342 Stat. Anno fecunclo Richard i II. A.D. 1378; Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ou aillours deinz le Roialme carraks niefs galeys ou autres veffeulx chargez ou defchargez y puiffent fraun- chement vendre lours merchaundifes a qi lour pleft per manere qe deffus eft dit & illoeqes recharger lour ditz veffeulx des leynes quirs peaux lanutz plumb efteyn & dautres merchaundifes de leftaple & fraunche- ment les amefner en lour paiis vers le Weft paiantz es portz ou ils les chargeront toutes maneres des cuftumes fubfides & autres devoirs de Caleys auxi avant come ent paieront fils amefnaffent mefmes les merchandifes a leftaple de Caleys pariffint qils troeffent feurete fufRfante qils les amefneront iffint devers le Weft & nulle part aillours devers leEft finon qe a leftaple de Caleys II par cas ils y vorront aler fur la peine .de forfaiture devant fes heures ordene. CAP. IV. The Penalty of Mariners retained to ferve the King on the Sea, which do depart without Licence. Altered 18 H. r6. 0. 19. and 5 El. c.5. And fee 4 £f 5 P. & M. c. 3. likeioife 1 & 3 Ann. c. 6. for prejjing of Va- grants ; and 6 jinn. c. 31 & 37 exempting Fire- men and Seamen -in Amertea.
- Waiting any
other Com- dandment. j»Co. 134. al.-.ft. 2:7. Vaughap 139. Palmer 36 ^. TEM, Becaufe that divers Mariners, after that they be arrefted and retained for the King's Ser- vice upon the Sea in Defence of the Realm, and thereof have received their Wages pertaining, do flee out of the faid Service without Licence of the Ad- mirals, or of their Lieutenants, to the great Damage of the King and his Realm, and Hinderance of the faid Voyages :" ' it is ordained and ftablifhed, That all thofe Mariners, which from henceforth fhall do in fuch Manner, and that truly found and proved be- fore the Admiral, or his Lieutenant, fhall be holden to reftore to our faid Sovereign Lord the King, the double of that they have taken for their Wages ; and neverthelefs fhall have one Year's Imprifonment, without being delivered by Mainprize, Bail, or by other Way. And the King will and commandeth to all Sheriffs, Mayors, and Bailiffs, within Fran- chifes and without, That at the Certification of the faid Admirals, or their. Lieutenants, by their Letters thereof to be made,-teftifying the faid Proof, fhall incontinent, without tarrying*, make another Com- mandment of the King our Sovereign Lord, to take and attach all fugitive Mariners by their Body, with- in their Bailiwicks, within Franchifes and without, and put them in Prifon, there to abide in good and fure keeping, till they have made Gree to the King as afore is faid, and thereof have a fpecial Command- ment of our Sovereign Lord the King of their De- liverance. And like Punifhments fhall be made of Serjeants of Arms, Mafters of Ships, and all other, that fhall be attainted, by Enquiiy before the Ad- miral, or his Lieutenant aforefaid, that they have any Thing taken of the faid Mariners, for to fuffer them to go at large out of the faid Service, after that they have been arrefted for the fame Service.' TEM pur ceo qe plufours mariners apres ce qils font areftuz & retenuz pur fervice du Roi fur la meer en defence de Roialme & ent ont refceuz lours gages appurtenantz fenfuent hors du dit fer- vice fanz conge des Admiralx ou de lour lieute- nantz a grant damage du Roi noftre Seignur & du Roialme & arreriffement de fes viages avauntditz ordene eft & eftabli qe touz ceux mariners queux defore ferront en tielle manere & cela trovez & provez veritablement devant le Admiral ou fort lieutenant foient tenuz de reftorer a noftre Seignur le Roi le double de ce qils averont pris pur lour gages nientmeins eient la prifone dun an fanz ent eftre deliverez par mainprife bailie ou par autre voie. Et le Roi voet & comande a touz vifcontz mairs & bailifs deinz franchifes & dehors qe a la certification des ditz Admiralx ou lour lieutenantz par lours lettres ent affairs tefmoignantes la ditc proove facent tan toft fanz attendre autre mande- ment de Roi noftre Seignur prendre & attacher touz ceux mariners futifs par lour corps deinz lour baillies deinz franchifes & dehors & les mettre en prifone illoeqes a demurer en bon & feure garde tanqe ils averont fait gree au Roi come defus eft dit & ent eient fpecial mandement de Roi noftre Seig- nur de lour deliverance. Et autiel puniffement foit fait des fergeantz darmes maiftres des niefs & touz autres qe ferront atteintz par enquerre devant lad- mirall ou fon lieutenant avantdit qils eient rienz pris des ditz mariners pur lour foefrer aler a lour large hors del fervice avantdit apres ceo qils eient efte areftuz pur mefme le fervice. C A P. V. The Penalty for telling flanderous Lyes of the Great Men of the Realm.' a Mod. 98, z6i. (.<■ ITEM, Of Devifors of falfe News and of hor- rible and falfe Lyes, of Prelates, Dukes, Earls, Barons, and other Nobles and Great Men of the Realm, (2) and alfo of the Chancellor, Treafurer, Clerk of the Privy Seal, Steward of the King's Houfe, Juffices of the one Bench or of the other, and of other Great Officers of the Realm, of Things which by the faid Prelates, Lords, Nobles, and Of- ficers aforefaid, were never fpoken, done, nor thought, (?) in great Slander of the faid Prelate, Lords, Nobles, and Officers, whereby Debates and Difcords might arife betwixt the faid Lords, or be- t'v 1 the Lords and the Commons (which God fwbiJ) and whereof gr^at Peril and Mifchief might TEM de controvours de faux novels & coun- tours des horribles et fauxes menfonges des Pre- latz Dues Countes Barons & autres nobles & grants de Roialme & auxint del Chaunceller Treforer Clerk de prive feal Senefchal del Hoftel noftre i Seignur le Roi Juftices del tin Bank & del autre & dautres grantz officers du Roialme des chofes qe par les ditz Prelaiz Seignurs & officers ne furent unqes pailez touchez ou penfez en grant efclaun- dre des Prelatz Seignurs nobles & officers avant- , ditz par ont debatz & defcordes purroient fourdre ' parentre les ditz, Seignurs ou parentre les Seignurs I & communes qe Dicu ne veulle & dont grant pe- 1 ril h mefchief purroit avenir a tout le Roialme & legerement