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Anno primo Richardi III.

Aliens shall make no Cloth within this RealmX. Also that no Person not born under the King's Obeysance, nor made Denizens, being Artificer or Handicraftsman, after the said Feast of Easter, nor yet any other for him, or to his Use, drape or make any Cloth, or put any Wooll to work to make Cloth of within the said Realm of England, upon Pain to forfeit the same Cloth draped or made contrary to this Act.

Aliens shall sell their Wares in gross, and not by retail.XI. Also that all Persons not born under the King's Obeysance, being Artificers, or Handicraftfmen at the Day of the making of this Act, dwelling in this said Realm, nor none other such Artificers or Handicraftsmen, which hereafter shall inhabit and dwell in the same, which after the Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lady next coming shall use, exercise, or occupy the Feast of Merchandise of any Manner of Wares within this Realm, shall sell or barter the same Wares or Merchandises in Gross, and not by Retail, in the Port, Town, or Place where the same Artificers be, or shall be dwelling, and in none other Place, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the Value of all the Wares and Merchandises sold contrary to this Act. (2)Aliens shall take no Servant but the King's Subject.
5 El. c. 4.
14 H.8. c.2
Also that no Person not born under the King's Obeysance, inhabiting, dwelling, or holding any great House or Chamber in this Realm, and occupying any Handicraft, or being Artificer, or Handicraftsman, after the said feast of the Annunciation of our Lady next coming, shall take any Apprentice, Servant, or any other Person to work with him, or to his Use, unless it be his Son, or his Daughter, other than at the said Feast shall be Apprentices or Servants with him, except that the same Apprentices or Servants so to be taken be the King's Subjects born, upon Pain to forfeit and to lose for every Apprentice or Servant taken to the contrary. xx.l. Who shall-have the Forfeitures. (3) the one Half of all the said Fines, Forfeitures, and Penalties, and of every of them, to be to the King, and the other Half to be to him or them that will feife the same, or pursue for the same by Action of Debt, by Writ at the Common Law, by Bill or Plaint, after the Custom of the City or Town where such Fines, Forfeitures, or Penalties hereafter shall fall and be; (4) and that the Defendant in any such Action shall not be admitted to wage or do his Law, (5) nor no Protection, nor-Essoin of the King's Service shall be allowed such Defendant in the same. Aliens may bring in Books to be sold. [ruff 1] 1 H. 7. c. 10., 3 H. 7. c. 8., 21 H. 8 c. 16., 22 H. 8. c. 16., 22 H. 8. c.13., 32 H. 8. c. 16. [ruff 2]XII. Provided always that this Act, or any Part thereof, or any other Act made or to be made in this said Parliament, shall not extend or be in Prejudice, Disturbance, Damage, or Impediment to any Artificer or Merchant Stranger, of what Nation or Country he be or shall be of, for bringing into this Realm, or selling by Retail or otherwise, any Books written or printed, or for inhabiting within this said Realm for the same Intent, or any Scrivener, Alluminor, Reader, or Printer of such Books, which he hath or shall have to sell by way Merchandise, or for their dwelling within this said Realm for the Exercise of Occupations, this Act. or any Part thereof notwithstanding.

  1. This proivso, repealed by 25 H. 8. c. 15.
  2. See farther 4 H. 7. c. 23. prohibiting Gold and Silver to be paid to Foreigners.


1 H. 7.c.2.

The Statute of 22 Edward 4. c. 3. prohibiting wrought Laces of Silk to be brought into this Realm, continued for Ten Years.


Ten Bowstaves shall be brought into this Realm for every Butt of Malmsey.

4 Inst 265'ITEM, It was shewed in the said Parliament by the Bowyers inhabiting within the Cities, Towns, and Boroughs of this Realm, occupying Artillery pertaining to the same for the Defence of this Realm, that whereas in Times past good and able Stuff of Bowstaves hath been brought into this Realm as well by English Merchants as Strangers, whereby the Inhabitants Bowyers might competently live upon such Stuff, which they bought at Forty Shillings the Hundred, or Forty Six Shillings Eight Pence at the most: (2) Now it is so, that by the seditious Confederacy of Lombards using to divers Ports of this Realm, the Bowstaves be now at such an outragious Price, that is to say, at Eight Pounds the Hundred, where they were wont to be fold at Forty Shillings; (3) and also they will not suffer any garbling to be made of them, but sell Good and Evil at such an excessive Price together ungarbled, that by Likelihood in short Time this Realm is like to fail as well of Stuff of Artillery, as of Workmen thereof, unless due Remedy be in this Behalf shortly found and had:' (4) Wherefore our said Sovereign Lord the King, by the Assent of the, said Lords Spiritual and Temporal, at the Prayer of the said Commons, in the said Parliament assembled, and by Authority of the same, hath ordained, established, andenadted, That no Merchant of Venice, nor other which useth to repair into this Realm with Merchandises of those Parts, shall bring nor convey into this Realm any Merchandises, unless the same Merchants do bring with every Butt of Malmsey, and with every Butt of Tyre, Ten Bowstaves good and able Stuff, (5) upon Pain of Forfeiture of xiii. s. iv. d. for every Butt of the said Wines so brought and conveyed, and of the said Number of Bowstaves with the same Butt; the one Half of the same forfeiture to be to our Sovereign Lord the King, and the other Half to the Party which will therefore sue. Bowstaves shall not be sold ungarbled.[ruff 1] (6) And that no such Bowstaves be sold ungarbled, and but only to such Person or Persons which is or shall be born under the King's Obeysance.
This Act to begin and take Effect at the Feast of St. Michael next coming.

  1. See 6 H. 8. c.11. confiriming this Act to Strangers only.


Certain Merchandises prohibited to be brought into this Realm ready wrought.

7 Ed. 4. c. 4.ITEM it was shewed in. the same Parliament by the Artificers of the said Realm of England, as well of the City of London, as of other Cities, Towns, Boroughs, and Villages of the same Realm, that
