A. D. 1 3 7"6. Anno quinquagefimo Edwar d t III. C&' 323> CAP. VIII. Certain Cloths whereof no Subfidy or Aulnage fhall be paid. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lontl. ITEM ordeigne eft et eftabli qe nulle fubfide ou aulnage foient paiez.levez ne demandez des draps ap- 47 Ed. 3. c. n pellez Frife-ware queux fount faitz en Irland ouautrementen Engleterre de leynes Irreifes amefnes deinz le Roialme dEngleterre a caufe qe celles draps ne contienent longeure et laieure ordeinee par eftatut par tant 2 Ed. 3. c. 14. ne devient eftre comprifes en les eftatutz nadgairs faitz des draps du ray et du colour,- 25 Ed -3- fta <-4> r c. 1. 10 Annse c. 16. BywW. Thus End the Statutes made in the Time of the noble King Edward III,* utahnwijT Anno primo RICHARD! Secundi. Statutes made at Weftminfter the Firfl Tear of the Reign of King Richard II. after the Conquefi of England, in the Year of our- Lord God 1377. Ex Rot. in Turr. Eond. m. 52. ICHARD par la grace de Dieu Roi dEn- gleterre & de Fraunce & Seignour dlrland a noftre vifcont de Midd' faluz. Sachez qal ionour de Dieu & reverence de feinte eglife pur mrrir paix unite &concorde toutz partz deinz no- tre Roialme dEngleterre le quele nous defirons noult entierment del affent des Prelates Dues Contes si Barons de mefme noftre Roialme al inftance & fpecial requeft des communes de noftre Roialme vantdit aiTemblez a noftre parlement tenuz a <Veftm' a la quinfzein de Seint Michel Ian de no- tre regne primer avons fait ordeigner & eftabler erteins eftatutz en amendement & relievement de nefme noftre Roialme en la forme qe fenfuyt. ICHARD by the Grace of God King of" England and of France, and Lord of Ireland, to the Sheriff of *■ Northampton, Greeting. # MiJMefaa- Know thou, that to the Honour of God and Reve- rence of holy Church, for to nourifh Peace, Unity, and Concord in all the Parts within our Realm of England (which we do much defire) by the whole Aflent of the Prelates, Dukes, Earls, and Barons of this our Realm, at the Inftance and efpecial Requeft of the Commons of our Realm affembled at our Par- liament holden at Weflminfter the fifteenth Day of St. f Hillary, in the firfi Year of our Reign, we have ±. u;^^ ordained and ftablifhed certain Statutes in Amend- ment and Relief of this our faid Realm, in Manner and Form following." CAP. L A Confirmation of the Liberties of the Church, and of all Statutes not repealed. PRimerement eft affentuz & eftabliz qe feint eglife eit & enjoife toutes fes droitures libertes fc fraunchifes entierment & fanz emblemeffement & )e la Grande Chartre quel a la requeft de la dite 'immune eftoit lu en dit parlement & auxint la Jiartre de la Foreft & toutes les autres bones orde- wnces & eftatutz faitz en temps des progenitours joftre Seignour le Roi qore eft & nient repellez oient tenuz. & fermenient gardez en touz poyntz. "IRST it is agreed and eftablifhed, That holy Church fhall have and enjoy all her Rights, Li- berties, and Franchises wholly and without Blemifh; (2) and that the Great Charter, which at the Requeft TheGreatChifs of the faid Commons was read in the faid Parliament, ter read in Par* and alio the Charter of the Foreft, and all other good liament, Statutes and Provifions made' in the Time- of the Progenitors of our Lord the King that now is, and not repealed, fhall be obferved and firmly kept in all Points/ 3 C'A •n