.

Anno 43 Edwardi 3.

  1. FOR the Staple to be removed into England.
  2. An Act licensing English, Irish, and Welsh, being not Artificers, to buy Wines in Gascoigne, notwithstanding the Statute of 42 Ed. 3. c. 8.
  3. Against taking of Wines by the King's Butler.
  4. The King's Pardon.

Anno 45 Edwardi 3.

  1. COnfirmation of the Great Charter, and the Charter of the Forest.
  2. For pulling down of Wears, Mills, and Kiddles.
  3. A Prohibition shall be granted where a Suit is commenced in the Ecclessiastical Court for Sylva cædua.
  4. No Imposition shall be laid upon Woolls and Leather, other than the Custom and Subsidy.

Rotulus Parliamenti, Anno 46 Edwardi 3.

Anno 47 Edwardi 3.

  1. FOR Length and Breadth of Cloths.
  2. The Scottish Groat current for Three Pence.

Anno 50 Edwardi 3.

  1. COnfirmation of the Liberties of Holy Church.
  2. Confirmation of the Great Charter, and the Charter of the Forest.
  3. The King's Pardon in his Year of Jubilee.
  4. After Consultation, no Prohibition shall be awarded.
  5. That no Minister of Holy Church be arrested at Divine Service.
  6. Gifts of Lands or Goods to defraud Creditors shall be void.
  7. That Woollen Cloths be not carried out of the Realm till they be fulled.
  8. That no Subsidy, nor Aulnage be levied of Irish Freeze.

Anno 1 Richardi II.

  1. A Confirmation of the Liberties of the Church, the Great Charter, the Charter of the Forest, and of all Statutes not repealed.
  2. Peace shall be kept, and Justice indifferently done to all Men.
  3. All Statutes of Purveyors confirmed.
  4. Against Maintenance of Quarrels.
Vol. I.
5. Con-