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  1. Confirmation of the Statutes concerning the Exchequer; Punishment of a Clerk of the Exchequer making Process for a Debt paid.
  2. Against Villains that withdraw their Services.
  3. Against giving of Liveries for Maintenance.
  4. Touching Protections cum clausula Volumus.
  5. Gifts of Lands or Goods for Maintenance shall be void, and Assises shall lie against the Pernor of the Profits.
  6. Confirmation of a Pardon granted in the Fiftieth Year of Edward the Third.
  7. None that hath been Sheriff shall be Sheriff within Three Years after.
  8. Touching Prisoners of the Fleet suffered to go at large.
  9. Obligations made by Spiritual Men to do contrary to the Laws of the Church shall be void.
  10. Concerning Tithes.
  11. That no spiritual Person be arrested during Divine Service.

Anno 2 Richardi 2.

  1. THAT Merchants Strangers may safely bring any Merchandizes into this Realm.
  2. Against Forestalling of Wines.
  3. For Merchants and others towards the West Parts.
  4. Against Mariners flying out of the King's Service with-out Licence.
  5. Against Raisers of false News or seditious Rumours.
  6. Against Welshmen taking away Women and Maids out of England, and other Abuses.
  7. Urban was duly chosen Pope, and so ought to be accepted and obeyed.
  8. Confirmation of the Statutes of Labourers.

Other Statutes made the same Second Year. Stat. 2.

  1. COnfirmation of the Liberties of the Church, the Great Charter, Charter of the Forest, and of all Statutes.
  2. Repeal of so much of the Act: made the last Parliament, as toucheth unlawful Aslemblies in Wales.
  3. For Process to be made against them, which after Gifts made of their Lands and Goods by Collusion, fly to Sanctuary.

Anno 3 Richardi 2.

  1. COnfirmation of all Liberties and Statutes.
  2. The Penalty of the Aulnager for sealing faulty Cloth.
  3. Against farming of Benefices of Aliens.

Anno 4 Richardi 2.

  1. FOR the gauging of Wines, Oils, and Honey.
  2. The King's Pardon.

Anno 5 Richardi 3.

  1. COnfirmation of the Liberties of Holy Church, the Great Charter, the Charter of the Forest, and all other Statutes not repealed.
  2. Against transporting Gold and Silver out of the Realm; and against Departure of the King's Subjects out of the Realm without Licence.
  3. Against importing or transporting of Merchandizes, but only in English Ships.
  4. Concerning the Prices of Wines to be sold in the Realm.
  5. Sweet Wines and Claret not to be sold by Retail in England after the Nativity of Saint John.
  6. The King's Pardon to those that repressed the late Rebellion.
  7. Manumissions made by Menace at the late Insurrection shall be void.
  8. Against entering into Lands where it is not lawful.
  9. Touching Deeds destroyed in the late Insurrection.
  10. Touching Discharges of Debts and Accompts in the Exchequer.
  11. The Covenants of them that shall serve the King in his Wars or Embassages to be put in Writing, and returned into the Exchequer.
  12. That Accompts in the Exchequer be shortly heard.
  13. For two Clerks to be assigned to make Parcels of Accompts in the Exchequer.
  14. That Accounts of Nichil be put out of the Exchequer.
  15. Concerning the Clerk of the Pipe, and the Two Remembrancers for the Entry of Writs of the Great and Privy Seal, and to make Schedules and Certificates.
  16. Upon a Judgement of Livery, the Remembrancer shall cause the Suit to cease
  17. The Fees of the Clerks of the Exchequer for making a Commission or Record of Nisi prius.

Other Statutes made the same Fifth Year. Stat. 2.

  1. FOR the well intreating of Merchants Strangers.
  2. For passing of Woolls, Leather, and Fells.
  3. A Subsidy granted to the King, so that it may be wholly imployed upon the safe keeping of the Seas.
  4. For coming to the Parliament.
  5. Against Preachers of Heresies.

Anno 6 Richardi 2.

  1. COnfirmation of all Liberties of the Church, Magna Charta, Charta Forestæ, with all Statutes not repealed.
  2. For Actions to be pursued in their proper Counties.
  3. In what Courts Writs of Nusances called Vicontiels, shall be pursued.
  4. Touching Deeds inrolled that were destroyed in the last Insurrection.
  5. For Sessions to be holden by Justices of Assise and Gaol-delivery in the principal Towns.
  6. Against Ravishing of Women.
  7. For Prices of sweet Wines by Retail.
  8. For Qualification of the Act touching the Navy, made 5 Rich. 2. cap. 3.
  9. Victuallers to bear no Office in Towns where they dwell.
  10. Aliens bringing Victuals into the Realm may sell the same in gross or by retail.
  11. That Hosts use no more forestalling of Victuals.
  12. Mayors to be sworn to keep the Ordinances of Fishmongers and Victuallers.
  13. The King's Pardon touching the late Rebellion.

At another Parliament holden the same Sixth Year.

  1. A Statute enlarging the same Pardon.
  2. Confirmation of the Statutes of Purveyors.
  3. Release of such from Actions of Trespass as can prove they were compelled to the late Insurrection.
  4. Actions of Trespass to be brought within a limited Time.
  5. The Number of Witnesses to prove the Compulsion.

Anno 7 Richardi 2.

  1. COnfirmation of the Liberties of the Church.
  2. Confirmation of Magna Charta, the Charter of the Forest, and all Statutes not repealed.
  3. For calling of Jurors within Forests.
  4. Touching Imprisonment by Officers of the Forests.
  5. Touching Night-walkers, Rogues, and Vagabonds.
  6. Proclamation to be made Four Times yearly, by the Sheriffs, of the Statute of Winchester.
  7. That Nisi prius be granted at the Suit of any of the Jurors, if the Parties, after the Distress Three Times served, do refuse it.
  8. For Purveyors.
9. Against