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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/48

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C. 4.
Anno tertio Edwardi IV.
A.D. 1463.

Certain Merchandises not lawful to be brought ready wrought into this Realm.

The Inconveniencies ensuing the bringing of Wares ready a wrought into this Realm.

ITEM, Whereas in the faid Parliament, by the, Artificers of manual- Occupations, Men and Wo- men, inhabiting and Refident in the City of Lon- don, and other Cities, Towns, Boroughs, and Vil- lages within the fame Realm of England and Wales, it hath been piteoufly fhewed and complained, how that all they in general, and every of them, be greatly impoverifhed, and much hindered and pre- judiced of their worldly Increafe, and daily Living, by the great Multitude of divers Commodities and Wares pertaining to their Myfteries and Occupa- tions, being fully wrought, and ready made to Sale, as well by the Hands of Strangers, being the King's Enemies, as other in this Realm, and Wales, fetch- ed and brought from beyond the Sea, as well by Merchants Strangers, as Denizens and other Per- fons, whereof the greateft Part in Subftance is de- ceitful, and nothing worth in Regard of any Man's Occupation or Profit; (2) by which Occafion the faid Artificers cannot live by their Mifteries and Oc- cupations, as they have done in Times paft, but divers of them, as well Houfhoulders as Hirelings, and other Servants and Apprentices in great Num- ber, be at this Day unoccupied, and do hardly live, in great Mifery, Poverty, and Need, whereby many Inconveniencies have grown before this Time, and hereafter more be like to come (which God defend) if due Remedy be not in this Behalf provided :" ' (3 ) Our redoubted Sovereign Lord the King, confidering the Premiffes, and willing in this Cafe to provide Re- medy, by the Advice, Aftent, and Authority afore- faid, hath ordained, enacted, and eftablifhed, Th.ar. no Merchant, born a Subject of our faid Lord the King, Denizen, or Stranger, nor other Perfon, after the Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel next coming, fiiall bring, fend, nor convey, nor caufe to be brought, fent, nor conveyed, into this Realm of England, and Seigniory of Wales, any of the Chaffers, Wares, or Things under-written ; that is to fay, any Woollen Caps, Woollen Cloths, Laces, Corfes, Ribbands, Fringes of Silk and of Thread, Laces of Thread, Silk twined, Silk in any wife embroidered, Laces of Gold, of Silk * or Gold, Saddles, Stirrups, or any Harnef- fes pertaining to Saddles, Spurs, Boffes of Bridles, Aundirons, Gridirons, any Manner of Locks, Ham- mers, Pinfons, Fire-tongs, Drippingpans, Dice, Te- nis-balls, Points, Purfes, Gloves, Girdles, Harnefs for Girdles, of Iron, Latten, Steel, Tin, or of Al-