C. 14. Anno o&avo Henrici VI. A. D. 1429 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. cording to the Difcretion of the Chancellor ; (6) and Chaunceller & outre foit maunde denquerer de u cc cc The Statute of a H. 5. ftat. 1. c. 9. of thofe that do commit Murdir, (3c. and aftct flee in'o Wood^, made perpetual. A Prcvifion " moreover it fhall be commanded to inquire of fuch " OfFences, and upon that fhall be done as the Law " requireth. (7) And if the Sheriff return at the Day " of the Capias returnable, that thePerfons in the fame " comprifed, for any of the fameCaufes aforefaid, can- " not be taken by him, nor the fame Perfons do yield " themfelves in the faid Chancery, that then the faid " Chancellor fhall caufe to be made a Writ of Procla- " mation, directed to the Sheriff, returnable in the " King's Bench at a certain Day, that he make Procla- " mation in two Counties, that the Perfons named in " the faid Writ come at the faid Day into the aforefaid " Bench, there to anfwer to the Matter comprifed in " the faid Bill, upon Pain to be convict of the Matter " comprifed within the faid Bill ; (8) and in every fuch " Writ of Proclamation fhall be contained the Sub- " fiance of the Matter comprifed in the faid Bill; (9) " and if they come not at the Day of fuch Proclama- tion returned, then they fhall be holden and adjudged for convict, and attainted as afore is faid; (10) and if they come at the Proclamation it fhall be inquired of them, and done in the Manner as afore is faid. " (11) Provided that the Suggeftions of fuch Riots be " fignifted to the Chancellor of England by Letters " fealed under the Seals of two Juftices of the Peace at " the leaft, and the Sheriff of the County where fuch " Riots fhall be, before that fuch Writ of Capias be granted; ( 2) in which Writ of Capias the Matter which is comprifed within the fame Bill fhall be as " well expreffed, as in the Writ of Proclamation there-
- ' of to be made. (13) And if fuch a Cafe happen in
" the County Palatine of Lancq/hr, or elfewhere in " Franchifcs where there is a Chancellor and a Seal,
- ' that then the faid Chancellor of England caufe to be
" written or fent by the King's Writ to the Cnancellor of fuch County or Franchife, all the Suggeftion in the faid Bill comprifed, commanding him to make fuch Execution as in the faid Article is comprifed ; " (14) fo always that the King's Writ out of the Chan- " eery of England fhall not run in fuch County or " Franc ife otherwife than hath been ufed in Time
- -' palled, and that the faid Ordinance fhall ftand in his
" Force ti 1 the End of the next Parliament. (15) Our " Lord the King confidering that divers other Murders, " Manila- ghters, Robberies, Batteries, Affemblies of " People in great Number in Manner of Infurrections, " and divers other Rebellions and Puots, have been " made in divers Counties of the Realm fince the ma- " king of the faid Statute, not punifhed, becaufe that " the faid Statute held no Force but until the End of " the Parliament then next following;" ' hath or- ' dained and ftablifhed, by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the faid Statute mall now be kept, and firmly holden for a Statute for ever, as well of Murders, Manflaughters, Robberies, Batteries, Af- femblies of People in great Number in Manner of Infurredtions, and divers other Rebellions and Riots made and committed before the Beginning of this prefent Parliament, as in Time to come. ' II. Provided always, That it be toftified by two Juftices of the Peace of the Counties where fuch Riots fhall be fuppofed, that the common Fame and Voice runneth in the fame Counties of the fame Riots, before that the Writ of Capias fhall be award- ed. (2) Provided alfo, That if any fuch Cafe hap- • »u_ /•..:. 1 ^ ..__ D-i-..- _ _r r /■ . 11L it a wheieanyofth" pen in the faid County Palatine of LancaJ/er, or die- tielx mesfaitz & fur ceo foit fait come la ley demaunde. Et ft le vifcounte retourne a jour de Capias retournable qe les perfones en icell com- prifez par afcun de les caufes fuifdites ne pur- ront eftre par luy prifez ne mefmes les perfones ne foi rendent en la dite Chaunceilarie qadonqes face le dit Chaunceller faire briefe de proclama- tion direct a dit vifcounte retournable en bank le Roi a certein jour qil face proclamation en deux countees qe les perfones en le dit brief nomez veignent a dit jour en le fuifdit bank pur y ref- poundre a la matier compriz deinz la dite bille fur peyne deftre convictez de la matier compriz deinz la dite bille et en chefcun tiel brief de proclamation foit contenuz la fubftaunce de la matier compriz deins la dite bille & fils ne veign- ent a jour de tiel proclamation retourne foient adonqcs tenuz & adjuggez pur convictez & at- teintez come defuis eft dit. Et fils veignent a la proclamation foit de eux enquis & fait en la maner come defuis eft dit. Purveu qe les fug- geftions de tielx riotes foient tefmoignez a le Chaunceller dEngleterre par lettres enfealez de- foubz les fealx de deux juftices de pees au meins & le vifcounte del countee ou tielx riotes fer- rount ■ devaunt ceo qe tiel brief de Capias foit graunte en quell brief de Capias foit fibien la matier exprelte que'e eft compris deins mefme la bille comme en le brief de proclamation ent affaire. Et ft tiel cas aveigne en le counte pa- latyn de Lancaftr' ou aillours en fraunchife la ou il v ad Chaunceller & feal qadonqes le dit Chaun- celler dEngleterre face efcriver ou envoier par brief du Roi a le Chaunceller de tiel countee ou fraunchife tout la fuggeftion en la dite bille compriz commaundant a luy de faire tiel exe- cution come en le dit article eft compriz iffint tout foitz qe brief du Roi hors de la Chauncel- lar' dEngleterre ne courge en tiel countee ou fraunchife autrement qe nad eftee ufee en temps paffe. Et qe la dite ordinaunce eftoiferoit en fa force, tanqe al fin del profchein parlement. Noftre Seignur le Roi conliderant qe diverfes murdres homicides robories bateries affemblees des gentz en graunde noumbre par maner de infur- rettions & diverfes autres rebellions & riotes ount eftee faitz en diverfes parties du Roialme puis la faifaunce de dit eftatuit nient punifez a caufe qe le dit eftatuit ne tenoit force forfqe a la fin del parlement adonqcs profchen enfuant ad ordine & eftablie par auclorite de ceft prefent parle- ment qe la dit jadis eftatuit ore foit tenuz 8c fermement gardez pur eftatuit en tout temps ave- nir fibien de murdres homicides robories bateries afTeinblees des gentz en graunde noumbre par maner de infurrecfions & de divers autres rebel- lions & riotes faitz & perpetrez devaunt le com- mencement de ceft prefent parlement come en temps avenir. Purveu toutz foitz qe tefmoigne foit par deux juftices de peas des countees ou tielx riotes fer- ront fuppoicz qe commune fame & voice court en mefmes les countees de icelx riotes devaunt ceo qe le brief de Capias ferra agarde. Purveu auxi qe ft afcun tiel cafe aveigne en le dit countee palatyn de Lancaftre ou aillours en lieu enfraunchife