49° Stat. i. Anno fecundo H e n r i c i V. A.D. 1414, CAP. VI. Breaking of Truce and Safe Conduit fhall be High Treafon. In every Port there fhall be a Confervator of the Peace and Safe Conduct. 4 Inffi. 152. Some have bro- ken Truces and Safe Conduces, and others have received and maintained them. Breaking of Truce and Safe Gonduas fliall Be HighTrea- fon. Rep. 20 H. 6. c. 11. 1 Ed. 6. c. 12. I M. feiH 1. A Confervator of the Truce fliall be appointed in every Port of the Sea. The Authority of the Conferva- tor of the Truce. Death oFa Man excepted out of the Gonfervator's Authority. T E M, Forafmuch as before this Time divers People, comprifed within the Truces made as well by our Lord the King that now is, as by his no- ble Father, and alfo divers other People having Safe Conducts, as well of our Lord the King that now is, as of his noble Father, have been fome flain, robbed and fpoiled, by the King's liege People and Subjects, as well upon the main Sea, as within the Ports and Coafts of the Sea of England, Ireland, and of Wales, whereby the faid Truces and Safe Conducts have been broken and offended, to the great Difhonour and Slander of the King, and againft his Dignity ; (2) and the faid Manflayers, Robbers, Spoilers, and Of- fenders of the faid Truces and the King's Safe Con- ducts, as is afore declared, have been by divers of the King's liege People and Subjects within the Coafts of divers Counties, received, abetted, procured, con- cealed, hired, fuftained, and maintained :" ' (3) Our faid Lord the King, by the Advice and AfTent afore- faid, and at the Requeft of the faid Commons, hath ordained and declared, That fuch Manflaughter, Robbery, Spoiling, Breaking of Truce and Safe Con- ducts, and voluntary Receit, Abetment, Procurement, Concealing, Hiring, Suftaining, and Maintaining of fuch Perfons, to be done in Time to come by any of the King's liege People and Subjects within the Realm of England, Ireland, and Wales, or upon the main Sea, fhall be adjudged and determined for High Treafon done againft the King's Crown and his Dig- nity. (4) And in every Port of the Sea fhall be made and afligned from henceforth by the King, by his Let- ters Patents, one lawful Man called a Confervator of the Truce and the King's Safe Conducts, which fliall have forty Pounds Lands by the Year at the leaft. (5) And that the Confervator have Power and Autho- rity by the faid Letters Patents, and alfo by Commif- fion of the Admiral of England, to inquire of all fuch Treafbns and Offences to be done againft the Truce and Safe Conducts upon the main Sea, out of the Body ^of the Counties, and out of the Franchifes of the Five Ports of the King, as the Admirals of the Kings of England before this Time reafonably, after the oid Cuftom and Law on the main Sea ufed, have done or ufed. (6) And alfo that the faid Confervator have like and the fame Power to punifh all them which be or fhall be indicted or accufed before him, aswell at the King's Suit as at the Party's, of any thing to be done againft the Truce and the King's Safe Conducts upon the main Sea, out of the Body of the Counties and Liberties of the Realm of Eng- land, and out of the Franchife of the Five Ports, by fuch Procefs, Examination, Proofs, Determination, Judgement, and Execution, as Admirals of the Kings of England before this Time reafonably, according to the old Cuftom and Law upon the main Sea ufed, have done or ufed. ' II. Saving the Determination of the Death of a Man in this Behalf, and the Execution of the fame, fhall be always referved to the faid Admiral, or to his general Lieutenant out of the faid Franchifes of the Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. TEM pur ceo qe devaunt ces heures diverfes gentz comprifez deinz les trieues fibien faitz par noftre Seignur le Roy qore eft come par fon trefnoble pier Et auxi autres diverfes gentz aiantz faufconduitz fibien de noftre dit Seignur le Roy qore eft come de fon dit trefnoble pier ount eftez afcuns tueez afcuns robbes & defpoillez par les lieges & fubgitz de Roy fibien fur le haut mer come deinz les portz & coftes de meer dEngleterre dlr- land & de Gales parount les ditz trieues & fauf- conduitz ount efte rumpez & offenduz a graunde difhonure & defclaundre de Roy & encountre fa dignite. Et les ditz tuers des hommes robbours fpoilleurs & offendours de les ditz trieues &c fauf- conduitz du Roy come deffuis efte declaree ount efte par diverfes lieges & fubgitz de E_oy deinz les coftes de diverfes countees recettez abettez procu- rez counfeillez loueez fuftenez & maintenuz. No- ftre dit Seignur le Roy del advis & affent fuifditz & al priere des dites Communes ad ordeine & de- claree qe tielx tuerie robberie efpoillerie rumperie des trieues & faufconduitz de Roy & voluntaries receit abettement procurement counfeill louere fuftenance & maintenance de tielx perfones af- faires en temps avenir par afcuns des lieges & fubgitz de Roy deinz les roialmes dEngleterre dlr- land & Gales ou fur le haut meer foient adjuggez & determinez pur haut trefon f. it encountre la corone & dignite de Roy. Et qe en chefcun port de meere foit fait & afiigne defore enavaunt par le Roy par fez lettres patentz un loial homme ap- pelle Confervatour des trieues & faufconduitz de Roy qi eit xl. liverees du terre par an a meyns. Et qe le dit confervatour eit poair & auctorite par les ditz lettres patentz & auxi par commiffion del Admiral dEngleterre denquerer de toutz tielx trefons & ofFenfes affairez encountre les trieues & faufconduitz de Roy fur le haut meere hors des- corps des countees & hors del fraunchife des cink portz de Roy come les Admiralles des Roys dEng- leterre devant ces heures refonablement folonc launcien cuftume & leye fur le meere ufez ount faitz ou ufez. Et enfement qe le dit confervatour eit autiele & mefme le poair de punir toutz ceux qi fount ou ferrount enditez ou accufez devaunt luy fibien a fuyte de Roy come a fuyt de partie dafcune chofe affaire encountre les trieues & fauf- conduitz de Roy fur le haut meere hors des corps des countees & libertees de roialme dEngleterre & hors de le dit fraunchife de cynk portz par tieles- proces examination proves determination jugge- ment & execution come les Admiralles des Roys dEngleterre devant ces heures refonablement fo- lonc launcien cuftume & ley fur la meer ufez ount faitz ou ufez. Forfqe qe la determination de mort de homme ceft partie & lexecution dicell foient tutditz re- fervez a dit admirall ou a fon lieutenant general hors de la dit franchife des ditz cink portz. Et qe