5 88 C. 6. Anno decimo odlavo H i n r ici VI. A D. 1439. Ex Rot. in Tuff. Lond. le Roy voillant encountre tielx perde & damage purvoier de remedie en ceft parte ordeigne par lau&orite defuifdit qe null home demurant deins afcun cite ou burgh deins le dit Roialme de la quell cite ou burgh il ad efte ufe devaunt cez heures & unqore eft les nouns de certeins homes par les perfones pur la dit citee ou burgh veignauntz al parlement deftre deliverez en la Chauncerie du Roy deftre colle£tours du x me en mefme le citee ou burgh & fur qe le Roy ad mys fez lettres patentz a mefmes les perfones iflint nomes & deliveres en fa dit chauncerie deftre colledrours de la x mc ou parcell dicell deins la dit citee ou burgh et les queux colleftours ount accomptes & fount tenuz dacomprier de lour receit en ceft partie immediat en lefchequer du Roy foit en afcun manere depute ne affigne deftre colleitour dafcun xv mc ou afcun parcell dicell au Roy ou fez heires grauntes ou a grauntiers deins afcun countee diceft Roialme finon qil poet expendre en le countee hors du dit citee ou burgh es terres ou tenementz a la va- lue de C s. par an outre les charges & reprifez. (2) the fame our Lord the King, willing againft luch Lofs and Damage to provide a Remedy in this Behalf, hath ordained by the Authority afore- faid, That no Man dwelling within any City or Borough in the faid Realm, of which City or Bo- rough it hath been ufed before this Time, and yet is, the Names of certain Men by the Perfons for the faid City or Borough coming to the Parliament to be delivered in the King's Chancery, to be Col- lectors of Diftnes in the fame City or Borough, and and whereupon the King hath fent his Letters Pa- tents to the fame Perfons fo named and delivered in his Chancery, to be Collectors of the Difmes, or Parcel of the fame, within the faid City or Borough, and the which Collectors have ufed and been bound to accompt of their Receit in this Behalf immediately in the King's Exchequer, fhall in any wife be de- puted nor affigned to be Collector of any jghiinzime, or any Parcel of the fame, granted or to be granted to the King or his Heirs within any County of this Realm, except that he may difpend in the County out of the faid City or Borough, in Lands or Tene- ments, to the Value of an Hundred Shillings by Year, over the Charges and Reprifes.' C A P. VI. S H. 6. c. 16. No Lands fhall be granted by Letters Patents, until the King's Title be found by Inquifition. ITEM, Whereas in a Parliament holden -zlWeft- 2 Leon 185. <JoIdsb. II pi. I. Savil 70, H4. 36 U. 3. 73. minfter, the Morrow after St. Matthew the Apo ftle, the Eighth Year of the Reign of our Lord the King that now is, among other Things it was or- dained, That no Lands or Tenements feifed into the King's Hands upon Inquefts taken before the Efcheators or Commiffioners, fhall not be granted nor let in any wife to ferm by the Chancellor, or Treafurer of England, or any other the King's Officer, until the fame Inquefts and Verdicts be fully returned into the Chancery, or into the Exchequer, (2) but all fuch Lands and Tenements fhall wholly and continually remain in the King's Hands, until the faid Inquefts and Verdicts be returned, and by a Month after the fame Return ; if it be not fo that he or they which feel themfelves grieved by the fame Inquefts, or put out of their Lands or Tenements, come into the Chancery, and offer themfelves to traverfe the faid Inquefts, and offer themfelves to take the fame Lands or Tenements to ferm j (3) and if they fo do, that then the fame Lands and Tene- ments fhall be committed to them, if they fhew good Evidences proving their Traverfe to be true, ac- cording to the Form of the Statute made the Six and thirtieth Year of Edward the Third, to hold until the Iffue taken upon the fame Traverfe be found and difcufled for the King, or for the Party, finding fufficient Surety to purfue the faid Traverfe with Effect, and to yield and to pay to the King the yearly Value of the Lands or Tenements, whereof the Traverfe fhall be fo taken, if it be adjudged for the King; (4) and if any Letters Patents of any Lands or Tenements be made to any other Perfon to the contrary, or let to ferm within the faid Month of the Return, they fhall be void, and holden for none. (5) The which good Statute and Ordinance oivexs Perfons devifing to fubvert, and by their Sub- IT E M come en le parlement tenuz a Weitra' Iendemayn de Seint Mathe lappoftel Ian da reigne noftre Seignur le Roy qoreft viij ne ordine foit entre autres qe nullez terres ne tenementz feifiez en mayns le Roy fur enqueftes prifes devaunt les efchetours ne commiffioners ne foient afcune- ment leffez ne grauntez a ferme par Chaunceller ou Treforer dEngleterre ou autre officer le Roy qeconqe tanqe mefmes les enqueftes & verditz foient retournez plainement en la Chauncerie ou en lefcheqer mes demurgent toutz tielx terres & tenementz entierment & continuelment en lez. mayns le Roy tanqe les ditz enqueftes & verditz foient retournes & par un moys apres mefme le retoume fi iffint ne foit qe ceux ou celuy qi fente ou fentent eux grevez par mefmes les enqueftz ou ouftes de lour terres ou tenementz veignent en la Chauncery & foy proferont de traverfer les ditz enqueftes & foy offeront de prendre mefmes les terres & tenementz a ferme foient commys a eux fils monftrent bons evidences provauntz lour tra- verfe eftre verroiez folonc la fourme de leftatuit fait Ian xxxvi™ e le Roy E. tierce a tener tanqe liffue fur mefme le traverfe pris foit trove &c difcuffe pur le Roy ou pur le partie trovant fuffifaunt furete de fuer le dit traverfe ove effedte & de rendre & paier au Roy le annuell value des terres ou tenementz dount la traverfe enfy ferra pris fils foit difcuffe pur le Roy & fi afcuns lettres patents des afcuns terres ou tenementz foient faitz a contrarie a afcun autre perfone ou leffe a ferme deinz le dit moys de retourne foient voidez &: tenuz pur null. Le quel bon eftatuit & ordenaunce divers perfones ymagi- nante a fubverter et par lour fubtilite de fervir come