A. D. 1429. Anno odlavo Henrici VI. C. r 3> T 4- 5S l Ex Rot. in Twr. Lond. Ions & encourgent la peine de felonie. Et qe les Juges de les ditz Courts de lun bank, ou lautre eient poair doier & terminer tielx defautes devaunt eux & dent faire punition come devaunt eft dit. Pui-veu toutz foitz qe ft afcun tiel rccorde pro- ceffe briife garraunt dattourne panell ou rctourne ou parcell dicel foit a prefent ou en apres ferra exempliiie en la Chauncellarie le Roi ibubz lb 11 graunde leal & tiel exemplification illeoqes de re- corde enrolle faunz afcun rafure en une mefme lieu en mefme lexemplification h lenrollemcnt ci- cell -qe alors pur null errour afligne ou affigner en les ditz recordes proceffes briefs garaunt dat- tourne panell ou rctourne en afcun lettre parole claufe ou matier dicell variaunt ou contrariaunt a dite exemplification & lenrollement ne foit nulle juggement des ditz recordes & procefle reverfe ne adnulle. judged for Felons, and fliall incur the Pain of Felony. (2) And that the Judges of the laid Courts of the one Bench or of the other, have Power to hear and deter- mine fuch Defaults before them, and theiecf to make due Punifhment as afore is fad. ' IV. Provided always, That if any fuch Record, A Record ex- Procefs, Writ, or Warrant of Attorney, Panel, «i' f , m? [ ir '^ t u ^" Return, or Parcel of the fame, be now, or hereafter * A mwe&
lhall be exemplified in the King's Chancery under.the Chancery, the Great Seal, and fuch Exemplification there ofnoctobe Record inrolled without any Rafing in the famePlacer cverk ' l) - in the Exemplication and the Inrollment of the fame, that another Time for any Error affigned, or to be afligned in the faid Record, Procefs, Writ, Warrant of Attorney, Panel, or Return, in any Letter, Word, Claufe, or Matter of the fame varying, or contrary to the faid Exemplification and the Inrollment, there
- {hall be no J udgement of the faid Records and Pro-
- cefs reverfed nor adnulled.'
c. 9. 5 El. c. 23. and 4 Ann. ■tier ic K, 6. i. 4. -lIH. 6. 16. what Defefls may be atntndtd and ivbst n*t. CAP. XIII. There fliall not be excepted in the Protections of thofe that fhall go with the King into France^ Affile of Novel Dijfeifin. See Appendix. C A P. XIV. Riotous Perfons committing of Felonies, and 'then fleeing into fecret Places. TEM pur ceo qe graunde & grevoufe com- pleint fuift feit a E.oi Henri jadis Roi dEng- leterre pier noftre Seignur le Roi qoreft a fon parlement tenuz a Leyceftr' Ian de fon regne ieconde par les Communes de fon parlement avauntdit de diverfes murdres homicides robories bateries affemblees des gentz en graunde rioum- bre par maner dinfurrections & de diverfes autres rebellions & riotes & apres tielx mefraites les ditz felouns & mesfaifours fenfurent & retraherent as diverfes boys & beux . covertez & difconuz & aillours a lentent & purpos de voider lexecu- tion de la commune ley & qils ne ferroient mcf- nez a refpounce folonc proces de la ley Sur qoy ! le dit nadgairs Roi conflderant la fuifdit com- pleint par aflent des Seignrrs efpirituelx & tem- porelx en mefme le parlement afiesnblez avoit ordinez & eftabliez a la requeft des ditz Com- munes qe ft afcuny en temps avenir veigne en la Chauncellarie & face compleint duea.ent qe afcun tiel felon ou malefaifour come s vaunt eft dit fen eft fuy & retrahet a afcun tiel lieu ou aillours al enten- fuifdit foit fur tiel compleint une bille fufficeantment fait pur le R.oy Et eit le Chaun- celler dEngieterre pur le ternps efteant apres tiel bille a lu lyvere ftl poet eftre enformez duement tiel bille contener verite poair de faire folonc fa difcrecion mi brief de Capias a la fuite du Roy direft al vifcont de countee ou countees ou les dites murdres homicides robories bateries & autres mesfaitz fount fuppofez par la'dite bille eftre faitz & perpe:rez retournable m la dite Chauncellarie a certeine jour. Et fi les perfones en le dit brief' contenuz foient prilez par le dit vifcount ou foy reddent en mefme la Chaun- cellarie qadonqes foient tielx perfones mys en garde ou a maynprife folonc la.difcretion da TEM, For that great and grievous Complaint^ K. 5. fist, i. was made to King Henry, late King of Eng- Q - 9' " land, Father to our Lord the King that now is, at his " Parliament holden at Leicefter the Second Year of his " Reign, by the Commons of his Parliament afortv " faid, of divers Murders, Manflaughters, Robberies, " Batteries, Afiemblies of People in great Number in " Manner of Infurreciions, and of divers other Rebel- " lions and Riots; (2) and after fuch Offences th? " faid Felons and Offenders did flee and withdraw " themfelves to divers Woods and fecret Places un- " known, and elfewhere, to the Intent and Purpofe to " avoid the Execution of the Common Law, and that " they might not be brought to anfwer according to " the Frocefs of the Common Law : (3) Whereupon " the faid late King confidering the aforefaid Com- " plaint, by the Advice and Aflent of the Lords Spiri- " tual and Temporal in the fame Parliament aftembled, " did ordain and ftablifh, at the Requeft of the faid " Commons, That if any * after come into the Chan-* t'^^f' 11 "- " eery, and make Complaint duly, that any fuch Felon " or Offender as aforefaid hath fled or withdrawn him
- ' to any fuch Place, or elfewhere, to the Intent afore-
" faid, upon fuch Complaint a Bill fhall be fufficiently " made forthe King. (4) And the Chancellor of Engiandvnak awarded " for the t'me being, after fuch Bill to him delivered, againfl the Of- " if he may be duly informed that fuch Bill containeth fendetSi " Truth, fliall have Power by his Difcretion to awrrd " a Writ of Capias at the S^ it of our Lord the King, " directed to the Sheriff of the County or Counties " where the faid Murders, Manflaughters, Robb ries, " Batteries, and other Offences be fuppofed by the faid " Bill to be done and committed, returnable in the faid " Chancery at a certain Day; (5) and if the Perfons " fpecifted in the faid Writ be taken by ,he faid Sheriff, " or yield themfelves in the fame Chancery, that then " fuch Perfons be put in Prifon or to Mainprife, ac— " cording