14 C. i. Anno quarto Edwardi IV. A. D. 1464. Lambs Wool], FJocks, or Corkj fhall not be put into Cloth but for certain Caufes. By 7 Ed. 4. c, 2. Flocks may be put into Cloth in the Hundreds of Lifton, Tavi- ftock, and Row- burgh in Devon. Cloths (ball per- fecidy purfue one Order of Work- manship. A Seal of Lead /hall be fet upon faul'y Cloth. Altered by 5 & 6 Ed. 6. c. 6. Cloth lawfully made ih.il I be fealed with a double Print in Lead. Altered by 17 Ed. 4. c. 5. Sealing of Cloth ^vhich is lefs than a whole Cloth, and long- er than a half Cloth. to the Rate, Form, and Nature of his whole Cloth aforefaid. (z) And that no Perlon which fhall make, or caufe to be made, any Woollen Cloth to fell after the faid Feafts, fhall mingle, or put in or upon the the fame Cloth, nor the Wooll whereof the faid Cloth fhall be made, any Lambs Wooll, Flocks, or Cork, in any Manner, upon Pain to forfeit xxs. for every Cloth or half Cloth, wherein or whereupon any fuch Lambs Wooll, Flocks, or Cork, fhall be put or mingled ; (3) the one Half thereof to be to the King, and the other Half to him that will feife the fame Cloth, and duly prove the fame to be made contrary to this Ordinance : (4) But it fhall be law- ful for him to make Cloth of Lambs Wooll by itfelf, without mingling with any other Wooll ; (5) ex- cept alfo that Cork may be ufed in dying upon woaded Wooll, and alfo in dying of all fuch Cloth that is only made of woaded Wooll, fo that the fame Wooll and Cloth be perfectly boiled and ma- dered ; except alfo, that Cork may be put upon Cloth which is perfectly boiled and madered.' ' V. And it is ordained and enacted, That every of the faid Cloths and half Cloths fhall perfectly and rightly purfue and follow one Order of Workman- fhip from one End to the other, without Difference in the weaving, fulling, knotting, or burling; (zj and in cafe any fuch Difference, or Raw or Skaw Cokel or Fagge happen to be in any Part of the faid Cloths, Streits, or Kerfeys, that then a Seal of Lead therefore ordained, and by the Treafurer of England for the time being provided, fhall be fet and hanged in the loweft Part of the Edge of the fame Cloth, Streit, or Kerfey, for perfect Knowledge to be had to the Buyer thereof. (3) And that every of the faid Cloths, Streit, and Kerfey of the Length and Breadth aforefaid, and alfo of the faid Perfection, fhall be from the Feaft of Saint Peter ad Vinculo fealed at the End of the fame with a double Print in Lead, de- vifed and ordained by the faid Treafurer, in Tefti- mony and Witnefs of the forefaid true Length, Breadth, and Making. (4) And if any of the fore- faid Cloths, Streits, or Kerfeys, do not contain the forefaid Length and Breadth, or be not of the perfect Workmanfhip aforefaid, and the two Parts of the fame Cloths, Streits, or Kerfeys, be of the true and perfect Workmanfhip aforefaid, keeping their faid Length and Breadth, that then every fuch Cloth, Streit, and Kerfey fhall be fealed with the faid Seals in the Form aforefaid. (5) And that every half Cloth containing greater Length than the half Cloth, and lefs Length than the whole Cloth, of the Sorts of the Cloths aforefaid, being of the fame perfect Workmanfhip and Breadth, fhall be fealed with a Seal printed in Lead, having a Mark differing from both the Seals aforefaid, in Teftimony and Witnefs of the true Length, Breadth, and making of the half Cloth. (6) And if any Woollen Cloth of any Sorts of the Cloths before recited, perfectly made, and having Breadth after the Sort before limited, con- taining Three Yards and an Half, or more or lefs than the half Cloth, be put to Sale after the faid Feaft ; the fame Cloth fhall be fealed with a Seal printed in Lead, having a Mark differing from any of the faid Seals, for a Knowledge to be had of the Default of the half Cloth; (-) the faid Seals to be devifed and ordained by the faid Treafurer, and to be put at the End of every of the half Cloths, and Cloths lefs than half Cloths. (8) Alfo by the Ad- Ex Rot. In Turr. Lond. tier drap avauntdit. Et qe nulle perfone qe ferra ou affaire ferra afcun rr.anere drap lanuz au vend a le dit feft melle ou mette en ou fur mefme le drap ne en la leine dont le dit drap ferra fait afcune leine dagnell flokkes feu ou cork en afcun manere fur peine de forfeiture dexxs. pur chefcun drap ou dimi drap en quell ou fur quell afcun tiel laine dag- nell flokkes feu ou cork ferra ou ferront mis ou mellez lune moite ent de remainer a Roy & lautre moite ent a celuy qi feifera afcun tiel drap & due- ment provera icell eftre fait contrarie a ceft orde- naunce Forfprife qil lffera de faire du laine dagnell par luy mefme faunz afcune commixtion ovefqe afcune autre laine Forfprife auxi qe cork poet effre ufee en tinclure fur laine waidez et auxi en tinfture de tout tiel drap qeft tantfoulement fait de laine waidez iffint qe melmes les laine et drap foient par~ fitement coictz et maderez Forfprife auxi qe cork poet effre mife fur drap qe eft parfitement coidte et madere. Auxi ordeignez eft et eftablie qe chefcun de les ditz draps et dimi draps purfue et fue parfitement et droitment une ordre doveraigne parmy a une fine jufqes lautre faunz diverfite en texture fullure knot- tyng ou burlyng et en cas qe afcune autiel diverfite ou rawe fkawe cokell ou fagge aveigne deftre en afcun part des ditz draps ftreites ou kerfeies qe adonqes une feale de plumb pur icell ordeigner et par le Treforer dEngleterre pur le temps efteant avifer foit mis et pende en lextreme part del mar- gine de mefme le drap ftreite ou kerieie pur coig- nifaunce et entendement deftre euez a lachatour dicell et qe chefcun de les ditz draps ftreite et ker- feie de longeure etlaeure avauntditz et auxi del per- fection fuifdit foit a le feft de feint Peere ladvincle enfeale al fine dicell ovec une double print en plumb par le dit Treforer femblement devifer et ordeigner en tefmoigne et recorde de les avauntditz foiall longeur laeure et perfection. Et fi afcun des a- vauntditz draps ftreites ou kerfeis ne conteigne mie lavauntditz laeur et longeur ou ne foit mie del per- fit overaigne avauntdit et les deux parties des mef- mes les draps ftreites ou kerfeies foien del verrai et perfit overaigne avauntdit gardauntz les ditz longeure et laeure qe adonqes chefcun tiel drap ftreite et kerfeie foit enfeale ove les avauntditz f a s en la fourme avauntdit. Et qe chefcun dimi dr.p & drap conteignaunt greindre longeur qe le dimi drap & meindre longeur qe lender drap de les for-' tes des draps avauntditz efteantz del perfit ove-' rargne & laeur avauntditz foit enfeale oveqe une feale emprefFez en plumb eiant figne different a lune & lautre des ditz feales en tefmoigne & re- corde de verraiz longeur laeur & perfection de dimi drap. Et fi afcun drap lanuz dafcun de les fortts de les draps avaunt recites parfitment fait & eiai t laeur folonc fon forte avaunt limitc-s conteignaui t trois aulnes & dimi on plus meins qe le dimi drap foit mis a vend apres le dit feft qe mefme le drap foit enfeale ovec une feale emprelTez en plumle eiant figne difl'erente a chefcuny de les ditz feaies pur coignifaunce deftre eue del defau'e de dimi drap les ditz feales a eftre devifez & ordeignez par le dit Treforer & eftre mis al fine de chefcun de les dimi draps & draps meindres qe dimi draps. Auxi prr ladvis affent Si auciorite fuifditz ordeignez eft Sc eftablie qe le Treforer dEngleterre pur le temps efteant
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