A. D. 1389. Anno-decimo tertio Richard 1 II. Stat. 1. r, O ~, Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. la garde et furvewe des vitailles es citees burghs villes merchandcs et aillours ou vitails font venduz parmy le Roialme mettent leftatut fait Ian vynt et tierce du regne le Roy E. Aiel le Roi qoreft qe co- mencc Quia maxima pars populi tochant leftat des vitaillers et hoftillers et autres vendours des vitailles en due execution. Et qe null hoftiller face payn pur chivalx en fon hoftell naillours mes facent les pefcours et foit laflay ent fait qe le pois foit re- fonable folonc le pris des bledz qe foit en marche et qe meifmes les hoftillers vendent-feyn etaveyns a refonable oris iffint qils ne preignent pur le buflell forfqe un ijnaill outre le commune pris en marche. Order and Survey of Victuals in Cities, Boroughs, Merchant Towns, and elfew-here, where Victuals be fold in the Realm, fhall put the Statute made the twenty third Year of the Reign of King Edward, Grandfather to the King that now is, which begin- neth Bccaufe a great Part of the People, touching the Eftate of Victuallers and Hoftellers, and other Sellers of Victuals, in due Execution. (6) And that no Horfe-bread. Hofteller make Horfe-bread in his Hoftry nor with- 4 H. 4. c. 25. out, but Bakers fhall make it; (7) and the Affife 32 H;8, c "* t « thereof fhall be kept, and that the Weight be reafon- able after the Price of the Corn in the Market;. (8) and that the fame Hoftellers fhall fell Hay and Oats Repealed by after a reafonable Price, fo that they take not for the " J ac ' '" c- 2I Bufhel but one Half-penny over the common Price. in the Market.' CAP. IX. There fhall be but one Weight and one Meafure throughout the Realm, faving in the County of Lancafter. The Weight of Wool], and the Refufe thereof. ITEM ordeignez eft et accordez qe une mefure et un pois foit parmy tout le Roialme dEngle- terre come en la Grant Chartre et autres .ordenan- ces et eftatutz ent faitz eft contenuz plus au plein. Et qe chefcun qe foit convict qil ad ou ufe autre me- fure ou pois eit la prifone de demy an et face gree al partie del double de fa perde forfpris en le counte de Lancaftre acaufe qen le dit counte ad efte de tout temps plus grant mefure qe en afcun autre partie du Roialme. Et qe null homme achate ne vende leyns a plus- haut pois qe a quatorfze livres le pere fur peyne de paier le double a celuy qe foi fente greve et de faire fyn et ranceon au Roi folonc la quantite du trefpafs. Et qe null deinf- zein ou forein ne face autre refus de leynes finoun
- od gard et vilein. Et qe null merchant nautre
homme achate fes leynes par celles paroles Good pakkyng ne par autres paroles femblables fur peine ceftaflavoir le brogour davoir lemprifonement de jemy an et lachatour de faire fyn au Roi folonc la quantite du trefpas et la partie qe foi fente greve eit a double des damages qil ad fuffert par la dit en- l:hefon. Et qe nully face coketter leynes forfqe en le noun de celuy a qi les leynes font fur forfaiture iicelles ficome autrefoitz ordeinez fuift par eftatut. at. i. ■truing Weights and Meafures 13 R. 3. c. 9. •. 12. and 1 Ann. fiat. I. c, 15. 15 R. 2. c.4. 8fl. 6. c. 5 ITEM it is ordained and accorded, That one -9 H. 3. flat, i: Meafure and one Weight be through all the Realm t- *S- 5' H - 3» of England, as in the Great Charter, and other Sta-^"' - '; JJ Ed ' tutes and Ordinances thereof made, is more plainly.^",, x _ c ,' 2 3 / contained, (z) And every one that fhall be convict 27 Ed. ^.fiat.z. that he hath or ufeth any other Meafure or Weight c. 10. itEd. fhall have Imprifonment of half a Year, and make. 3- A'- T - c - *• Recompence to the Party grieved to the double of his Lt^' 3 " " sr Lofs, except it be in the County of Lancajler, be- caufe in that County it hath always been ufed to have greater Meafure than in any other Part of the Realm. (3) And that none buy or fell Wooll at more Weight. Wooll (hall be ■ than at Fourteen Pounds the Stone, upon the pain to (oii *' wi - to~ pay the double to him that feeleth him grieved, and the _ Stcne " to make Fine and Ranfom to the King after the ^'g -3 ' ' Quantity of the Trefpafs. * (4) And that no Deni-Refiife of zen nor Foreigner make any other Refufe of Woolls, Wool's. but Cot, Gare, and Villein. (5) And that no Mer- Woollfhallnot chant nor other Man buy his Woolls by thefe Words, be bought by Good Packing, nor by like Words, upon pain, that Good Packing 3 is to fay, the Broker to have Imprifonment of half a Year, and the Buyer to make a Fine to the King after the Quantity of the Trefpafs, and the Party that feeleth him grieved, fhall have double Damages of that which he hath fuffered by the faid Occafion. nor be c0 . , (6) And that none fhall make Woolls to be cocketed, but in the but in the Name of him to whom the Woolls be, Owner's Name, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the fame, as it hath been s H> 6 - c - 5- another Time ordained by Statute.' 1 1 H. 7. c. 4. 12 H. 7- c. 5 . 16 Car. I, c. 19. 22 Car . 2. c See farther con* 21 £? 23 Car. 2. CAP. X. The Length and Breadth of Cogware and Kendal Cloth* ITEM combien qe ordeinez foit par diverfes eftatutz qe touz maneres draps de ray. et de colour foient de certein longure et laeure compris en mefmes leftatutz Nientmeins acaufe qil ad efte commune cuftume de faire certeines draps en diverfes countees dEngleterre appellez Cogware et Kendale cloth de la laeure de i:rois quartres ou dun aun dont afcuns font del pris de xld. et afcuns de cynk fouldz et venduz a cogmen jnors du Roialme et auxint as poveres et menues gentz deinz le Roialme des queux draps grant partie eft Fait de la plus pire leyn de tout le Roialme qe ne poet bonement fervir a nulles autres draps accordez eft et laflentuz qe bien life" a chefcuny defore enavant de faire tielx maneres draps de la laeure et longure come ad
- fte ufez devant ces heuresNient contrefteant afcun eftatut fait au contraire. Purveu toutfoitz qe les fe-
llows et les overoures de tielx draps ne les facent de melliour leyn qils ne foleient. Et enoutre eft affentuz D d d 2 qe 25^.3. flat. 4. c. 1. 47 Ed. .3. c . 1. 12 R.2.C. 14. 5&6Ed.6.c.'6.- 43 El. c. 10. Rep. 4 Jac. 1. c 2.-