34-o Stat. i. Anno fecundo Richardi II. A. D. 1378. Merchants Strangers may buy or fell all Things vendible within the Realm, Altered by 16 E. 2. c. 1,
- As.
Aliens mud Tell their Wines in Grofs, and not by Retale. Altered by II R.z. c. 7. What Commo- dities Merchants Aliens or Deni- zens may fell in Grofs, and which by Re- tale, and to whom, Realm, to go, travel, and merchandife, or abide freely as they were wont to do, to the great Damage of the King, of the Prelates, of the Lords, and of all the Realm, and againft the common Profit, and againft the Statutes and Ordinances thereof made in Times pail in the faid two Parliaments :" ' (4) Our Lord the Kingconfidering clearly the coming of Mer- chants Strangers within the R.ealm to be very profi- table for many Caufes to all the Realm, by the Af- fent of the Prelates, Dukes, Earls, Barons, and of the Commons of the R.ealm, hath ordained and fta- bliflied, That all Merchants Aliens, of what Realms, Countries, or Scign.ories that they come, which be of the Amity of the King, and of his Realm, may from henceforth fafely and furely come within the Realm of England, and in all Cities, Boroughs, Ports of the Sea, Pairs, Markets, or other Places within the Realm, within Franchife and without, and abide with their Goods and all Merchandifes under the Safeguard and Protection of the King as long as fhall pleafe them, without Difturbance or denying of any Perfon. (?) And that as well thofe Merchants Aliens
- and Denizens, and every of them, that will buy
and fell Corn, Flefh, Fifh, and all Manner other Victuals and Suftenance, and alio all Manner of Spi- ceries, Fruit, Fur, and all Manner of fmall "Wares, as Silk, Gold Wire, or Silver Wire, Coverchiefs, and other fuch fmall Ware, may from henceforth freely and without denying or any Manner of Dif- turbance, as well in the City of London, as in all Ci- ties, Boroughs, Ports of the Sea, Fairs, Markets, and other Places within the Realm, fell and buy in Grofs and by Parcels, to whom and of whom they pleafe, Denizens or Foreigners, (6) except the King's Enemies, and except that all Manner of Wines, as well fweetas other, fhall be fold by the faid Strangers in Grofs, and by whole VefTels, as they be brought into the Realm, and not at Pvetale by any in the faid Cities, Boroughs, and other Towns franchifed, but only by the Inhabitants and Freemen in the fame. (7) And as to all other great Wares, as Cloth of Gold and Silver, Silk, Sendal, Napery, Linen Cloth, Canvas, and other fuch great Wares, and alfo all Manner of other great Merchandifes not above ex- preffed, whatfoever they be, from henceforth as well Aliens as Denizens, as well in the City of London, as in other Cities, Boroughs, Ports of the Sea, Towns, Fairs, Markets, and elfewhere through the faid Realm, within Franchife and without, may fell the fame in Grofs to every Perfon Foreign or Deni- zen that will buy the fame freely and without deny- ing (except to the King's Enemies and the Realm's) as well by the Bale, Cloth, or by whole Pieces at their Pleafure, and not at Retale, upon Pain of Forfei- ture of the fame Merchandifes, but only the Citizens and Burgeffes in their own Cities and Boroughs, and other good Towns franchifed, to whom (and to none other ftrange Merchant of their Franchife) they may ; (8) and it fhall be lawful to them without Im- peachment, to unfold, undo, and cut in the fame their proper Cities, and Boroughs, the great Mer- chandifes, and other great Wares aforefaid, and as well the fame, as Wines and other Merchandifes whatfoever, there to fell in Grofs and by Retale at their Pleafure, paying all the Cuftoms and Subfidies due, notwithstanding any Statutes, Ordinances, Charters, Judgements, Allowances, Cuftoms, and Ufa^.s made or fufr'ered to the contrary ; (9) which 3 Ex Rot. in 7urY. Lond. come ils foloient faire a grant damage de Roi des Prelatz des Seignurs & de tout le Roialme & en- contre commune profit & encontre les eftatutz &■ ordinances ent faitz avant ces heures en les deux parlementz avantdites noftre Seignour le Roi con- fiderant clerement la venue des merchantz eftran-- ges deinz le Roialme eftre bien & profitable par moelt des caufes a tout le Roialme avantdit deb affent des Prelatz Dues Countes Barons & de la commune de fon Roialme ad ordeignez & eftabliz qe tous merchantz aliens de quelconqes Roialmes paiis ou Seignouries qils veignent qi foient del amiftee noftre Seignour le Roi & de fon Roialme puiffent defore fauvement & feurement venir deinz le Roialme dEngleterre & en qeconqes citees burghs portz de meer feires merches ou autres lieux deinz mefme le Roialme dein2 franchifes &: dehors demorer ovefqe lour biens & merchandifes qeconqes fouz le faufe garde & protection noftre Seignour le Roi tant fi longement come lour plerrar fanz defturbance ou contredit de perfone qeconqe. Et qe fibien yceux marchantz aliens come den- zeins qeconqes & chefcun de eux qi achatre ou vendre voillent bledz chare peflbn & totes ma- neres dautres vivres & vitailles & auxint totes ma- neres des fpiceries de fruit de pellure & des menues ou petites merceries come foy file dore & dargent coverchiefs & autres tiels petites merceries les pu- ifTent defore franchement & fanz contredit ou de~ ftourbance qeconqe ftbien en la Citee de Londres come en touz les autres citees burghs portz de meer feires merchees & autres lieux deinz le Roi- alme vendre & achatre en.groos & par parcelles a qi & de qi qe lour pleft forein & deinzin horfpris les enemys noftre Seignour le Roi & horfpris qe toutes maneres de vins fibien douces come autres y ferront venduz par les ditz eftrangers en groos par- ies vefTealx entiers ficome ils font amefnez deinz le B„oialme & nemye a retaille par nully es dites citees burghs & autres bones villes enfranchifez. finon foulement par les enheritantz &c enfranchifes en ycelles. Et quant a tous les autres grofTes mer- ceries come d raps' dore dargenrde foye de fendale - de naparie de linge teel de canevace Si dautres tielx grofTes merceries & auxint totes maneres dautres- grofTes merchandifes nient exprefTes pardefTus qe- conqes qe celles foient les puiffent defore fibien a- liens come deinzeinstant en la dite Citee de Lon- dres come es autres citees burghs portz villes feires marchees & aillours parmy le Roialme avantdit de- inz franchifes & dehors a qeconqe perfone forein ou' denizin qi achatre les vorra forfprfs les enemys du Roi & de fon Roialme franchementz & fanz contre- dit qeconqe vendre en groos tantfoulement come par bale drap ou par la piece entier a lour pleifer & noun pas a retaille fur peine de forfeiture de ycelles merchandifes forfqe foulement les citeins Si burgeis en lour propres citees & burghs & autres bones villes enfranchifes as queux & a'nul autre eftraunge merchant de lour franchife bien life & purront ils fanz empefchement depefcer tailler & trencher en yceux lour propres citees & burghs les grofTes merceries & autres grofTes merchaundifes avantdites & fibien ycelles come vins & autres mer- chaundifes quelconqes illoeqes vendre en groos eta retaill a lour plefaunce paiantz toutes voies les cu- ftumes et fubfides duez nient contrefteantz eftatutz ordeignaunces chartres juggementz allouances cu- ftumes