332 C. 5—7- Anno quinqtiageiimo Edwardi III. A.D. 1376* Su Stat, of the < holy Church, that the fame Judge may proceed in 'WritofConfu'lta- ' the Caufe by virtue of the fame Confultation, not- ' withftanding any other Prohibition thereupon to him ' delivered: Provided always, that the Matter in the ' Libel of the faid Caufe be not engroffed, enlarged, or ' other wife changed.' ison, 24 Ed, 1 3 Bulftr. iSa, Carthew 463. latch 6. Regiit. 45- Ex Rot. in Tarr. Lond. glife qe mefme le Juge puiffe procedre en la caufe par vertue de mefme la confultation non obftante afcun autre prohibition fur. ceo a luy bailie Purveu toutefoitz qe la mattire en la libell du dite caufe ne foit engroffee enlargee ou par autre manere chaun- gee. Enforced by I R. 2. c. 15. which irficls Penalty on Of- fenders.. See r Mar. f J'. 7, c. 3. for the Pe- nalty of mole/ling Priejli during Service, C A P. V. None fhall arreft Priefts or Clerks doing Divine Service. " ITEM, Becaufe that Complaint is made to our " 1 Lord the King by the Clergy of his faid Realm of " England, that as well divers Priefts bearing the fweet " Body of our Lord Jefus Chrift to fick People, and " their Clerks with them, as otherwife divers other " Perfons of holy Church, whiles they attend to Di- " vine Services, in Churches, Churchyards, and other " Places dedicate to God, be fundry Times taken and " arrefted by Authority Royal, and Commandment of " other Temporal Lords, in Offence of God, and of " the Liberties of holy Church, and alfo in Difturb- " ance of Divine Services aforefaid ;" ' (2) the fame ' our Lord the King, who would be fore difpleafed if ' any did in fuch Manner, will and granteth, and de- ' fendeth upon his grievous Forfeiture, That none do ' the fame from henceforth, fo that Coilufion or feign- ' ed Caufe be not found in any of the faid Perfons of ' holy Church in this Behalf.' TEM pur ceo qe pleinte eft faite a noftre Sei- gnur le Roi par le clergie de fon dit Roialme dEngleterre qe fibien diverfes preftres portantz le corps noftre Seignur Jefu Crift as malades & lc-ur clerks ovefqe eux come autrement plufours autres perfones de feinte efglrfe tant come ils entendontas divines fervices es efglifes cimitoires & autres lieux dediez a Dieu font plufours foitz pris &: arreftuz par au£f,oriteroiale & comandement des autres Sei- gnours temporelesen offence deDieu & de libertee de fa feinte efglife & auxint deftourbance des divines fervices avantditz mefme noftre Seignur le Roi a qi meult defpleroit fi nully le fift en tiel manere voet & grante & auxint defende fur fa grevoufe forfai- ture qe nully le face deforemes Mint qe coilufion ou. caufe feyne ne foit trove en afcun des ditz.parfones. de feinte efglife en celle partie.. CAP. VI. Fraudulent AfTurances of Lands or Goods, to deceive Creditors, fhall be void. Raft. 197. Dyer 295. Fitz. Execution 5.8, ioS, Enforced by 2 R« •t.flat.z. c 3- ■jH.7. c 4 . 13EJ. c. 5.
- whicb make frau-
dulent Dicdfuoid, TEM, Becaufe that divers People inherit of di- vers Tenements, borrowing divers Goods in Mo- ney or in Merchandize of divers People of this Realm, do give their Tenements and Chatties to their Friends, by Coilufion thereof to have the Pro- fits at their Will, and after do flee to the Franchife of Wejlminjter, of St. Martin le Grand of London, or other fuch privileged Places, and there do live a great Time, with an high Countenance of another Man's Goods and Profits of the faid Tenements 1 and Chatties, till the faid Creditors fhall be bound to take a fmall Parcel of their Debt, and releafe the Remnant;" ' (2) ft is ordained and affented, That if it be found that fuch Gifts be fo made by Coilu- fion, that the faid Creditors fhall have Execution of the faid Tenements and Chatties, as if no fuch Gift had been made.' TEM pur ceo qe diverfes gentz inheritez des* diverfes tenementz creanceantz diverfes biens en monoie ou en marchandife des plufours gentz de Roialme donnont lour tenementz & chateux a lour amys par coilufion davoir ent les profitz a leur vo- lente & puis fenfuent a la fraunchife de Weftm' ou Seint Martyn le Grant en Loundres ou autres tielx places privilegeez & illoeqes vivent long temps a : grant countenance dautry biens & des profitz des-. ditz terres & chateux tanqe les ditz creditours fer- ■ ront molt leez de prender une petite parcelle de lour dettes & releffer le remanant ordeigne eft & afTen- tuz qe fi purra eftre trovez qe tielx douns foient iflintfaitz par coilufion qe les ditz creditours eient execution des ditz tenementz & chateux auxi avant come nul tiel doun nent eufte efte faite. CAP. VII. Woollen Cloths fhall not be tranfported before they be fulled. ITEM it is ordained and defended by our, Lord the King, That no Woollen Cloths fliall be car- ried into any Part out of our Realm of England ^ be- fore they be fulled ; nor that any Subfidy be thereof demanded nor paid, before that they be fulled.' Krfrced by 7 Ed. 4. c. 3. jH. 7. c. ii. Sec farther 5 H. %. c. 3. 27 H. 8. c. 13. 33H.S..C 19, 8 El. c. 6, and. 10 Ann. c. 16, lubicb contain fome flherelhns and Amendments of this Ail ITEM ordeigne eft & defenduz par noftre Sei gnur le Roi qe nul les draps de leyns foient amef- nez nulle part hors del Roialme dEngleterre devant qils foient fullez ne qe nulle fubfide ent foit de- mande ou paies devant ceo qils foient fullez. , - CAP,