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A. D. 1483. Anno primo Rich ardi III. C. 9, 6i it PUafurc, and there fell the fame, as well by Retail as other wife, as free] . the King's Sub- todo, to ill" great Damage and Impoverifhtnent of the King faid Subject , [a) and will in no • wife differ nor take any of the King's faid Subjects to work with them, but they take only into their born in their own Countries, whereby the King's faid Subjects, for lack of Occupation, into Idlcncfs, and be Thieves, Beggars, Vagabonds, and People <>f vicious Living, to the great Per- bance both of the King and of all his Realm •, (5) and when the Merchants, Artificers, and Strangers tiearfed, have gained within this Realm, by buying and felling, or by fuch eafy Occupations and ' Handicrafts, great Subftance of Goods, with the fame Subffance they go out of this laid Realm to fuch 4 Parts beyond the Sea a» them liketh heft, and there fpend the fame Goods oftentimes among the King's 4 Adverfaries and Enemies, to the great Damage of our Sovereign Lord the King and his Subjects, and ' Impoverishment of this Realm, and the Commons of the fame ; and fo by Occafion of the Premifles, the 4 Subftance of the Inhabitants in the laid Cities, Boroughs, and Towns, now late hath fallen, and daily 4 doth fall, into great Poverty and Decay, to their great Undoing, unlefs the King's gracious Aid be to ' them in this Behalf (hewed. V. Our laid Sovereign Lord the King, of his abundant Grace, v. illing againft the Premifles to provide Remedy in this Behalf, by the Advice and Ailent of his Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and at the Prayer of the Commons, in the laid Parliament afleml led, and by Authority of the fame, hath ordained, cfta- blifhcd, and enacted, That all Merchants of the Nation of Italy, before recited, not made Denizens, Kalian Mcr- which have now within this Realm Wares and Merchandifes brought from beyond the Sea, and before the ehanti rtisiirdl Feaft of Eafler next coming (hall have, (hall caufc the dime to be fold or bartered in Grofs, and not by tl ?' ,r Mejdua- Retail, to the King's Subjects, before the Firft Day of May, which (hall be in the Year of our Lord God °^^ ic^he-" One thoufand tour hundred fourfcorc and five,- [z) and (hall imploy the Money coming of that Sale before M nc/in the the Firft Day of May within the fame Port or Ports, where they do arrive, upon the Commodities and Comn-oditics of Merchandifes of this Realm, (their reasonable Cofts and Expences always except and deducted) upon Pain this Realm. o( Forfeiture of the Value as well of all the laid Wares and Merchandifes kept and not fold before the faid Firft Day of May, or otherwife fold than is above rehearfed, as of as much Money as (hall be made over by Exchange contrary to this Acf. (3) And alio that all the faid Merchants of Italy, which after the Fealt of Eafler next coming fhall bring any Merchandifes or Wares into this Realm, to be fold, (hall fell or barter the faid Wares and Merchandifes in Grofs, and not by Retail, to the King's Subjects, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the Value of the fame Wares and Merchandifes, which they (as afore is faid) fhall bring after the faid Feafl of Eajlcr. (4) And the faid Merchants which fhall bring in fuch Wares and Merchan- Strangers ffcall difes after the faid Feafl: of Eafler to fell or barter, (hall fell or elfe barter the fame within Eight Months [v'-htn E^'™ 1 next after their firft Arrival in this Realm, in the Form aforefaid, and (hall imploy the Money coming of M on: hs after or by the faid Sale or Bartering, and every of them, and with the fame buy the Commodities or Merchan- their Arrival, difes of this Realm, within the faid Eight Months, in the faid Port or Ports where they do firft arrive (the ami imploythef: reafonable Cofts and Expences always excepted and deducted) and in no wife to make over fuch Money Monc )> &c - by Exchange. VI. And that the faid Merchants do in no wife fell nor barter within the faid Realm their faid Wares strangers may and Merchandifes, which remain unfold after the End of the faid Eight Months, but carry and convey carry away fo the fame out of this Realm within Two Months next enfuing after the faid Eight Monthr, if Wind and much 3S thc y Weather will fuffer it, or otherwife as foon as Wind and Weather will krvc them after the faid Two inE^tM^uls" Months, upon Pain of Forfeiture as well of as much Money as fhall be made over by Exchange, as of the ' faid Wares and Merchandifes fo fold or bartered after the End of the faid eight Months, not to be carried nor conveyed out of this faid Realm in the Form aforefaid, or the Value thereof. (2) The Penalties, Forfeit- ures, and LofTes of all the PremiiTes always to run and be upon the faid Merchants of the Nation of Italy doing contrary to this A£f. VII. Provided always that it be lawful to the faid Merchants of the Nation of Italy, all fuch Wares and Strangers may Merchandifes, and every Parcel thereof, which after the Feaft of Eajlcr next coming (hall be brought to "move their any other Port or Ports of this Realm of England to be fold, to convey the fame Wares and Merchandifes p 0ods frcm cne at their Liberties to any other Port or Ports, or other Place within this Realm, and there to fell the fame, ort t0 ano • as afore is faid, fo that they fell or barter the fame Merchandifes and Wares in the Realm within Eight a Strsnrer <h>M Months next after their firft Arrival in any of the faid Ports of this Realm ; (z) and alfo that no Merchant not be Hoft to a Stranger, of what Country foever he be, (hall be Hoft, or take to fojourn with him in the laid Realm any Stranger, unleis Merchant or Stranger, not being of his Nation or Country, upon Pain of Forty Pounds. he be of his own VIII. Alfo that none of the faid Merchants of Italy, not made Denizens, fhall fell or barter any Wool- ^icr^fliall len Cloths, Woolls, or other Merchandifes in this faid Realm, which- the. fame Merchants of Italy (hall buy and fell buy within this faid Realm ; (2) nor that the fame Merchants, nor any other for them, fhall deliver any Woolior Wcol- Wooll to any Perfon, thereof to make Cloth in this Realm, but fhall have and convey the fame Woollen )en Cloth within Cloth, Woolls, and other Merchandifes, over the Sea by the S freights of Marrock, upon Pain to forfeit this Realin i the Value of all the Woollen Cloths, Woolls, und other Merchandifes which by them (hall be fo fold or j^efctb nor" delivered, in whofe Hands they fhall be found} (3) the Forfeiture of the fame to run and be upon the deliver Wool! to Merchant Stranger. tiuuEnd. IX. Moreover, that no Perfon not born under the King's Obeyfance, as before is faid, (hall exereffe or An A] - Cn ^,1 occupy any Handicraft, or the Occupation of any Handicraftfman in this Realm of England^ [z) but that D ot be an Han- all fuch Perfons, which after the faid Feaft of Eafler fhall come into this Realm', and every of them, (ball cicraftfrr.ji. depart into their own Country again, or elfe be Servants to fuch of the King's Subjects only as be expert 3 Moi - 94- and cunning in fuch Feats, Arts, and Crafts, which the faid Strangers can occupy, (3) upon Pain of For- feiture of all their Goods which (hall come and dwell in this Realm contrary to this Act, in whofe Hands foever they fhall be found, X. Alfo