A. D. 1414. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. le dit confervatour eit plein poair & audtorite den- querer fibien deinz libertees & franchifes come de^- hors par gentz enhabitantz deinz le corps de coun- tee et liberte ou le dit port eft de toutz tielx trefoils & offenfes affaires encountre les trieues & faufcon- duitz de Roy deinz les corps de countee & liberte ou le dit port eft & de fair envers tieux a enditerz devaunt luy proces en la fourme enfuant ceftaffa- vpir par Capias & Exigendes qi ifferont fibien en mefmes les countees des quelles eft fuppofe tieux enditez eftre come en les countees lou tieux endi- tementz font prifez les queux capias & exigendes en ambideux countees foient returnables a un mefme jour & qe le primer Capias en ambideux countees eit jour de retourne par un moys a meyns & en cas qe Capias & Exigendes foient cefte partie agardes qe les nouns & furnouns de tieux a endi- turs &: la ville & de counte & la miftiere dont ils font foient efpecifiez en lenditementz & en les proceffes dicelles. Et qe le dit confervatour eit plein poair doier a fuyte de queconqe qi foi vou- dra pleindre devaunt luy dafcune offenfe a la partie fait encountre les ditz trieues & faufconduitz. Et qe deux hommes apprifez de ley foint nomez & af- fociez en chefcune commiffion de Roy affaire a tiel confervatour. Et qe le dit confervatour & les ditz hommes apprifez de ley en la dite commiffion a luy affociez eient plein poair & audtorite de fair due deliverance folonc la ley de la terre de tielx en- ditez devant le dit confervatour des chofes affairez deinz le corps de countee ou lebertee ou le dit port eft encountre les ditz trieues & faufconduitz de Roy & determiner tieux fuytes commencez a fuyt de qiconqe partie qi foy v oudra pleindre devaunt Je dit confervatour dafcune offenfe a luy fait en- countre les ditz triues & faufconduitz & en due redreffe & remedie faire. Et qe les ditz deux hommes iffint a le dit confervatour affociez foient affiftentz et entendantz a dit confervatour pur faire les deliverances et determination en manere et fourme avauntditz qant ils fount par le dit con- fervatour refonablement requis. Et qe le dit con- fervatour et les ditz deux hommes de ley foient jurrez qils ne null de eux prendra ou prendront de nully finoun de Roy fee doun louere gage regarde ne brocage en afcun manere celle partie en deftour- bance de due inquifition et puniffement de tielx traitours et offendours avauntditz. Et qe le dit confervatour ferra refeant en le port et lieu ou il ferra affigne confervatour come avaunt eft dit. Et prendra chefcun confervatour pur le dit office chef- cun an xl. li. de Roy a meyns. Et qils foient jurrez qe fi afcune perfone de quele condition ou eftat qil foit eux ou afcune de eux procure excite ou abette de faire afcun chofe a contrarie dicefte ordinance & le ferement avauntdit qe chefcun de eux ferra due relation a noftre Seignur le Roy ou a la Chanceller dEngleterre pur le temps efteant fi haftiment come bonement purra faunz concelle- ment en afcun point fur piene demprifonement & faire fyn & ranceon a voluntee noftre Seignur le Roy. Et qe le dit confervatour eit un feal de Roy ordeigne pur le dit office. Et qe le maiftre de Anno fecundo Henrici V. Stat. 1. 49* Five Ports. (2) And that the faid Confervator have full Power and Authority to inquire, as well within Liberties and Franchifes as without, by Men inhabit- ing within the Body of the County and Liberty where the faid Port is, of all fuch Treafons and Offences to be done againfi the Truces, and againft the King's Safe Conducts, within the Body of the County and Li- berty where the faid Port is, (3) and to make againft p r ocef, to be thofe Perfons before him fo indicted, fuch Procefs as yarded againfc here followeth, that is to fay, by Capias and Exigent, thok that be which {hall as well go into the Counties of which fuch ""i'** Men fo indicted be fuppofed to be, as into the Coun- ties where fuch Indictments be taken ; (4.) which Ca- pias and Exigent aforefaid in both Counties fhall be re- turned at one Day, and that the firft Capias in both Counties have Day of Return by a Month at the leaft : (5) And in cafe that the Capias and Exigent be awarded The Additions in this Behalf, that the Names and Surnames of fuch of che Parties Perfons fo indicted, and the Town and the County, 'ndi&ed fliall be and Myftery whereof they be, fhall be fpecified and de- inferted - clared in the Indictments and Procefles of the fame. (6) And that the faid Confervator have full Power to hear, at every Man's Suit which will complain before himfelf, * or his Lieutenant, of any Offence done to » Not in Grig. the Party againft the faid 1 ruces and Safe Conducts. ' ["]) And that two Men learned in the Law be named T » oM ™ lea ™- and affociate in every Commiffion of our Lord the e ^ j? , thc J">w
- King to be made to fuch Confervator. And that the ln l e cf^lT
faid Confervator, and the faid Men learned in the Law, vator's Com- ' in the Commiffion to hi n affociate f and ajjigned, million. The
- (hall have full Power and Authority, to make Delive- Authority of the
- ranee, according to the Law and Ufage of the Land,^™^™" 1
' of fuch Men fo indicted before the faid Confervator, c ; at e S . ' of Things to be done within the Body of the County ' or Liberty where the faid Port is, againft the faid " Truce and the King's Safe Conducts, and to deter-
- mine fuch Suits commenced at any Man's Suit which
' will complain before the faid Coniervator, of any Of- ' fence done to him againft the faid Truce and Safe ' Conducts, and thereof to make due Redrefs and Re- ' medy. (8 ) And that the faid two Men to the faid ' Confervator fo affociate, be affifting and attending to ' the faid Confervator to make the Deliverances and
- Determination in the Manner and Form aforefaid,
' when they be by the faid Confervator reafonably re- ' quired. (9) And that the faid Confervator, and the The Oath of the ' faid two Men of Law, be fworn, that they, nor noneConfervataran* ' or them, fhall take Fee, Gift, Hire, Wages, Reward, Aflbciates. ' or Brokage, of any other than of the King in any wife ' in this Behalf, in Hinderance of due Execution and ' Punifhment of fuch Traitors and Offenders aforefaid. ' (10) Andthatthe faid Confervator fhall berefiantin the ' Port and Places where he fhall be Confervator affigned ' as aforefaid ; (11) And every Confervator fhall take ' yearly for the faid Office Forty Pounds of the King ' at the leaft ; (12) and that they be fworn, that if any ' Perfon, of what Eftate or Condition foever he be, pro- ' cure, excite, or abet them, or any of them, to do any ' Thing contrary to this Ordinance and Oath aforefaid, ' that every of them fhall make due Relation to our So- ' vereignLord the King, or to the Chancellor of Eng- ' land for the time being, as fpeedily as he well may, ' without Concealment in any Point, upon Pain of Im- ' prifonment, and to make Fine and Ranfom at the ' Kino-'s Pleafure, ( 13) And that the faid Confervator The Coritemtbr ' have a Seal of our Lord the King ordained for the faid <h»" have a Seal, ' Office. (14) And that the Mafter of the Ship, Barge, R r r 2 'or -J- Not in Ong,