A, D. 1378. Anno fecundo Richardi IT. Stat. i. 341 Ex Rot. in Tun: Loud, ftumes et ufages faitz o.u fuffertz au contraire Ies queux chartres et fraunchifes li nulles y foient font oultrcment repellez et adnullez come chofe faite ufe ou grante encontre commune profit en oppreffion de poeple. Salvant toutdys as Prelatz et Seignours du Roialme entierment lour libertees et fraunchifes qils purront faire lour purvoiances et achatz des vi- tails et dautres lour neceffahs come ils foleient faire dauncien temps et favant qe les ordinances faitz avant ces heures de leftaple tie Caleys foient tenuz- en lour force et vertu. £t neft my lentention du RoinoftreSeignour qe les merchantz eftraunges ou deinzeins qe vorront achatre ou vendre leyns peaux lanutz mercerie draps feer et autres merchandifes es feirees et marchees en paiis y foient par cefte eftatut reftreintz ou deftourbezde vendre et achatre franchement en gros ou a retaill come ils foleient faire dauncientee. Et fi enfy aviegne qe defore deftiirbaunce foit fait a nul merchant alien ou den- ziein ou autre fur la vente des tieles chofes en citee burgh ville port de meer ou autre lieu qait fraun- chifes encontre la fourme de cefte ordinance et les rhair baillifs ou autres qe ont garde de la dite fraunchife requiz par les dues merchantz ou autre on lour noun de ent faire remedie et ils nel font rnye et de ce foient atteintz foit la fraunchife pris en la main le Roi et nientmeins foient ceux qave- rdnt fait celle defturbaunce contre ceft eftatut te- nuz de rendre et reftorer au pleintif fes damages qil avera foeffert par celle enchefon au double. Et fi tiele defturbaunce foit fait as tieux, merchauntz ou as autres es villes et lieux ou fraunchife neft my et le Seignour fil foit prefent ou fon baillif conltable ou autre gardein des dites villes et lieux en abfence des Seignours ent requiz de faire droit et nel facent et de ceo foient atteintz rendent les damages au pleintif au double auxi come deffus eft dit et les deftourbours en lun cas et en lautre auxibien deinz fraunchifes come dehors fils foient atteintz eient la prifone dun an et ent foientz reintz a la volente le Roi. Et auxint eft ordeigne et eftabli qe le Chaun- celler Treforer et Juftices affignez a tenir les plees le Roi es lieux ou ils viegnent enquergent des tiels deftourbaunces & grevaunces & facent puniflemcnt felonc ce qe par defus eft ordeigne. Et nient- mfens qe le Roi face affigner par commiffion cer- teins gentz ou & 'quant 1'ui plerra denquerre de tielles deftourbaunces & grevances & de faire pu- niffement de trelpafours en celle partie come, def- fus eft dit. . Charters and Franchifes, if any there be, they fhall be utterly repealed and adnulled, as a Thing made, ufed, or granted againft the common Profit, or Op- preffion of the People : (10) Saving always to Pre- lates and Lords of the Realm wholly their Liberties and Franchifes, that they may make their Purvey- ances and Buyings of Victuals, and of other their Neceffaries, as they were wont to do in old Time, • (n) and faving that the Ordinances made before this Time of the Staple of Calais be holden in their Force and Virtue. (12) And it is not the King's Mind, The Penalty of that Merchants Strangers or Denizens, that will buy them which do and fell their Woolls, Woollfels, Wares, Cloths, ^ * !e b r " Iron, and other Merchandifes, at Fairs and Markets and'fell Wares in the Country, fhould be reftrained or difturbed by at their Plea- this Statute to fell or buy freely in Grofs or at Retale, fores, and of as they were wont to do heretofore. (13) And if it chief Officers fo happen, that from henceforth Diflurbance be made ^VrMmlLs. to any Merchant Alien or Denizen, or other, upon the Sale of fuch Things in City, Borough, Town,- Port of the Sea, or other Place that hath Franchife, ■ againft the Form of this Ordinance ; and the Mayor, Bailiffs, or other that have the keeping of fuch Fran- chife, required by the faid Merchants, or other in ' their Name, thereof to make Remedy, do not the fame, and thereof be attainted, the Franchife ftiall be feifed into the King's Hand; and nevcrthelefs, ■ they that have done fuch Diflurbance againft this Sta- tute, fhall be bound to render and reftore to the Plain- tiff his double Damages that he hath fuffered by this Occafion. (14) And if fuch Difturbance be made to fuch Merchants or to other in Towns and Places - where no Franchife is, and the Lord, if he be pre- fent, or his Bailiff, Conftable, or other Warden of the Towns and Places, in Abfence of the Lords there-- of, required to do Right, and do not, and thereof be duly attainted,, they fhall yield to the Plaintiff his- double Damages, as afore is faid, and the Difturbers- in the one Cafe and the other, as well within Fran-- chifes as without, if they be attainted, fhall have one- Year's Imprifonment, and be ranfomed at the King's- Will. (15). And it is ordained and eftablifhed, That the Chancellor, Treafurer, and Juftices affigned to " hold Pleas of the King in the Places where they come, ' fhall diligently inquire of fuch Difturbances and Grievances, and do Punifhment according as afore is- ■ ordained. (16) And neverthelefs, the King fhall af- fign by Commiffion certain People, where and when-- fhall pleafe him, to inquire of fuch Difturbances and Grievances, and to puniih the Offenders in this Party, fenffft.s, as before is faid.' comermng Mer- chant Ad-jcutu- CAP. II.. A Confirmation of the Statute of 25 Edw. 3. S-tat. 4. cap. 3. againft Foreftallers. ITEM eft ordene & eftabli qe leftatut fait en temps le dit Roi laiel lande fon regne dEngleterre xxv. de Altered c&6 Forftallours des vins & vitailles merces et merchaundifes quelconqes qe viegnent a les bones villes deinz Ed. 6. c. 14.,- le Roialme par terre ou par eawe foit tenuz Si fermement gardez en toutz ppintz & mys en^Jue execution p,ur le commune profit du Roialme avantdif. c a p, nr. Merchants of the Weft may buy Merchandifes, fo that they find Sureties to carry them to the 1 Weft, or to Calais. I ! TEM ordene eft & affentuz qe touz merchantz de Jene Venice Catiloigne Ara^on & dautres Roialmcs O Bi &. terres & paiis vers le Weft efteantz del v amiftee noftre Seignur le Roi qi.-vorrontarnefner a Hampton Oti-