A. D. 1429. Anno o&avo Henrici VI. C. 27 — 29. 557 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. perfonelx par enqueftz apprendre devaunt Ies Juf- tices fi tielx defautes foient faitz come defuis eft dit ou nemye en queulx affife & enqueft. iffint apprendre fibien les pleintifs come les Seignurs mairs baillifs citezeins burgeys & communalte purront aver lour chalaunge. Et fi trove foit par ticlx affiie ou enqueftes iffint apprendres qe tielx defautes ioient faitz par collufion pur oultier & excluder les ditz Seignurs mairs baillifs citezeins burgeys ou communalte de lour fraunchife liber- tees conufances ou jurifdiction qe en tielx cafes les ditz briefs foient abatuz & lez pleintifs foient en la mercy le Roy par confideration qil eft ordine par lellatuit fait Ian du reigne le Roy Henry Aiel noftre Seignur le Roi ix m(: qe fi afcun mair baillif communalte ou Seignur dauncien demene foit nome en briefs daffife par collufion pur eux ouftier de lour conufance ou jurifdiclion en cell partie qe les juftices primes enquergent par laffife du paiis de tiel collufion fi les ditz Seignurs mairs bailifs ou communalte le demandent. Et fi trove foit par tiel inquifition qils foient iffint nomez par collufion qadonqes le brief abatera. fife3, and in Actions perfonals by Inquefts to be taken before the Juftices, if fuch Defaults fhall be made as afore is laid, or not : (2) In which Affife and Inquefts fo to be taken, as well the Plaintiffs, as the Lords, Mayors, Bailiffs, Citizens, Burgeffes, and Commonalty may have their Challenge, (3J9 H -4- c - p And if it be found by fuch Affifes or Inquefts fo to ^ a >'° rs ' • ? ail .! ffi * be taken, that fuch Defaults fhall be made by Col-^j^^ lufion, to put out and exclude the faid Lords, May- nam cd Diffeifors* ors, Bailiffs, Citizens, Burgeffes, or Commonalty in Affife by Col- of their Franchifes, Liberties, Cognizances, or Ju- lufion > t0 P ut rifdiaion, that in fuch Cafes the fairf Writs Jfhall ^ m n £nl be abated, and the Plaintiffs fhall be in the King's ° gn ' Mercy : (4) by Confideration that it is ordained by the Statute made the Ninth Year of the Reign of King Henry, Grandfather to our Lord the King,, That if any Mayor, Bailiff, Commonalty, or Lord of antient Demefne be named in Writs of Affifes by Collufion, to put them out of their Cognizance or Jurifdicfion in this Behalf, that the Juftices firft fhall inquire by the Affife of the Country, of fuch Collufion, if the faid Lords, Mayors, Bailiffs, or Commonalty the fame require ; (5) and if it be found, by fuch Inquifition, that they be fo named by Col- lufion, that then the Writ fhall abate.' CAP. XXVII. A Remedy for the Inhabitants of Tewkejbury in the County of Gloucefter, againft the Commo- nalty of the Foreft of Dean, &c. to prevent future Robberies and Injuries in the Navigation on the Severn. See appendix. CAP. XXVIII. There fhall be a Bridge made over the Water of Burford, and another over the Water of ^on^Rcu- Culhamford in the County of Oxford, CAP. XXIX.. An Inqueft fhall be De medietate lingua , where an Alien is Party. ITEM come en le parlement tenuz a Weftm' Ian xxvij" lc du Roi E. tierce entre autres chofes en favour & libertee des merchantz ef- traungiers repairantz en le Roialme dEngleterre ordine foit qe fi plee ou debate foit moeve devaunt le mair de leftaple entre les marchantz ou mi- niftres dicell & fur ceo pur trier la verite enquefte ou proeve foit apprendre fi lun partie & lautre foit eftraunge foit trie par eftraunges & fi lun partie & lautre foit deinfzein foit trie par deinfzeins et fi lun partie foit deinfzein & Jautre alien foit lun moite de deinfzeins & lautre moite des aliens et enoutre qen toutz rnaners des enqueftes & proeves qi ferroient apprendres ou affairs entre | aliens & deinfzeins foient ils merchantz ou autres fibien devaunt le mair de leftaple come devaunt 1 qeconqes autres juggez ou miniftres tout foit le Roi partie foit lun moitee del enqueft ou proeve dez deinfzeins & lautre moitee des aliens fi tantz des aliens foient en la ville ou lieu ou tiel enqueft ou proeve foit apprendre qe ne foient my parties ne ove les parties en contractz plees ou autres querelles dount tielx enqueftes ou proe es de; vent eftre prifez et ft tant dez aliens ne foient point 2. ' TTEM, Whereas in the Parliament holden 2X.WeJi- 18 Ed. 3. e. 1,3, c X minjier the Twenty-eighth Year of King Ed- ' ward the Third, amongft other Tnings in Favour and Liberty of the Merchants Strangers repairing: ' into the Realm of England, it was ordained, That '"' if a Plea or Debate be moved before the Mayor of " the Staple amongft the Merchants or Minifters of" '"' the fame, and for to try the Truth thereof an In- " queft or Proof is to be taken, if the one Party and. " the other be ftrange, it fhould be tried by Strangers ;•. " {%) and if the one Party and the other be Denizens,. " it fhould be tried by Denizens; (3) and if ther " one Party be Denizen, and the other an Alien, the " one half fhould be of Denizens, and the other half " Aliens ; (4) and moreover, that in all Inquefts and. " Proofs which fhall be taken and made betwixt " Aliens and Denizens, be they Merchants or other, " as well before the Mayor of the Staple, as before " any other Judges or Minifters, although our Lord " the King be Party, the one half of the Inqueft or " Proof fhould be of Denizens, and the other half of " Aliens, if there be fo many A iens in the Town or " Place where fuch Inqueft or Proof is to be taken, Ci that be not Parties, nor with the Parties in Con— " tracts, Pleas, or other Quarrels-, whereof fuch In- " quefts, or Proofs ought. to. he taken.} (5 1 ajad.if there- ""her