- 86 C.
Anno decimo o&avo Henrici VI. A. D.
- 439-
CAP. I. Letters Patents fhall bear the Date of the King's Warrant delivered into the Chancery. Farther provided for^H. S. C. II. Plow. f. 491. 20 H. 7. f. 8 Dyer, f. 133. cc cc cc cc cc FIRST, Whereas by Suit made to the divers Perfons, it hath been defired King by by their Petitions, to have Offices, Ferms, and other Things of the Gift and Grant of the King, by his gracious Letters Patents thereof to them to be made, deiir- ing by the fame Petitions, the fame Letters Patents of the King to bear Date at a certain Day limited in the fame, the which Day is often long before, the King's Grant to them thereupon made have born the fame Date, by reafon whereof divers of the King's liege People having fuch Offices, Ferms, and other Things of the Gift or Grant of the King, by his gracious Letters Patents thereof to th;m long Time before duly made, by fuch fubtil Imagination of fuch Antedates defired by fuch Petitions, of fuch Offices, Ferms, and other Things, often have been put out, amoved, and expelled, againft Right, good
- Confcience, and Reafon
- " ' (2) Our faid Lord the
King, willing to put out fuch Imaginations, by the Advice and Aflent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral aforefaid, and at the fpecial Requeft of the faid Commons, hath ordained, by Authority of the fame Parliament, That of every Warrant hereafter fent by the fame our Lord the King, or his Heirs, to the Chancellor of England for the time being, the Day of the Delivery of the fame to the Chancellor fhall be entered of Record in the Chancery ; (3) and that the Chancellor do caufe Letters Patents to be made upon the fame Warrant, bearing Date the Day of the faid Delivery in the Chancery, and not before in any wife ; (4) and if any Letters Patents be from henceforth made to the contrary, they fhall be void, fruftrate, and holden for none.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. PRimerement come par fuite fait au R.oy par di- vers gentz ad efte defire par lour petitions daver offices fermes & autres ehofes del don Sc graunte du Roy par fez gracious lettres patentz ent a eux a faire defirauntz par icell petitions mefmes les lettres patentz du Roy de porter date a certein jour iimite en icell le quell jour eft fovent longement devaunt le graunte du Roy a eux faitz de lour ditz petitions parount les lettres patentz du Roy a eux fur ceo faitz cunt porte mefme la date a caufe de quell divers lieges du Roy eiantz tielx offices fermes & autres ehofes du don ou graunte du Roy par fez gracious lettres patentz a eux longe temps devaunt duement fait par tielx fubtils ymaginations de tiels antedates deftrez par tiels petitions de tiels offices fermes & autres chofez fovent ount efte ouftes amoves & expelles encountre droit bon confcience & reafon. Noftre dit Seignur le Roy voillant ouftier tiels ymagina- tions del avys & affent des Seignurs efpirituelx & temporelx & al efpeciale requeft des ditz Com- munes ad ordine par auftorite de rnefme le par- lement qe de qeconqc garrant en apres par mefme noftre Seignur le Roy ou fez heires al Chaunceller dEngleterre pur le temps efteant addreffe le jour du livere dicell al Chaunceller foit entre du re- corde en la Chauncerie et qe le Chaunceller face faire lettres patentes fur mefmes les garrantz por- tantz date le jour du dit livere en la Chaunqerie & nemy devaunt en null manere et fi afcuns lettres patentes foient defore faitz al contrarie foient voidez irritez &c tenuz pur nulles. C A P. II. They which have Gavelkind Lands to the yearly Value of Twenty Pounds, may be returned in Attaints. 15 H. 6. c 5. " TTEM, Whereas in the Parliament of our Lord " A the King, holden at Wejiminjier the Fifteenth " Year of his Reign, among other Articles it was " ordained, That no Sheriff, Bailiff of Franchife, nor " Coroner, in Action or Writs of Attaint of Plea of " Land of the yearly Value of xl. s. or more, nor in " Action of Attaint of Deeds concerning Lands and " Tenements of the yearly Value of xl. s. and more, " nor in perfonal Action, whereof the Judgement of " the Recovery extends to xl. li. or more, fhould " return or impanel in any Inquifition or Inqueft, any " Perfons but them that be inhabiting within his Baili- " wick, which have Eftate to their Ufe or they to " whom other Perfons have Eftate of Fee-fimple, Fee- " tail, or Free-hold, in Lands and Tenements of the ■" yearly Value of xx. li. or more, within his Baili- " wick, out of antient Demean, Five Ports, and the '•' Tenure of Gavelkind ; (2) in refpecT: of which Or- " dinancc, feeing within the County of Kent there be " but Thirty or Forty Perfons at the moft, which have " any Lands or Tenements out of the Tenure of Ga- .1 velkind, becaufe the greater Part of the faid County, " or /ell nigh all, is of the Tenure of Gavelkind, I TEM come al parlement noftre Seignur leRoy tenuz a Weftm' Ian de fon reigne xv me entre autres articles foit ordeigne qe null vifcount bailie de fraunchis ne coroner en action ou briefes dat- teyntes de plee de terre de annuell value de xl. s. ou pluis nen action de atteynt des faitz concernantz terres & tenementz de annuell value de xl. s. ou pluis ne perfonell aftion dount le jugement de recovere extend al fomme de xl. li.' ou pluis retourne ne empanelle en null inquifition ne en- quefte nulles perfones mes ceux enhabitauntz deinz fa bailie qi ount eftate a lour oeps ou ceux as queux autres perfones ount eftate de fee fimple fee taille ou franclenement en terres & tenementz de annuell value de xx. li.' par an ou pluis deins fa bailie hors de auncien demefne cynk portz & la tenure de Gavylkynde par caufe de quel ordenaunce a caufe qe deins le counte de Kent fount qe trent ou quarront perfones a pluis qe ount afcuns terres ou tenementz hors de tenure de Gavylkynde pur ceo qe la grendre partie du dit counte ou bien pres tout eft de tenure de Gavylkynde les queux perfones fount continuel- ment