556 C. 24 — 26. Anno o&avo Henrici VI. A. D. 1429. CAP. XXIV. None fhall pay Merchants Aliens in Gold, but in Silver. Merchandife fhall not be fold to an Alien, but for prefent Payment. No Man fli all be compelled to pay Gold to a Merchant Alien, 4 H. 7. c. 13*.
- Read 13.
No Englishman ihall fell his Goods to a Mer- chant Alien, but for prefent Pay- ment, or other Merchandife. slltsrecL by 9 H. 6. c i. " TTEM, For that Merchants Aliens of late have " J. taken in Cuftom, that when they fell any of " their Merchandifes to any Perfon within the Realm, " they will not demand nor receive for any Payment " for the fame any Manner of Silver, as they were " wont, but only Gold Nobles, Half Nobles, and " Farthings, which from time to time thejr do carry " out of the Realm into other ftrange Countries, " where they be changed to their Increafe, and forged " in other Coins, fo that they gain in the Allay of "■ every Noble Twenty Pence, againft the Tenour " of the Statutes thereof made, and to the great Pre- " judice of this whole Realm." ' II. Our Lord the King willing in this Cafe to ' provide Remedy, hath ordained, That no^ Merchant ' Alien ihall conftrain nor bind any of the King's liege ' People by Promife, Covenant or Bond, to make him ' Payment ihr Gold for any Manner of Debt which
- to him may be due, nor refufe to receive Payment
- in Silver for any Manner of fuch Duty or Debt, upon
' the Pain of "the double Value of the fame. (2) And s alfo to efchew the great Loffes which divers Perfons ' of this Realm of England have had, and alfo be ' likely to have, for their Loans made of their Mer- c chandifes to Merchants Aliens, which have fled ' with the fame, and daily take Sanctuaries, it is or- ' dained, That no Englijhman fhall fell within this ' Realm, or caufe to be fold hereafter, to any Mer- ' chant Alien, any Manner of Merchandifes, but only ' for ready Payment in hand, or elfe in Merchandifes ' for Merchandifes, to be paid and contented in hand, ' upon Pain of Forfeiture of the fame.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. TEM pur ceo qe les merchantz aliens jatarde ount prife en cuftume qe quant ils vendont afcuns de lour merchandifes a afcun perfone deins le Roialme ils ne voillent demaunder ne receiver pur afcun paiement pur icell null maner dargent ficome ils foloient faire mes foulment or nobles dimi nobles & ferlyngs les queux de temps en temps ils amefhent hors dm Roialme en autres eftraunges paiis lou ils fount chaungiez a lour en- crece & forgez en autres coignes enfy qils gaig- nent en lallaie de chefcun noble xx d. encontre le tenure des eftatutz ent faitz a graunde preju- dice du Roi & de fon Roialme univerfell. Noftre dit Seignur le Roi en ceo cas voillant purvoier de remedie ad ordine qe null marchant alien ne ferra arter ne lier afcun des lieges du Roi par pact covenant ne lige de luy faire paiement en or pur nulle manere de dette qi a luy poet eftre due ne refufe de receiver paiement en argent pur afcun maner de tiel- duete ou dette fur peyn de double value dice]] . Et auxi pur efcheuer le graunde perde qe divers perfones de ceft Roialme ount euz & font femblablez davoir par lour ap- preftz faitz de lour merchandifes as merchantz aliens qount enfuez ovec icelles hi de jour ei autre preignent fanctuaries ordinez eft qe null Englois ne vende deinz ceft Roialme ne face vendre de ceft jour en avaunt a null marchant alien null maner de merchandifes mes foulement pur preft paiement en moneye ou autrement en merchandifes pur merchandifes pur eftre paiez & content en. main fur peyn de forfaiture dicell... CAP. XXV. The Mayor of the Staple of Calais fhall continue two Years in his Office. See- Appendix. C A P. XXVI. The Penalty if in any Action the Defendant make Default to put the Lords, Mayors, l£c, from their Jurifdiction.. " TTEM, It is ordained by the Authority aforefaid, '■ J. That in all Writs of Affifes, and of Actions per- ' ional, fued or to be fued before the King in his ' Bench, Juftices of the Common Place, or any ' other the King's Juftices for he time being, of any 4 Lands or Tenements, or of any thing being, and 1 rifing within any Seignory, Franchife, or antient ' Demefne, whereof the Cognizance or, Jurifdiction
- ought to- pertain to any Lords, Mayors, Bailiffs,
- Citizens, Burgeffes, or Commonalty of fuch Seigno-
- ■ ries, Franchifes, or antient Demefne, that then if
' any Defendant in any fuch Aiiife, or other Actions
- perfonal, make any Default, to put out,, exclude,.
- • and expel the aforefaid Lords, Mayors, Bailiffs,
- Citizens, Burgeffes, 01 Cornmonaly of their Cog-
'• nizance or Franchife, that the Juftices, at the Re-
- ' queft of the faid Lords*, Mayors, Bailiffs, Citizens,
- • Burgeffes,. or Commonalty, fhall make Inquiry by
- the Affile, where fuch Exception is alledged m Af-
ITEM ordinez eft par auftorite defufdite qen. toutz briefs daffifes & daiSHons perfonelx fues- ou a.fuers devaunt le Roi. en fon. bank Juftices de commune Bank ou autres Juftices le Roi qiconqe pur le temps efteantz dafcuns terres. tenementz. ou autres chofes efteant ou furdaunt deinz afcuns^ Seignurie fraunchifc ou auncien demefne dount la conufance ou jurifdiction doit aperteigner as afcuns Seignurs mairs baillifs citezeins burgeys ou- communalte de tielx Seignurs fraunchife ou; auncien demefne qe adonqes li afcun defendant en. afcun tiel affife ou autres actions perfonelx face defaute pur ouftier & excluder les ditz Seignurs mails baillifs citezeins burgeys ou communalte de lour fraunchife ou- conufance qe les Juftices al requeft dez ditz Seignurs mairs baillifs citezeins burgeys ou communalte facent enquerer par laffife- ou tiel exception eft alegge en affife & en actions perfonelx.