kemine, any Thing wrought of any tawed Leather, any tawed Furrs, Buscans, Shoes Galoches or Corks, Knives, Daggers, Wood-knivea, Bodkins, Sheers for Taylor, Scissers, Razers, Shears, play- ing Cards, Pins, Pattins, Pack- needles, any painted Ware, Forcers, Caskets, Rings of Copper, or of Latten gilt, Chafring-dishes, hanging Candlesticks, chaffing Balls, sacring Bells, Rings for Curtains, Ladles, Scummers, counterfeit Batons, Ewers, Hats, Brushes, Cards for Wooll, blanch Iron Thread, commonly called and named White Wire, or any of those Wares or Chaffers, to be uttered and sold with- in the same Realm of England, or [1]in the County of Wales, by way of Merchandise, (4) upon Pain to forfeit the same Merchandises at every Time, and as often as they may be found in the Hands of any Person or Persons to be sold; the one Half of the same Forfeiture to be paid to the Use of our Lord the King, and the other Half to him that will first seise the same for the King; (5) the same Half by him so seised for our Lord the King to be delivered by the said Seisor thereof to the Escheator of the County or Place where the same Seisin shall be, by Indenture betwixt them made, duly to answer thereof in his Accompt.
A Provisio for such wares as be taken upon the Sea,or by Wreck
II. Provided always, That if any of the said Wares or Chaffers made out of this Land, be taken upon the Sea without Fraud or Collusion, or come in this Realm of England, or the Country of Wales, by way of Wreck, that those be in no wise taken within this Act or Statute, but that they may be sold within this Realm of England, or Wales, this Act or Statute notwithstanding.
Wares made in Ireland or Wales.
III. Provided also, That all Wares and Chaffers made and wrought in the Land of Ireland, or Wales, may be brought and fold in this Realm of England, as they were wont before the making of this Statute, this Actor Statute notwithstanding.
Alfo our Lord the King hath ordained and fta-
blifhed, by the Affent and Authority aforefaid, That
the Mafters and Wardens for the time being, of eve-
ry Craft and Miftery in every City, Borough, Town,
and Village where any fuch C^ah or Myftery is u fed
or occupied, fhall have fufficient Power and Autho-
rity in every fuch City, Town, Borough, and Vil-
lage, where they for the time being {hall be Wardens
or Mafters of any fuch Craft or Myftery, and the
Mayor of fuch City, Borough, Town, or illape
for the time being, if any Mayor be, or the Bailiffs
or Bailiff of any fuch City, Borough, Town, or Vil-
lage for the time being, if any Bailiffs or Bailiff there
be and no Mayor, or Servant or any other Officer to
them affigned by the faid Mayor, Bailiffs, or Bailiff,
in every ft;ch City, Borough, Town, and Village,
wheie any fuch Craft or Miftery is u fed or occupied,
where no fuch Mafters nor Wardens of any fuch
Craft or Mifterv be, that the Mafters or Wardens of
the Crafts and Mifteries of the City, Town, Borough,
or Village next adjoining to the fame, and the Con-
ftable at fuch City, Town, Borough, or Village,
fhall have Power and Authority to fearch in their own
Crafts and Mifteries, and in all other Crafts and Mi-
fteries, uttering by way of Sale any of the afortfaid
Wares, as well within Cities, Boroughs, fownsj
and Villages of the fame Realm of England, ar.d cf
the Country of Waits, as within the Liberties and
Franchife of the fame Cities, Boroughs, Towns, ar.d
Villages, at all Times reasonable by the Da., at
- ↑ Not in orig