A. D. 1399. Anno primo Henrici IV. Cap. r } 2. 425 Anno primo HENRICI Statutes made at Weftminfter in the Firft Tear of the Reign of King Henry the Fourth, and in the Tear of our Lord 1399. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 20. ' ENRY par la grace de Dieu Roy dEngle- terre & de Fraunce & Seignur dlrland al honour de Dieu & reverence du feinte efglife pur nurrir unitee pees & Concorde des toutz partz deinz le Roialme dEngleterre & pur releva- tion & recoverer de mefme le Roialme qore tard ad efte mefchiefoufement mys a trefgraunde ruyne mefchief & defolation del affent des Prelates Dues Contz & Barons & al inftance & efpeciale requeft des communes de mefme ceft Roialme affemblez a fon parlement tenuz a Weftm' en le feft de feinte Feie la virgine Ian de fon regne primer ad fait ordiner & eftablire certains ordinaunces & efta- tutz en la forme qenfuit. ENRY by the Grace of God, King of Eng- land, and of France, and Lord of Ireland, to the Laud and Honour of God, and Re- verence of holy Church, for to nourifh Unity, Peace, and Concord of all Parties within the Realm of England, and for the Redrefs and Recovery of the fame Realm, which now of late hath been danger- oufly put to great Ruin, Mifchief, and Defolation ; of the Affent of the Prelates, Dukes, Earls, Barons, and at the Inftance and Special Requeft of the Com- mons of the fame Realm, affembled at his Parliament holden at Wejbninjier in the Feaft of St. Faith the Virgin, the firft Year of his Reign, hath made, ordained, and eftablifhed certain Ordinances and Statutes in Form as hereafter followeth." CAP. I. A Confirmation of the Liberties oF the Church, and of all Statutes not repealed. fhall be done, and Peace kept. Juftice PRimerement qe feint efglife eit &enjoiez toutes fes droitures libertees & franchifes entierment & faunz emblemiflement et qe la Graunde Chartre et la Chartre de la Foreft et toutz les autres bones ordinances & eftatutz faites en temps de fes no- bles progenitours & nient repellez foient ferme- ment tenuz & gardez en toutz pointz et qe le paix deinz fon Roialme foit tenuz & gardez iflint qe toutz fes loialx lieges & fubgitz purront defore faufment & paifiblement aler venir & demorer fe- lonc les loies & ufages de mefme le Roialme & qe bone juftice & oell droit foit fait a chefcuny. ' THIRST, That holy Church have and enjoy all her ' Jt/ Rights, Liberties, and Franchifes, entirely and ' without imblemifhing. And that the great Charter, ' and the Charter of the Foreft, and other good Ordi- ' nances and Statutes made in the Time of his noble ' Progenitors, and not repealed, be firmly holden and ' kept in all Points ; and that the Peace within this ' Realm be holden and kept, fo that all his lawful liege ' People and Subjects may from henceforth fafely and ' peacefully go, come, and dwell, according to the * * Laws and ' lawful Ufages of the fame Realm ; and that good v I a S es - ' Juftice and even Right be done to every Perfon.' Corfi-mcd by jH. 4. c.i. jH.4. CAP. II. None fhall be impeached that did affift King Hen. 4. or helped to purfue King Rich. his Adherents. 2. or ITEM qe null Seignur efpirituel ne temporel nautre perfone queconqe de quel eftat ou condition qil foit qi viendrent ove noftre dit Seignur le Roi qoreft el Roialme dEngleterre nautres perfones quelconqes EXP, adonqes demurrantz en mefme le Roialme et qi viendrent au dit Roi en eide de luy a purfuier ceaux qi feurent encontre le bone entent noftre dit Seignur le Roi & le commune profit du Roialme en quel purfuit Richard nadgairs Roi dEngleterre le fecond apres le conqueft fuit purfuie pris & mys en garde & unqore demoert en garde ne foit empefchez moleftes ne grevez en perfone n:n biens en courte du Roy nen autry court pur la purfuit de dit Roy prife & detenue de fon corps ne pur la purfuit dautri prife des perfones & cha- teux ou de mort dome ou qeconqe autre chofe fait en la dite purfuit del jour qe le dit Roi quor eft arriva tanq a jour de coronement de noftre dit Seignur le loi Henry. Et neft pas lentention noftre dit Seignur le Roi qe meffaifours qi firent trefpaffes ou autres malx hors de la dit purfuit faunz efpeciale garrant foient covertes naient avantage de cefte eftatut ainz qils ent foient refpoinantz a la commune ley. Vol. I. Ii 11 CAP.