Fairs, and Markets, Shops open, and Warehouses, all such Manner of Wares, Chaffers, and Merchandises pertaining to every of their proper Crafts and Misteries, which shall be made by any Alien Artificer, Man or Woman, or any other Person or Persons within the fame Realm of England or Wales, or which at any Time shall be occupied by any of the said Crafts or Misteries, in whole Hands soever they may be found.
Wares and Merchandises that be not lawful, shall be forefeit.
V. Provided also, That the said Masters, Wardens, and other named in the said Ordinance to be Searchers, shall not enter in any Place exempt by Privilege, Franchise, or Custom, to make in the same any Search, as is aforesaid, but by the Oversight of some Officer of every such Place so exempt, where any such Search shall happen to be made. (2) And ' if the faid Searchers by the fame Search do find, That c fuch Chaffers, Wares, or Merchandifes, or any Part
- thereof, be not pi're, lawful, and able Chaffers,
' Wares, or Merchandifes, and duly wrought and ' made, as they ought to be, and that fufficiently prov- ' ed, that then it fhall be lawful to fuch Searchers to ' take and feife all fuch Chaffers, Wares, and Mer- ' chandifes, which mall be fo found not good, pure, ' lawful, or able, nor well wrought, as a Thing for-
feit; (3) the one Half of the fame Forfeiture to be
c paid to the Ufe of our Lord the King, and the other ' Half thereof to fuch Mafters or Wardens which fo ' fhall make Search and find^ the fame. (4) And that ' this prefent Ordinance or Statute concerning the faid 1 Artificers ftand, and be in his Force, as long as fhall ' pleafe our Sovereign Lord the King. ' VI. Provided always, That this Ordinance and ' Ac~t, nor any other Ordinance or A&t made, or to be ' made, in this prefent Parliament, fhall extend or in
- any wife be prejudicial or hurtful to Robert Styllington
Clerk, Dean of the free Chapel of our Lord the King
' of Saint Martin le Grand of London, nor to his Suc- c ceffors of the faid Chapel hereafter for the time being ' in any Manner; (2) nor to the faid Robert Dean, ' and Chapiter of the fame Chapel, as in and for all ' Manner of Privileges, Liberties, Franchifes, Rights, ' and Cuftoms in any; Manner pertaining to them be- ' fore this Parliament;' (3) nor to any Perfon or Per- ' fons dwelling or inhabiting, or which fhall hereafter ' inhabit and dwell, within the Sancluary and PrecincT: ' of the fame Chapel, and efpecially within the Lane 5 commonly called Saint Martin's Lane.' iQa. How far the Ac't continues in Force ? The Liberties of Great Saint Martin's in Lon- don referved. Enforced and ex- tended to other CommodU'ies by 5 ; E1. c. 7. 13 & i4_Car. 2. C 13. Purveu toutz foitz qeles ditz maiftres gardeins & autres en la dite ordenaunce nomez deftre fer- cheours nentrent pas en afcun lieu exempt par prf- vilege franchife ou cuftume de faire en icell afcun ferche come devaunt eft dit finon par furveu dafcun officer de chefcun autiel lieu iffint exempt lou afcun tiel ferche deftre fait aviendra. Et ft les ditz fer- cheours par mefme le ferche trovent qe tielx chaf- fares wares ou merchandifes ou afcune partem ne foit ou foient purez loialx & ables chaffares waras ou merchandifes & droitement faitz & overez fr- come ils duiffent eftre & ceo duement prove qe adonqes y lirra as tielx fercheours de prendre & feifer come chofe forfait toutz tielx chaffares wares^ et merchandifes queux iffint ferront trovez nient bons purez loialx ou ables ne droitement overez lune moite ent au Roi dapperteigner et lautre moite ent au tielx maiftres ou gardeins qi iffint ferront ferche et ceo troveront. Et qe ceft prefent orde~ naunce les ditz artificers concernant eftoife et foit en fon force auxi longement come y plerra a noftre Seignur le Roy. Purveu auxi qe ne ceft ordenaunce et acte ne null autre ordenaunce ou acte fait ou affaire en ceft pre- fent parlement extende ne ne foit prejudiciall on damageous a Robert Stillyngton clerk dean del franc chapell du Roy de feint Martyn graunt de Loundres ne a fes fucceffours du dit chapell enapres pur le temps efteantz en afcun manere ne a le dit Robert deane et chapitre de mefme la chapell come en et pur toutz maners privileges libertees fraunchifes droites et cuftumes as eux apperteignauntz en afcun manere devaunt mefme cefty parlement ne al af- cune perfone ou perfones demurantz ou enhabi- tantzou qe enapres demurontou enhabitront deina la feintuarie et procinftde mefme la chapell et fpe- cialment deinz la venelle appelle communement- feint Martyna lane, CAP. V. What kind of Apparel Men and Women of every Vocation and Degree are allowed, and what prohibited to wear. See Appendix. Statutes made at Weftminfler, Anno 4 Edw. IV. and Anno Dom« . k UR Lord King Edwakd the Fourth after the Conqueft, at his Parliament fummoned _at Wejiminjler the Nine and twentieth Day of Aprils in the Third Year of his Reign, and by divers Prorogations and Adjournments continued till Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 6. OSTRE Seignur le Roy Edward puis le conqueft quart a fon parlement fummonez a Weftm' le xxix. jour dAprill Ian de fon reigne tierce & par diverfes prorogations & adjor- naments jufqes le xxj. jour de Janiver lan.de fon reigne 3