Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/596

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550 C 12. Anno odavo Henrici VI. A. D. 1429. CAP. XII. No Judgement or Record fhall be reverfed for any Writ, Procefs, &c. rafed. in Records may be amended by the Judges, and what not. What Defects No Judgement nor Record mall be reverfed nor avoided for any Writ, Re- turn, Procefs, &c. rafed or interlined. Dyer 105, 180, S25, 232, 25o, 342. 5 Co. 45. S Co. 138. Cro. Jac. 119. Cro. Car. 271. The Judges may reform all Defefts in Re- cords which be Mifbriiioa of the Clerk. 34 Ed. 3. flat. 1. c. 6. gH. 5. c. 4. 4 H. 6. c. 3. 8 H. 6. c. 15. 4 Mod. 6, 247, What Defcfts in Reccrds may not bz amended. 27 El. I H. 5-

  • Second

Variance al- ledjed be- tween a Re- cord and the Certificate thereof, fhall be fey the Judges amended. Imbezilling of a Record, where by any Judge- ment (ball be leverfed, is Felony. S R.2. C. A. S Co. 160. ' 2 Roll 44. T E M our Lord the King hath ordained and eftabliihed by the Authority of this prefent Par- liament, That for Error affigned, or to be affigned, in any Record, Procefs, or Warrant of Attorney, Original Writ or Judicial, Panel or Return, in any Places of the fame rafed or interlined., or in any Ad- dition, SubftrarSrion, or Diminution of Words, Let- ters, Titles, or Parcel of Letters, found in any fuch Record, Procefs, Warrant of Attorney, Writ, Panel, or Return, which Rafings, Interlinings, Addition, Subtraction, or Diminution, at the Dilcretion of the King's Judges of the Courts and Places, in which the faid Records or Procefs by Writ of Error, or other- wife, be certified, do appear fufpedted, no Judgement nor Record fhall be reverfed nor adnulled. ' II. And that the King's Judges of the Courts and Places in which any Record, Procefs, Word, Plea, Warrant of Attorney, Writ, Panel, or Return, which for the Time fhall be, fhall have Power to examine fuch Records, Procefs, Words, Pleas, Warrants of Attorney, Writs, Panels, or Return, by them and their Clerks, and to reform and amend (in Affirmance of the Judgements of fuch Records and ProcelTes) all that which to them in their Dilcretion feemeth to he Mifprifion of the Clerks in fuch Record, Proceffes, WorJ, Plea, Warrant of Attorney, Writ, Panel, and Return ; (2) except Appeals, Indictments of Trea- fon and of Felonies, and the Outlawries of the fame, and the Subftance of the proper Names, Surnames, and Additions left out in Original Writs and Writs of Exigent, according to th? Statute another time made the * Firjl Year of King Henry Father to our Lord the King that now is, and in other Writs con- taining Proclamation; (3) fo that by fuch Mifprifion of the Clerk no Judgement fhall be reverfed nor ad- nulled. (4) And if any Record, Procefs, Writ, War- rant of Attorney, Return, or Panel be certified defec- tive, otherwife than according to the Writing which thereof remaineth in the Treafury, Courts, or Places from whence they be certified, the Parties in Affirm- ance of the Judgements of fuch Record and Procefs fhall have Advantage to alledge, that the fame Wri- ting is variant from the faid Certificate, and thai' found and certified, the fame Variance .fhall be by the faid Judges reformed and amended according to the firft Writing. ' III. And moreover it is ordained, That if any Re- cord, or Parcel of the fame Writ, Return, Panel, Procefs, or Warrant of Attorney in the King's Courts of Chancery, Exchequer, the one Bench or the othei'j or in his Treafury, be willingly ftolen, taken away, withdrawn, or avoided by any Clerk, ©r by other. Perfon, becaufe whereof any Judgement fhall be re- verfed ; that fuch Stealer, 'I aker away, Withdrawer, or Avoider, their Procurators, Counfeliors, and Abet- tors, thereof indicted, and by Procefs thereupon made thereof duly convict by their own Confeffion, or by lnqueft to be taken of lawful Men, whereof the one half fhall be of the Men of any Court of the fume Courts, and the other half of other, fhall be Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ITEM noftre Seignur le Roy ad ordine & efta- b!e par auctorite de ceft prefent parlement qe pur errour affigne ou afligner en afcune recorde procefTe garaunt dattourne brief original ou judicial panell ou retourne en afcuns lieux dicelx rafez ou entrelinez ou en afcun addition fubtraclion ou di- minution des paroles lettres titles ou parcelles des letfres troves en afcun tiel recorde procefTe garraunt dattourne brief panell ou retourne queux rafures en- trelinez addition fubtrarSHon ou diminution al dif- cretion des Juges le Roi des courtes & places en queux les ditz recordes ou proceffe par briefe der- rour ou autrement fount certinez appiergent fuf- pectz ne foit afcune juggement ne recorde reverfe nc adnulle. Et qe les Juges le Roi des Courtes & places en queux afcun recorde proceffe parole plee ga- raunt dattourne brief panell ou retourne pur le temps foit eient poair dexaminer tielx recordes procefle paroles plees garrauntz dattourne brief panell & retourne par eux & lour clerks & de reformer & amender en affermance des jugge- mentz de tielx recordes & procefTe tout ceo .qe a eux en lour difcretion femble eftre mefprifion de clerk en tielx recordes proceffe parole plee garraunt dattourne brief panell & retourne for- fprife appelez enditementz de trefoil & des fe- lonies & lutiagaries dicelles & la fubftance de propres nouns furnouns & additions entrelefiez en briefs originalx briefs dexigent folonqe lefta- tut autre foitz fait Ian feconde le Roi Henr.i pier noftre Seignur le Roi qor eft & en autres briefs contenantz proclamation Mint qe par tiel mefprifion de clerk ne foit afcun juggement re- verfe nc adnulle. Et fi afcun recorde procefle briefe garraunt dattourne retourne ou panell foit certifie defective autrement qe accordant a hj fcripture qe ent demoert en les Treforie Courtes ou lieux dount ils fount certinez eient les par- ties en affermance des juggementz de tielx .re- corde & procefTe avauntage dalegger qe mefme la fcripture eft variaxint al dit certificate & ceo trove & certifie foit mefme la variaunce par les ditz Juges rcfourme & amende accordant a. dit primer fcripture. Et outre ceo eft ordine qe fi afcun recorde ou pareell dicel brief retourne panell proceffe ou gar- raunt dattourne en les Courtes le Roi de Chaun- cellarie Efcheqer lun bank ou lautre ou en fa tre- forie foit voluntierment emble^emporte _ou avoide par afcun clerk ou autre perfone A 'caule de quell afcun juggement foit reverfj qe tiel em- blour emportour retreiour & avoidour lour pro- curatours counfeillours & abbettours ent enditez & par proceffe fur ceo fait ent duement convictz par lour propre confeffion ou par er.quelte ap- prendre des loialx homrnes dount la moite foit des homrnes dafcun Court de mcfme les Courtes & lautre moite dautres foient adjuggez pur L- lons